Switched: How Nintendo Won Me Back


The Wonder Years,
Mar 4, 2001
Let me preface this by saying I have not bought a game system in nearly 12 years. In fact, for the last 12 years I would say 95% of my game playing has been via the SNES. I don't hate "modern" games. I just never cared enough to buy the systems and thus, I missed out on most games released in the past 12-15 years.

And honestly, I never thought I would ever buy another system ever again.

The Nintendo Switch recently changed all of that.

I've had it for two weeks now and have devoted around 15 hours into The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and I am freaking blown away. I've only played it portable thus far and it's the only Switch game I've allowed myself to play so far. But I have also bought six other Switch games in the past two weeks. The Sinister Six being:

1. Doom ($53)
2. Rayman Legends ($25)
3. Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 ($40)
4. Lego City Undercover ($20)
5. Resident Evil Revelations Collection ($30)
6. Axiom Verge ($27)

My first game, Breath of the Wild, was an early Christmas gift given by my brother, and my girlfriend is getting me Super Mario Odyssey for Christmas.

And I haven't even explored the eShop yet, but I know I want to eventually buy titles such as The Mummy Demastered, Golf Story, Stardew Valley, Slain: Back From Hell, the Metal Slug trilogy, all those other Neo Geo classics, Blaster Master Zero, Sonic Mania and the list goes on and on. God damn, not enough time and not enough money. I haven't been this excited about game playing and collecting in a long time. I still love my SNES but the Switch is fast moving into second place for favorite consoles, knocking the Sega Saturn off its perch. With 2018 looking very promising and depending on how the following years go, it's even possible that the Switch may bump the SNES to #2 (when all is said and done).

I love the portability of the thing. It's allowed me to do simple things like playing in bed while the GF reads a book. It's just different from both of you doing the same activities on the couch. It doesn't have the same feel or zest. Kind of hard/weird to explain, but I'm sure you get my drift. I plan to travel more next year and can definitely see where playing this on the plane or back at the hotel at the end of a long exhausting day would be extremely appealing. Honestly, if the Switch were SOLELY a "play it on the TV" kind of console, I might not have been so keen on picking one up. As I get older, life gets busier and busier and I find it harder to plop myself down in front of a TV to play video games for a good length of time. The Switch somehow makes me WANT to play. I can jump right back in with the Sleep Mode and play a Breath of the Wild in bed for 15 minutes before sleeping. It's so convenient and Nintendo has truly outdone themselves this time.

Anyway, I could keep rambling on but Hyrule calls. For anyone who wants to read my way too long Switch story, you can check it out here:


If anyone has recently "made the switch" (sorry) over to the Switch as well, I'd love to read about your own experience!

Also, I'd like to hear from those who still don't have a Switch or those on the fence. What's stopping you from getting one? Do you plan to get one eventually? Take it from a stubborn "one system man" of nearly 12 years, the Switch is more than cheat-worthy :P


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
Let me preface this by saying I have not bought a game system in nearly 12 years. In fact, for the last 12 years I would say 95% of my game playing has been via the SNES. I don't hate "modern" games. I just never cared enough to buy the systems and thus, I missed out on most games released in the past 12-15 years.

And honestly, I never thought I would ever buy another system ever again.

The Nintendo Switch recently changed all of that.

I've had it for two weeks now and have devoted around 15 hours into The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and I am freaking blown away. I've only played it portable thus far and it's the only Switch game I've allowed myself to play so far. But I have also bought six other Switch games in the past two weeks. The Sinister Six being:

1. Doom ($53)
2. Rayman Legends ($25)
3. Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 ($40)
4. Lego City Undercover ($20)
5. Resident Evil Revelations Collection ($30)
6. Axiom Verge ($27)

My first game, Breath of the Wild, was an early Christmas gift given by my brother, and my girlfriend is getting me Super Mario Odyssey for Christmas.

And I haven't even explored the eShop yet, but I know I want to eventually buy titles such as The Mummy Demastered, Golf Story, Stardew Valley, Slain: Back From Hell, the Metal Slug trilogy, all those other Neo Geo classics, Blaster Master Zero, Sonic Mania and the list goes on and on. God damn, not enough time and not enough money. I haven't been this excited about game playing and collecting in a long time. I still love my SNES but the Switch is fast moving into second place for favorite consoles, knocking the Sega Saturn off its perch. With 2018 looking very promising and depending on how the following years go, it's even possible that the Switch may bump the SNES to #2 (when all is said and done).

I love the portability of the thing. It's allowed me to do simple things like playing in bed while the GF reads a book. It's just different from both of you doing the same activities on the couch. It doesn't have the same feel or zest. Kind of hard/weird to explain, but I'm sure you get my drift. I plan to travel more next year and can definitely see where playing this on the plane or back at the hotel at the end of a long exhausting day would be extremely appealing. Honestly, if the Switch were SOLELY a "play it on the TV" kind of console, I might not have been so keen on picking one up. As I get older, life gets busier and busier and I find it harder to plop myself down in front of a TV to play video games for a good length of time. The Switch somehow makes me WANT to play. I can jump right back in with the Sleep Mode and play a Breath of the Wild in bed for 15 minutes before sleeping. It's so convenient and Nintendo has truly outdone themselves this time.

Anyway, I could keep rambling on but Hyrule calls. For anyone who wants to read my way too long Switch story, you can check it out here:


If anyone has recently "made the switch" (sorry) over to the Switch as well, I'd love to read about your own experience!

Also, I'd like to hear from those who still don't have a Switch or those on the fence. What's stopping you from getting one? Do you plan to get one eventually? Take it from a stubborn "one system man" of nearly 12 years, the Switch is more than cheat-worthy :P

Yea, the Switch is Ok. I have one but I don't think it's ground breaking. It's cool that you could take games on the go and get home, dock it and play on the big screen. Haven't played Zelda which was released on the WII U or Mario Odyssey and I heard they are both great but Axiom Verge has been out for a long time and it seems that people are only talking about it now that it's on the Switch. Rather play the Ps4 or Xb1 but the Switch isn't a bad console. I just don't get the whole Nintendo Switch Hype thing.


I also Noticed that Doom, Rayman, and RE Revelations have been released for awhile. What makes these games so special on the switch? I own a switch and own some of these games and really want to know what's the difference?
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Chin's Bartender
20 Year Member
Oct 4, 2001
Yeah, I love mine.

My last console was a PS3 and I've been playing on PC exclusively since then. I was only passively interested in the Switch and had no intention of getting one at launch, but I happened to be up late and surfing around when Amazon put their listing online, so I said to hell with it and preordered one along with BotW. It arrived on launch day and I spent the next couple months putting over 200 hours into it. Just loved it from start to finish. And now the second part of the DLC is out, so I'm looking forward to diving back in during my time off in a few weeks.

The quality of the hardware is great and I love that I can play on my TV or lean back in a comfy chair with headphones. I haven't traveled with it yet, but plan to take it with me when visiting family during the holidays. It did take a bit of getting used to the downgrade in graphics (I have a 34" 3440x1440 ultrawide monitor on my gaming PC and have gotten used to 60fps minimum), but BotW is beautiful despite the lower resolution thanks to some wonderful art direction and it wasn't an issue for long.

There's definitely something fun and exciting about the Switch that gives it a personality I haven't felt since the Genesis/SNES days. It's got its own vibe and I really enjoy it.

Also purchased:

- Mario Kart 8
- Super Mario Odyssey
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (waiting on this until after I finish the BotW DLC)
- Chess Ultra

ChuChu Flamingo

We have purposely, trained him wrong, ...as a joke
10 Year Member
Nov 23, 2010
its ok, but imagine if the Switch was what the WII U was supposed to be in a different timeline. I think it would've been a home run hit just like the wii.

Can you imagine how much cooler it would've been five years ago to have this experience?
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Average Joe

Be water, my friend.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
this thing is like Steam Jr. with triple A Nintendo titles and I love it

I bought mine on a whim since I happened to see a few in stock at a Target a couple of months after its release and it’s turned into the console I’ve played the most in years (I don’t game nearly as much as I used to)

handheld mode is way more viable an option than I thought before using one, but the title still dictates how I will play the system since it can be a little cumbersome in handheld for certain games and the more graphic-heavy games suck the battery fairly quick

so far I’ve gone through:

Breath of The Wild
Mario Odyssey
Resident Evil Revelations 1&2
Mario Kart 8
Snipperclips (girlfriend co-op game)
Shovel Knight Treasure Trove
Shantae Half Genie Hero
Has-Been Heroes
Iron Clad
Stardew Valley
Steamworld Dig 2

this little thing has me sold quite thoroughly on the indie titles alone


15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
So you shunned the last 10-15 years and you're blown away, sounds about right.


Chin's Bartender
20 Year Member
Oct 4, 2001
this thing is like Steam Jr. with triple A Nintendo titles and I love it


this little thing has me sold quite thoroughly on the indie titles alone

This. I have a ton of relatively cheap indie titles on my eShop wishlist to fill the spaces between AAA releases, meanwhile my $$$$ gaming rig is getting less and less playtime.


Friend me on Facebook!,
20 Year Member
Aug 13, 2001
The Switch is cool but the games you listed are better on virtually every other platform.

I can see people loving Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2 (sorry, BoTW and MK8 are already on WiiU), but subpar ports are not the reason to own a Switch unless you really need to play them on the go.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
The Switch is cool but the games you listed are better on virtually every other platform.

I can see people loving Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2 (sorry, BoTW and MK8 are already on WiiU), but subpar ports are not the reason to own a Switch unless you really need to play them on the go.

I agree. Unless your a person who loves to play games on the go, I don't see what's the big deal. I enjoyed it for a few weeks playing Ultra SF which is a slightly better version of HDR, a game that was released years ago.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
The Switch is cool but the games you listed are better on virtually every other platform.

I can see people loving Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Xenoblade 2 (sorry, BoTW and MK8 are already on WiiU), but subpar ports are not the reason to own a Switch unless you really need to play them on the go.

:lolz: Right? They've got me with Bayonetta 2 & 3. But inferior ports aren't a good reason to love the Switch.


NAM-75 Vet
10 Year Member
Mar 9, 2012
Glad you are enjoying it. It is nice to see a Nintendo system get so much support right out the gate. Having games available on other systems already isn't the greatest thing for most, but it is a great thing for those just getting caught up with modern gaming. Hope the good times keep rolling


I asked for a, Custom Rank and, Learned My Lesson.
15 Year Member
Oct 3, 2005
I bought a Switch and it's pretty good. I don't care for any of its headline features - I'm never going to take it out in portable mode, I haven't noticed the "HD rumble", and I loathe motion controls. That said, it's a competent piece of hardware with some decent games and a nice controller (the Pro Controller, of course, not the awful Joy-Cons). I'm excited to play things like Pokemon and some 2D Zelda without cramping over a tiny screen. The combined output of all Nintendo's software teams (and their satellite developers like GF, HAL, etc) is easily enough to justify buying a console, even if the third-party publishers and indies weren't on board.

Also, it's worth mentioning that the online service is terrible. Like, PS2-era terrible. It doesn't even stack up to where XBL was 15 years ago. They still don't give a shit and, honestly, neither do I.


Obsessed Neo-Fan
15 Year Member
Aug 11, 2003
I don't get all the Nintendo hype about the Switch, and how it's already considered a "great" console.

Yes the switch has a nice design, I actually love it.

But the library is still lacking, and that's where it really counts.

Axiom verge is great, but been done so many times.

Mario Odyssey is good, but over-hyped. It's not the holy grail of game design.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2... I plan to get it. Looks promising.

Skyrim - Portability is great, but still just a port.

Doom - Another Port. Great game, but not unique in any way.

I am Setsuna - Great game, but not amazing by any means.

Breath of the Wild - Yeah it's amazing, but it alone can't carry the console into gaming history.

The other physical releases in my opinion look completely boring. Yes Splatoon sucks.

We still need more BOTW quality releases. The PS4 had quite the head start, but it's destroying everything as far as quality titles are concerned. It will go down as one of the best consoles ever. There's more stuff being released, than there is time in one life. Solid, exclusive titles, made for adults.

Frankly, I'm concerned if the Switch will have another year as good as this one was. The 2018 releases list looks horrible. The Switch has a LONG WAY to go before I would consider it a great console. We need about 20 more games that are close to BOTW quality to even be a fraction as far as the PS4 has come.

@ Steve - I'm just stating how I feel about the console. I'm just glad you are happy and gaming.
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Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I don't get all the Nintendo hype about the Switch, and how it's already considered a "great" console.

You know the Deal Greedo. It's Nintendo and anything Nintendo is pretty much always hyped.

If Sony or Microsoft made a similar device with better performance and PSN/XBL game library, it still would be 2nd fiddle to the Switch. It's just the way it is. Almost everything Nintendo Releases automatically turns to gold. I'm not hating on Nintendo or the Switch, just saying.
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Kid Panda

The Chinese Kid
Jun 13, 2010
The biggest problem is if MS or Sony made a console like this, it would be overpowered yes, but also be 700 bucks. I really thought the Wii-U was gonna be the Switch to be honest but they really dropped the ball on it. Years ago, I always told my friends, "I would be willing to take a hit on performance to have a system that could work in portable mode and also hook to a TV, you gotta start somewhere." Sony almost had it with the PSP, but like many things they just dumped it instead of pushing it. It seems most people always focus on the power of the system and not what it really does, I really think 2018 will be the last year of the 3DS and if Nintendo was smart, the Switch would just be a stepping stone in a long line of systems that are designed with portability in mind.


ng.com SFII tournament winner 2002-2023
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
I'm interested in this thread a lot. I've been struggling with motivation to play for years now, jumping from one idea to the next, hoping it will fire something up. The reality is I need it served up on a plate for me to choose gaming over my other "hobbies" (ng.com name calling, sitting up while my children vomit, worrying about money) and this could be the answer, it sounds like OP has gone through the same thing.

I haven't played a new game in earnest since SF4 on xbox 360 so power doesn't mean shit to me - it'll look good to my graphically starved eyes I'm sure.

Picking one up in the new year sales.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
The biggest problem is if MS or Sony made a console like this, it would be overpowered yes, but also be 700 bucks. I really thought the Wii-U was gonna be the Switch to be honest but they really dropped the ball on it. Years ago, I always told my friends, "I would be willing to take a hit on performance to have a system that could work in portable mode and also hook to a TV, you gotta start somewhere." Sony almost had it with the PSP, but like many things they just dumped it instead of pushing it. It seems most people always focus on the power of the system and not what it really does, I really think 2018 will be the last year of the 3DS and if Nintendo was smart, the Switch would just be a stepping stone in a long line of systems that are designed with portability in mind.

I feel you bro, I think $700 would be unrealistic but $400-500 would be more in the range I would expect from Sony or MS. If they cranked out a better portable and home system that would run most of what the Switch is running right now plus some really good exclusive stuff with better hardware and more features it would still fail.


Been There., Done That., It Was Shit.,
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2007
Switch is the perfect console for me. Hands-down my favorite modern system. Steve absolutely hit the nail on the head, and I share a similar experience with my wife.

I only have one modern HD TV in my house. Not a money thing, just a conscious decision to scale back since we try not to watch TV now that I have 2 kids. My wife doesn't care for games at all...but after they sleep we can still snuggle up on the sofa and she can watch what she wants on TV and I can play my games in handheld mode. And docked mode is always an option.

I have a small man-cave where I keep an old CRT and have my SNES, NES, Megadrive, and Neo hooked up...but honestly I have no desire to sit in a room by myself playing games in isolation. I much prefer spending some quality time w/ my honey bunny on the couch and getting my gaming and cuddling on simultaneously.

I also have a 2 hour commute on the train every day (1 hour each way), so its been awesome for that as well.

I got rid of my PS4 awhile ago in anticipation of getting a PS4 Pro...but I didn't miss it at all so have yet to pull the trigger on a Pro. Doing the same with my Xbone, but really have no desire for the X yet either.


Chin's Bartender
20 Year Member
Oct 4, 2001
A more powerful portable system made by MS or Sony would weigh 5 pounds and have 20 minutes of battery life. There are hard engineering limits to a portable console because of battery size, CPU/GPU speed, heat dissipation, etc.

Nintendo didn't have to build a portable console to compete with MS and Sony; they were only competing with themselves. It's actually a technical feat to get a game like BotW running on a portable that's $299 all-in. I was expecting the hardware to feel a lot cheaper/flimsier based on the price and was pleasantly surprised, and a 720p screen is fine at typical portable viewing distances. They struck the right balance across the board.

Nintendo executed brilliantly on their hardware, software, and marketing, and they're raking in the cash because of it. I'm glad because they were one more mediocre console away from being Sega.


Windjammers Wonder
10 Year Member
Jun 1, 2009
Nintendo never lost me as they did others. As for the switch, I enjoy mine quite a bit. I've gone back to primarily PC as my main platform. I can now get my Nintendo fix and not have it split across 2 devices. It was always a pain, for me, to play a game on the 3ds when I would have much rather played it on WiiU. The switch in handheld mode is finally big enough for me to play for more than 20 minutes, so taking it with me for visiting family is now an option.


Friend me on Facebook!,
20 Year Member
Aug 13, 2001
The attraction to Nintendo hardware is always tied to their IPs. MS/Sony can make the greatest portable/home systems, but without Mario/Zelda/Pokemon, they will never be hyped. You can't fight people's nostalgia and I will also admit that Nintendo knows how to make really really good games with special touches you don't typically see from other devs.

Also, Sony made Vita, which is an awesome system that can also play on TV (though a bit less easy than just docking). Heck, PSP can be played on TV via component cables. Too bad they don't have Nintendo games or else it would have sold like hotcakes.
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Whip's Subordinate
Oct 31, 2016
I enjoy the Switch, and play it daily before bed.
It is easy to grab, play a game or two, and then put it down.

Yes, you can do the same with the PSP, DS, etc., and games look better on PS4 and XBONE, but I prefer the screen size, and enjoy holding the system in my hand.

This thing reminds me of my high school years when I had a Nomad under my pillow, and would play games until I fell asleep.


J. Maximum Fan Club President
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2002
It's a faggots platform.

Let me preface this by saying I have not bought a game system in nearly 12 years. In fact, for the last 12 years I would say 95% of my game playing has been via the SNES. I don't hate "modern" games. I just never cared enough to buy the systems and thus, I missed out on most games released in the past 12-15 years.

And honestly, I never thought I would ever buy another system ever again.

The Nintendo Switch recently changed all of that.

I've had it for two weeks now and have devoted around 15 hours into The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, and I am freaking blown away. I've only played it portable thus far and it's the only Switch game I've allowed myself to play so far. But I have also bought six other Switch games in the past two weeks. The Sinister Six being:

1. Doom ($53)
2. Rayman Legends ($25)
3. Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 ($40)
4. Lego City Undercover ($20)
5. Resident Evil Revelations Collection ($30)
6. Axiom Verge ($27)

My first game, Breath of the Wild, was an early Christmas gift given by my brother, and my girlfriend is getting me Super Mario Odyssey for Christmas.

And I haven't even explored the eShop yet, but I know I want to eventually buy titles such as The Mummy Demastered, Golf Story, Stardew Valley, Slain: Back From Hell, the Metal Slug trilogy, all those other Neo Geo classics, Blaster Master Zero, Sonic Mania and the list goes on and on. God damn, not enough time and not enough money. I haven't been this excited about game playing and collecting in a long time. I still love my SNES but the Switch is fast moving into second place for favorite consoles, knocking the Sega Saturn off its perch. With 2018 looking very promising and depending on how the following years go, it's even possible that the Switch may bump the SNES to #2 (when all is said and done).

I love the portability of the thing. It's allowed me to do simple things like playing in bed while the GF reads a book. It's just different from both of you doing the same activities on the couch. It doesn't have the same feel or zest. Kind of hard/weird to explain, but I'm sure you get my drift. I plan to travel more next year and can definitely see where playing this on the plane or back at the hotel at the end of a long exhausting day would be extremely appealing. Honestly, if the Switch were SOLELY a "play it on the TV" kind of console, I might not have been so keen on picking one up. As I get older, life gets busier and busier and I find it harder to plop myself down in front of a TV to play video games for a good length of time. The Switch somehow makes me WANT to play. I can jump right back in with the Sleep Mode and play a Breath of the Wild in bed for 15 minutes before sleeping. It's so convenient and Nintendo has truly outdone themselves this time.

Anyway, I could keep rambling on but Hyrule calls. For anyone who wants to read my way too long Switch story, you can check it out here:


If anyone has recently "made the switch" (sorry) over to the Switch as well, I'd love to read about your own experience!

Also, I'd like to hear from those who still don't have a Switch or those on the fence. What's stopping you from getting one? Do you plan to get one eventually? Take it from a stubborn "one system man" of nearly 12 years, the Switch is more than cheat-worthy :P
Pick up Azure Gunvolt Striker.