Anyone collect board games? Just babbling about them.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Waiting for my copy to arrive.

I suspect there are better dungeon crawls, and games in general, but....Dark Souls.

I passed. most videogame IP to boardgame conversions feel forced. There are some exceptions, but i typically wait and see.
From what i've seen from my preferred reviewers, it is punishing like the game, and that doesnt translate to a great BG experience. YMMV if you strongly like the IP.


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
Has anyone here tried that Dark Souls board game? They're doing another run of those soon and I've been curious. Although everyone I know is boring and doesn't play board games...

I really wish I had known about that when it was on kickstart. I'm a HUGE DS fan... Now it's being sold on eBay for quadruple the kickstart cost.

Has anyone noticed there's a Bloodborne card game? It's rated well, but it's hard for me to get 3 players. If only it was solitare, and 2 player.

Average Joe

Calmer than you are.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
I really wish I had known about that when it was on kickstart. I'm a HUGE DS fan... Now it's being sold on eBay for quadruple the kickstart cost.

Has anyone noticed there's a Bloodborne card game? It's rated well, but it's hard for me to get 3 players. If only it was solitare, and 2 player.

I own the Bloodborne game and I think it's great for what it is, but I wouldn't pay more than $20-25 for it.

Definitely captures the feel of the game fairly well and is super quick to learn/play. You can play a few rounds and move onto something heavier, which you should, as the biggest problem with the game is that there isn't much to it after you've played a handful of times--it begs for an expansion for sure.


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
First spring project was a board game shelf. I have a sub-shelf built for the top shelf that will essentially cut it in half and allow for (2) rows of 8" or less games to be stacked vertical. Front row on current shelf, back row elevated 8" and set back 6". I'll install it when I install the trim work. I haven't decided if i'm going to anchor it to the wall or not. Originally I was going to just for safety (so it doesn't fall forward on a kid climbing up or something) but it came out pretty darn square and level and really doesn't move too much - falling forward seems really unlikely given the friction on top board and ceiling drywall. I'm sure i'll end up putting in (2) 4" safety screws for peace of mind, but I won't anchor to each stud at multiple points like I originally planned.

Behold - potato cam pics:




Construction details:

(8) 2x12x8' construction boards - $64
(1) 1lb box 4" construction screws - $6 (half remains)
(2) 2x4x8' studs (for base) - $4
(1) can Ipswich Pine stain - $13 (half remains)
(1) can Minwax semi-gloss polyurethane - $26 (half remains)
TOTAL COST: $113 with quite a bit of useable materials left over

Cut base from 2x4's - 6' across, 1' deep - screw/glue up
Cut rails just under 7' (install in lower level, 7' ceilings)
Cut (1) header
Cut (5) shelves
Sand all boards (construction lumber is cheap, but not gorgeous - worth the time to sand it down)
Stain / sand / stain / stain
Poly / sand / poly / sand / poly / sand / poly


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Damn sonny, you want to come my new place and build some custom shelves??
Most shelving doesn't hold up to the weight of boardgames. You concerned with any of that bowing in the middle?


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
Damn sonny, you want to come my new place and build some custom shelves??
Most shelving doesn't hold up to the weight of boardgames. You concerned with any of that bowing in the middle?

Oh, definitely not with this setup. The shelves are 2x12, most is 1x10 or 1x12. I've done quite a few built-ins and bookcases - on some projects using 1x over 2x will get you a full additional row worth of "height" saved, so it's worth considering, though you'll need to put in vertical supports or cleats. I've done a few of those as well, and you def need those supports or you would have sag.

For this, a 6' span across and a (high) estimate of 25lbs per foot (it's probably closer to 12-15lbs) - the sag on 2by spruce is 0.01" (which is considered negligible, you don't even consider supports until over 0.02"). Now, for strength comparison, if this wood were 1 by, so literally half the thickness, it would be 7x weaker and would require vertical supports - the sag on that would be 0.10".

tl;dr - no concerns at all, but anytime I build, I confirm what I think I know by running it through a sagulator (sag calculator):
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Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
Had some pretty good luck at the thrift shops recently.

Got two Reiner Knizia games in two weeks. Samurai for $3, an excellent tile laying game about capturing pieces on a map by surrounding them with 'influence' points. Works well with just two, need to play a few 3-4 player. Lord of the Rings for $3, a co-op game about getting your hobbits to Mt. Doom to destroy the one ring. Haven't had a chance to try this one out yet, seems good though.

Next, got a copy of King of Tokyo for $4, something fun to play with a more casual group that I just never bothered to buy. Plus for an additional $3 I got two KoT expansions, Power Up! and Halloween.

Found a new art copy of Pandemic for $5, even though I already have the old art version, this was a nice find because I would have needed it eventually to buy any of the newer expansions anyway.

Lastly, got to play a couple rounds on a friends copy of Mechs vs. Minions. Not sure I'd pay the entry price but it was a fun enough experience.


Haomaru's Blade Shiner
Mar 24, 2007
Such a steal on Samurai! I payed near $100 for a copy before the fantasy flight reprint. That's one of my favorites along with tigris and euphrates, also by Knizia. 4 player samurai with all the islands is awesome.


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
I picked up a few games this week. Darks Souls, Friday, and Mage Knight. Looking for some solo action. Hopefully they are fun, I've heard good things about mage knight, but dark souls is still new.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
It has been a long few days at Geekway to the West convention. Managed to play so many new games for once.
Wildlife, Kerala, Terraforming Mars, Mechs vs Minions, Royals, and tons of party games like Spyfall.

I've been taken time lapse vids of most games.
Here's my friend and I learning to play the new Blood Bowl in about 2 hours down to 60 seconds time-lapse.!AseVuhI7mA1ivQf7KWWZvI-p78Lv
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Average Joe

Calmer than you are.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
I picked up a few games this week. Darks Souls, Friday, and Mage Knight. Looking for some solo action. Hopefully they are fun, I've heard good things about mage knight, but dark souls is still new.

Mage Knight is one of the best--so good.


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
Such a steal on Samurai! I payed near $100 for a copy before the fantasy flight reprint. That's one of my favorites along with tigris and euphrates, also by Knizia. 4 player samurai with all the islands is awesome.

Samurai was definitely a keeper. I grab lots of things from the thrifts that might only get a play or two before I try to sell them off, however this one is going to see a lot more play than that. I have heard great stuff about Tigris and Euphrates as well, never had a chance to play it though.

Got a couple LotR plays in this weekend with two players and I am not really feeling it. Too bad because co-ops are the easiest way to get my wife playing, but this one is just kind of dull.

LotR might hit the trade/sell pile after another try with a larger group.

Other than that, wife and I hit a rough spot with Pandemic Legacy and lost both of our games in May. Hoping to right the ship in June.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Yeah, I absolutely fell off the LoTR game. I wanted to get into the meta deck building, but i just couldn't enjoy the 7-10 phase turn-cycles. Far too complicated for casual.
I have only dipped my toes into Arkham Horror card game, but i haven't heard a bad thing yet.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
I have been favoring Cooperative games quite heavily the last year. Not sure why. I think it's because they offer a stronger narrative, and they are often much harder to win.

About 1/3 of the way done with Mechs vs Minions. Absolutely love this game. You will NOT find another boardgame with so much production value for $75. It only has 10 core missions, but i would play it again any time. It plays like a legacy campaign, but you could easily jump in at any mission.

I did decide to jump full into Arkham LCG. ..another co-op game. I've been wanting to get back into an LCG after Netrunner peaked, and i'm hoping this has the longevity of LoTR LCG. I think this will be a much better decision than Star Wars Destiny in the long run. I'm an addict when it comes to collectible games, and I've managed to avoid all things Destiny despite my friends. One of them is well over $1000 into that game already. Of course he rambles about the value of this card and that, but nothing has ever come close to value retention in the CCG market like Magic. The closest thing is Pokemon, how sad is that?

My painting desk is finally up after a move, and i'm gonna pick back up on Mansions of Madness mini's after i speed paint about 50 zombies. Will post pics of progress.


15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
I went to the Origins game festival last sat for the 1st time ever. Wow! It was pretty insane. It was basically an entire city block. Bunch of guys hunched over tables with measuring sticks. Lots of fun games to play, and an overwhelming amount of games for sale. Met Tom Vassel and talked to him for awhile.

Went for Gloomhaven, but no dice. Ended up picking up Glass Road, Onirim, Ticket to Ride Nordic, and a fun looking game called paradox i bought on a whim

Haven't tested them all yet, but Onirim is especially good. Really great solo card game where you have to unlock 8 doors using various methods to escape a dream before the deck runs out.


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
Sneth - looking forward to the mini pics. We did a few from "The Others" recently - they aren't amazing, but we're happy with them. Lots of larger detailed high quality stuff as the norm from CMON.

Our board gaming always slows in the summer - haven't done much lately, mostly light stuff. A few rounds of "Hive Mind", a very cheap, very simple to explain word game that is fun every time.

We played Terra and America from Bezier Games - both are fun, they are trivia games, Euro style. You get 3 actions and there are elements of area control, for a trivia game, this hits a lot of important things for board gamers.

We played EXIT: The Abandoned Cabin last week from Kosmos; in the "Escape Room" board game phenomenon. This series is harder than the spinmaster and thinkfun productions. Definitely recommend it and perfect for a group of 4. It plays up to 6, but that's probably too many. The puzzles were absolutely fun, creative, and difficult. It's a "one play" game, absolutely - you destroy about 1/4 of the cards as part of puzzle solving and you write on another 1/4. It took us 100 minutes on the nose and was fun throughout - highly recommend for $10 (


Camel Slug
10 Year Member
Apr 26, 2010
I'm going to GenCon this year with a few friends. Really looking forward to it.

Been playing a fuck ton of Gloomhaven and some Arcadia Quest: Inferno. Gloomhaven is great, but it takes so damn long to play. I guess we're on like our 18th scenario or so, and each scenario has been running around 3-4 hours, and I believe we still aren't even halfway through the game. Kingdom Death: Monster 1.5 is supposedly going to be shipping around the end of August. I was hoping we'd be able to have at least finished the main story in Gloomhaven before that drops, but I seriously doubt that will happen. Our most recent game of Gloomhaven was fantastic. We started out very poorly, then got really confident toward the end, and then our scenario win literally came down to the last attack card draw of +1. If that had been anything less, the next player's turn would have been a miss and we'd lose. It almost freaks me out how often it comes down to the wire in that game. There's no way it can be that intentional, but it happens pretty frequently.

I'm working on culling my collection down even further. I'm tired of boxes sitting on shelves and never being played, while at the same time, I'm considering picking up something new. Great Western Trail looks pretty good. My group has been going so hard on dungeon crawler style games for the past year that it'd be a pretty big change of pace for us.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
~5 weeks till GenCon.

The only thing I'm trying to snag myself is a copy of Wasteland Express Delivery Service. I waffled on the preorder, and now I'm regretting it.

***Anyhow. I'm actually wondering if anyone has some boardgame accessories they really love? Every year I make my friends going to GenCon gift bag/survival kit. Last year I hand made some engraved dice trays, but I'm a little behind this year. Looking for interesting snacks, gadgets, and Con survival gear, pocket games.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Heading out for Gencon 2017 tomorrow. It's only a 4 hour drive for me. We like to get the a few days early to get settled, and play some games. The map is quite large this year. Helps to get there a day early to see where people have set up.


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
I've been selling a few things I've been meaning to get rid of but had put off. Just backed a Flash Point expansion on Kickstarter and picked up a copy of Santorini at Target, trying to decide if I am going to commit to just buying Pandemic Legacy Season 2 when it is released or wait for a price drop/sale. Found a few things at some thrifts lately that were fun finds, a brand new 4th edition Catan for 4 bucks, Machi Koro for 2 bucks, and Escape the Room (one of those Escape Room board games I have wanted to try out) for 3 bucks.

Have fun at GenCon, would like to go some year. I'm always looking for Pandemic promos ;)

Also finally got a cheap used Ikea shelf to stack all my crap on. Sorry for the terrible phone pic.

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went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
We just did our 2nd escape room game; EXIT: The Secret Lab; it was...pretty good. I think 3-4 is the right number for these. We've played with 6 both times now and it's just too many, the weaker players are just going to sit in the background and sort of wait for the stronger players to get stuck and then maybe they get a chance to look at the card. If they included (6) booklets instead of (1) it would be so much better. Considering it's just a few pieces of cheap paper i'm surprised they don't do this - i'd gladly pay the extra $1-2 for this. At any rate, I do recommend, but don't do the full 6 like the box says.

San Francisco Cable Car is a fun one we've been playing - it's like Tsuro, but with more strategy and points. It also has a stock market option similar to Chicago Express that works well.

I really wanted to love Santorini and I do enjoy the uniqueness of it, but it just doesn't grab me like I thought it would. If I want a 2p h2h strategy game, I prefer Onitama or Blood of Englishmen - or even Stratego or Go! I appreciate the effort and Roxley has great production value (see Steampunk Rally), but this one was a minor letdown for me. I will be keeping it though - it's unique enough that it's worth having.


Not Average Joe., Not Average Homeowner., Not Aver
15 Year Member
Oct 31, 2005
Heading out for Gencon 2017 tomorrow. It's only a 4 hour drive for me. We like to get the a few days early to get settled, and play some games. The map is quite large this year. Helps to get there a day early to see where people have set up.

I'll be up there tomorrow night, though only plan on staying for opening day and coming home late Thursday night. Should be a pretty good time.


Raiden's Valet
10 Year Member
Jul 6, 2013
I just ordered Pocket Dungeon Quest. I'm interested to see how it plays. I like the small portable size. I was also considering grabbing Ultra-Tiny Epic Kingdoms.


Chat rnoderator
20 Year Member
Dec 1, 2002
We just did our 2nd escape room game; EXIT: The Secret Lab; it was...pretty good. I think 3-4 is the right number for these. We've played with 6 both times now and it's just too many, the weaker players are just going to sit in the background and sort of wait for the stronger players to get stuck and then maybe they get a chance to look at the card. If they included (6) booklets instead of (1) it would be so much better. Considering it's just a few pieces of cheap paper i'm surprised they don't do this - i'd gladly pay the extra $1-2 for this. At any rate, I do recommend, but don't do the full 6 like the box says.

San Francisco Cable Car is a fun one we've been playing - it's like Tsuro, but with more strategy and points. It also has a stock market option similar to Chicago Express that works well.

I really wanted to love Santorini and I do enjoy the uniqueness of it, but it just doesn't grab me like I thought it would. If I want a 2p h2h strategy game, I prefer Onitama or Blood of Englishmen - or even Stratego or Go! I appreciate the effort and Roxley has great production value (see Steampunk Rally), but this one was a minor letdown for me. I will be keeping it though - it's unique enough that it's worth having.

Thanks for the tips on the Escape Room stuff, I had already been reading that the one I found was one of the easier ones, it says 3-8 on the box, but wife and I were thinking about trying it with just the two of us. I can see how having too large of a group would end up with some people just sitting idle for long stretches.


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Jan 22, 2013
Got a few games in with Sol: Last Days of a Star. You escape the solar system by blowing up the sun. :)

It' like a human psychology experiment, in that you can get a lot of momentum (points used to escape) without causing all that much damage, but greed pushes everyone to rush and cause doomsday sooner than needed. No dice, simple orbital mechanics, worker placement, resource management, and special abilities that change every game to keep it fresh. Planning several turns in advance is key. Very cool game.
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