Who loves pinball? (moved)


Kyokugen's Student
20 Year Member
Sep 20, 2004
Very nice. MMR might be by next purchase. Can't wait to finally have my AFMR, hopefully sooner than later.

Are those your only 2 pins? If so how do you feel they compare? I know layout is similar, but theme and code I'm sure set them apart.

I also have Bride of Pinbot for a total of 3.

As for the comparable layout of MM and AFM, yes they are very similar indeed however the code does set them apart. It's hard to explain unless you play them both, but they still feel different because of the theme and rules. MM has many more multiball modes and doesn't play as fast as AFM resulting in much longer balls/play. The castle shot also isn't as risky as the saucer, and the damsel ramp/shot is like an extra 3 ball lock/game/objective. In terms of build quality, AFMr is the nicest I've seen, MMr has pretty lackluster speakers but you can add or connect to a sub to fix that. The display is also obviously not as nice and not full color without purchasing an upgrade from CGC/PPS. I had to add 2 spotlights to light up the playfield better in MM as well because it's very dark from the factory whereas AFM literally needs nothing done - they absolutely nailed it in every way.

@Westcb - nice job on that AF - it looks great man.


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Mar 19, 2007
Yeah sucks that the MMR requires some extra stuff (shaker and color upgrade) and $$, but I still want one. Went with AFMrLE just because I didn't want to miss out on the LE and figured I could get the MMr later.


Give an Azn, A Break Here!,
May 17, 2012
Added another one this weekend. Been watching game play of GOTG and think I will sell Spider-Man to grab one of those.


Kyokugen's Student
20 Year Member
Sep 20, 2004
Congrats on the pickup man looks good. I know it sounds crazy, but If had to make the choice on what to get rid of I'd consider AF - For whatever reason I just can't get into that game. I've tried many times, and spent plenty of cash playing it, but the game just doesn't do it for me. SM on the other hand, is some of the most fun I've had when playing it. I dunno, for the price AF commands these days considering how many were made, I'm probably the messed up one for not being a huge fan - maybe it's yet to click with me.

How are you liking SW? From the few times I've played it it was fun and really kept me on my toes with how fast those loops can throw the ball back down at you.


Give an Azn, A Break Here!,
May 17, 2012
Congrats on the pickup man looks good. I know it sounds crazy, but If had to make the choice on what to get rid of I'd consider AF - For whatever reason I just can't get into that game. I've tried many times, and spent plenty of cash playing it, but the game just doesn't do it for me. SM on the other hand, is some of the most fun I've had when playing it. I dunno, for the price AF commands these days considering how many were made, I'm probably the messed up one for not being a huge fan - maybe it's yet to click with me.

How are you liking SW? From the few times I've played it it was fun and really kept me on my toes with how fast those loops can throw the ball back down at you.

Yeah Addams is a personal game because it’s what I️ grew up playing. My dad taught me the basics back in 92 with it on a beach trip and we ended up playing for hours on 50 cents. For the time this had some of the coolest effects between all the great scoops, things hand multi ball, the magnets during seance etc and the theme. I️ would get rid of this one for the inevitable remake just because of how great they did with AFMR.

Star Wars is brutally fast, but the rules are easy enough to understand and the LCD screen integrated great with playing. Picking your character switches it up with the different modes you can unlock on each path too. Problem is because of the theme people were expecting the second coming of Christ so it seems to get hate from collectors but I️ haven’t met a player yet that hasnt enjoyed it even on the pro model. I️ like the looks of the cab and play field a lot too so it just elevated the fun even more.
I️ agree Spider-Man is fun, theme is great, and it’s very forgiving. My games with it almost run too long though which is not appealing for me because I️ always play pins with friends and waiting 10 mins plus for each ball can drag it out a lot if you watching the 2nd player go. If I️ had more space and funds to keep them all I️ wouldn’t consider it, but out is the 4 I️ have now it’s the least I’m tied to at the moment.


Mr. Big's Thug
15 Year Member
May 6, 2008
I hated Star Wars at first, but have grown to like it ok. I'm not a Star Wars fan at all, so perhaps that disqualifies my opinion compared to most people. I use it as my warm up game to get my timing down since it plays super fast. Still think it has a Sega pinball feel to it. Can't quite put it in words, but I know it when I play it. Played Guardians of the Galaxy down in Florida, thought it was alright, played smooth, but only got 2 credits on it. Also played the new Pirates by Jersey Jack. Super early build with software issues galore, but was pretty impressed. Very cool game. Got about 15 credits in on it. Not sure I'd rank it above Wizard of Oz or Dialed In yet, but definitely above The Hobbit.


Bolt Thrower.,
Mar 21, 2014
I really like pinball, but don't have the space to own a machine. Nevertheless I spent an evening with a friend hunting Vienna for some locations with pinball machines and that went surprisingly well (as they are not really common any more in pubs).
We played: Ironman, X-Men, Transformers, Avengers so far if I remember correctly. As I'm not very good at pinball I can't talk much about the depth of the machines, but we had a quite good time and managed to score some of the targets listed in the tiny tiny... tiny... writing in the bottom left ;)


Give an Azn, A Break Here!,
May 17, 2012
Changed out Spider-Man for Aerosmith to free up a little money for the possibility of another pin this summer. There is a small chance a Deadpool pin might get made and if it turns out decent I’ll probably wanna get one since the theme would be a lot of fun. I grabbed a few mods for AS and put on most of them tonight I will install Dirty Donny’s art blades tommorrow. On ghostbusters some custom code came out a couple days ago with some of the more memorable movie songs included so now I’m blasting out some Bobby Brown on it which is surprisingly fun if your a fan of the movies. We have a local game bar that has 6 super nice pins now and tournaments are beginning in the Area so can’t wait to meet more of the locals. Although just like the arcade community if you have been buying and selling for a few years chances are you might know a lot of the home hobbyist already near ya.


Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
Changed out Spider-Man for Aerosmith to free up a little money for the possibility of another pin this summer. There is a small chance a Deadpool pin might get made and if it turns out decent I’ll probably wanna get one since the theme would be a lot of fun. I grabbed a few mods for AS and put on most of them tonight I will install Dirty Donny’s art blades tommorrow. On ghostbusters some custom code came out a couple days ago with some of the more memorable movie songs included so now I’m blasting out some Bobby Brown on it which is surprisingly fun if your a fan of the movies. We have a local game bar that has 6 super nice pins now and tournaments are beginning in the Area so can’t wait to meet more of the locals. Although just like the arcade community if you have been buying and selling for a few years chances are you might know a lot of the home hobbyist already near ya.


Beautufl picture. I don't care for some of your choices, but you do you!


Give an Azn, A Break Here!,
May 17, 2012
Beautufl picture. I don't care for some of your choices, but you do you!

Don’t like the titles? I’d argue these 4 are super fun to play for most. I’m not super picky though I tend to enjoy any title for awhile. I liked Star Trek and Metallica a lot but I couldn’t keep either for longer then 6 months although about a year later I would probably like to have my Metallica back. I’d be able to hang onto titles for longer if I had more space and money to throw at it. I’m a prime candidate for a virtual pin but it just doesn’t feel the same, although I do enjoy messing with them when I have the chance to play one. You think you will stay with those two for the long haul or do you have the itch yet :-)


Kyokugen's Student
20 Year Member
Sep 20, 2004
With the addition of the shadow, I'm slowing my roll for a bit. Had much fun shopping it out and adding it to the lineup. I might still replace the translite but Baldwin is growing on me - He's downright dreamy.



Give an Azn, A Break Here!,
May 17, 2012
With the addition of the shadow, I'm slowing my roll for a bit. Had much fun shopping it out and adding it to the lineup. I might still replace the translite but Baldwin is growing on me - He's downright dreamy.


Nice lineup.
I recently parted with a Rob Zombie and picked up a AFMR Myself. I got a Iron Maiden pro Im picking up in June so will probably sell a pin or cab to make some room. Pretty interested in Houdini right now and the new Alice Cooper but I need to get some time on them. They will have both at SFGE this year so I’m gonna head down to check those out. Played a early Houdini last year there so can’t wait to try the finished product.


Kyokugen's Student
20 Year Member
Sep 20, 2004
Congrats on that AFM LE, such a good game. Im hoping to get some time on iron maiden tomorrow at mgc, and AC if its there for sure.
Ive played a good amount of the final Houdini, its very well done but many of the shots are super tight and unforgiving. The modes and objectives are really good however but you should try before you buy for sure.


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Nov 13, 2014
Nice lineup.
I recently parted with a Rob Zombie and picked up a AFMR Myself. I got a Iron Maiden pro Im picking up in June so will probably sell a pin or cab to make some room. Pretty interested in Houdini right now and the new Alice Cooper but I need to get some time on them. They will have both at SFGE this year so I’m gonna head down to check those out. Played a early Houdini last year there so can’t wait to try the finished product.


What’s the cocktail table at the bottom of the photo? It looks pretty cool.


Give an Azn, A Break Here!,
May 17, 2012
What’s the cocktail table at the bottom of the photo? It looks pretty cool.

Pacman Battle Royale
It’s a 4 player version of Pacman which is last man standing. Really fun and built well, it’s a standing cocktail with built in beer holders and a 32 inch screen with sanwa sticks and buttons.


Camel Slug
May 2, 2013
Pacman Battle Royale
It’s a 4 player version of Pacman which is last man standing. Really fun and built well, it’s a standing cocktail with built in beer holders and a 32 inch screen with sanwa sticks and buttons.

Where the heck did you manage to find one?! I've been casually looking for quite some time, or did you buy it new?


Edo Express Delivery Guy
Nov 13, 2014
Pacman Battle Royale
It’s a 4 player version of Pacman which is last man standing. Really fun and built well, it’s a standing cocktail with built in beer holders and a 32 inch screen with sanwa sticks and buttons.

That’s awesome, looks like a lot of fun. Back on topic, your pinball lineup looks great as well. Has anyone played The Big Lebowski?


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Mar 1, 2012
Iron Maiden has some shots I can't figure out how to hit. At least there is no impossible scoop on the right like in Metallica or GOTG. Music is good, no idea how the scoring works. I can hit the small loop pretty easy. Played against some rando yesterday and he hit some shot that doubled his score... Not sure if it was supposed to be that or it just happened to be worth about what his score was at the time. There seems to be a lot in it already, code wise, and I didn't see anything that was missing... like obvious things being missing in Batman 66 or GOTG. You can choose your song at the beginning of each ball, unlike Kiss, Metallica or Aerosmith. There are modes for each song you can pick, but unsure of how they tie in currently. I would pick a song that showed the light flashing on the pf, but it didn't seem to have any effect. On the screen there is an indicator of what is needed in order to complete modes, looks easy to figure out unlike Batman 66 or Aerosmith.

The one I played has a slight left outlane issue, can't determine the bump. Right outlane is 80% no touch, will bounce back. Pop bumpers on left have a part that will send the ball direct to left flipper (like Simpsons). No rollovers for bonus, dont know how bonus x is calculated. Ball can get stuck in the drop targets in the middle, but ball search puts it to left flipper. Scoop on left may require slight down tap to avoid hitting the left slingshot, we'll see if this changes as the game ages/gets broken in.

That's all I can think of right now for my Iron Maiden review. I only have 3 plays on it, may play some more on Saturday. No high score, but there is already some mode high-score tables in there, I got a Pharoah or Mummy (I forget) shot record of 9. IDK even where that shot it lol.
Last edited:


Give an Azn, A Break Here!,
May 17, 2012
Iron Maiden has some shots I can't figure out how to hit. At least there is no impossible scoop on the right like in Metallica or GOTG. Music is good, no idea how the scoring works. I can hit the small loop pretty easy. Played against some rando yesterday and he hit some shot that doubled his score... Not sure if it was supposed to be that or it just happened to be worth about what his score was at the time. There seems to be a lot in it already, code wise, and I didn't see anything that was missing... like obvious things being missing in Batman 66 or GOTG. You can choose your song at the beginning of each ball, unlike Kiss, Metallica or Aerosmith. There are modes for each song you can pick, but unsure of how they tie in currently. I would pick a song that showed the light flashing on the pf, but it didn't seem to have any effect. On the screen there is an indicator of what is needed in order to complete modes, looks easy to figure out unlike Batman 66 or Aerosmith.

The one I played has a slight left outlane issue, can't determine the bump. Right outlane is 80% no touch, will bounce back. Pop bumpers on left have a part that will send the ball direct to left flipper (like Simpsons). No rollovers for bonus, dont know how bonus x is calculated. Ball can get stuck in the drop targets in the middle, but ball search puts it to left flipper. Scoop on left may require slight down tap to avoid hitting the left slingshot, we'll see if this changes as the game ages/gets broken in.

That's all I can think of right now for my Iron Maiden review. I only have 3 plays on it, may play some more on Saturday. No high score, but there is already some mode high-score tables in there, I got a Pharoah or Mummy (I forget) shot record of 9. IDK even where that shot it lol.

Sound real promising. Lots of my buds who play pins only have stated in their opinion Maiden is the best stern table in the last few years. I’m excited to try it out now. I was told there is a possibility I could pickup a premium instead of a pro in June but I have no idea if it would be worth it. On a table like Metallica or Aerosmith I didn’t see the value of the premium, but on like GB I felt like it added enough to warrant the money. The way the prices keep climbing though it’s making it hard to choose either model honestly.


Three 6 Mafia
10 Year Member
Mar 1, 2012
I really don't see any big deal with the premiums either. There just isn't enough difference in them that I know of. I know for the Star Trek, there is a big change in that there is a habitrail that the ball goes through instead of being shot out of the saucer. In some of the other ones, the differences aren't that great. Ghostbusters with the subway is a big whoop. The slingshots are not a big deal for me and I know a lot of people complain about it. There is no real difference with Batman 66 or GOTG. Metallica is pretty much the same also. What makes the big difference for Ghostbusters is not the two versions, but that after market plastic kit or whatever that fixes the ball jumping issues. For Game of Thrones, they are like separate machines to me and I like them both about the same.

I personally did not like Aerosmith that much, but I do like Batman 66. Time will tell if I like Iron Maiden better or not, but the code getting better on Batman 66 made a big impact on me and sometimes I just want to spend all my money on it.

I'm not in the market to buy a NIB Stern but there is enough collectors and operators around here that I can play the different ones if I needed to make the decision.

Spike Spiegel

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Apr 24, 2001
Every sterns that comes out, people say "this is the best one to come out in years." Walking dead and metallica are both amazing. I will say that iron maiden has fun shot that haven't been seen in a sterns since simpsons pinball party.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Feb 25, 2004
Awesome TFTC! Would love one of those one day.