I received both Neo BT and Retro Scaler's BlueRetro blue tooth adapter to use with the neo geo wireless controller. Though I don't have specialized equipment to measure the latency, I do "feel" the Retro Scaler's adapter have just a tiny tiny tiny more latency than Neo BT, but it's still quite good for $18 shipped from aliexpress / china. Hard to measure the "feel" as well since most neo games have slow downs on top of the my flat screen TV and framemeister's inherent input lag. I would say both products are pretty good though but I only used it with neo geo wireless controller, which I imagine what most people will be using here. Below are some product comparison.
Neo BT
- $54 shipped from SAG, really pricey for an adapter. Though on Humble Bazooka's website, a portion of the sales goes to the creator of this open sourced technology.
- It only comes shipped in a tiny zip lock bag with a QR sticker code for instruction manual. Prefer to come with some type of package to store the adapter when not in use.
- The adapter is extremely well made for a 3D printed product.
- Easy to pair with neo wireless controller. Just plug the adapter in and press start on the controller.
- Fireware update through bluetooth connection with the hardware / console turned on. I haven't use this feature and can't really comment further on ease of use.
Retro Scaler BlueRetro
- $18 shipped from Aliexpress.
- Comes with a printed box and printed manual. I prefer something like this for easy storage of the adapter when not in use.
- The adapter is injection molded. The adapter do comes with a dongle to connect the adapter to your system as some said the adapter itself is too wide to fit into the system directly. The adapter fits perfectly into my Omega CMVS without the use of the dongle. I'm waiting to get my newly moded AES back from Xian Xi and will report back if the dongle is required for the AES.
- Easy to pair with neo wireless controller. Just plug the adapter in and press start on the controller.
- Fireware update through usb-c connection from adapter to PC. I haven't use this feature and can't really comment further on ease of use.
- As discussed prior, the adapter "feels" it has more latency then Neo BT but this can be up for debate as I have no equipment to test nor do I know how to test other than the "feel" during gaming.
So which product I would recommend? Tough to say at the moment without further testing on the latency between the two product as I know the quality of bluetooth hardware technology varies. Perhaps people with both adapters can chime in as well.
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