Who else has gone back to consumer crts?


Rot., Rot., Rot.
May 16, 2014
Yo chatters.

Have any of you stopped using pvms and converters and gone back to using consumer grade crts for your gaming needs? I have been reading more about people here doing this and was wondering if anyone wanted to weigh in on their experience.

I personally stopped using my framemeister and went back to using a trinitron with a scart converter. I am happy with it and having a large screen size has made it easier to read text at the very least.


Stupid Bitch.,
15 Year Member
Jun 21, 2007
Yo chatters.

Have any of you stopped using pvms and converters and gone back to using consumer grade crts for your gaming needs? I have been reading more about people here doing this and was wondering if anyone wanted to weigh in on their experience.

I personally stopped using my framemeister and went back to using a trinitron with a scart converter. I am happy with it and having a large screen size has made it easier to read text at the very least.

I have a few large consumer crts, but I'd rather play on a 20 inch PVM.

I have never found text hard to read... what are you using controller extensions or something?


formerly BanishingFlatsAC
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
PVMs have become a crutch at this point. Every noob needs to have one because ZOMG RGB! PLZ. People hoard them and spend more time taking pictures of their scanline then they do playing the games. As I've been saying for awhile, there are very few here who can tell the difference between a 525 consumer set and a 600 line pvm. I'll take a decent sized crt that I can sit on a couch and still play as opposed to sitting around a tiny 20" monitor.


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
We peeps in europe got fucked by 50hz PAL bullshit, but at least most consumer crts here have RGB in - so I've been playing those for a long time. Got a flat screen which couldn't satisfy me with the older consoles, so I picked up a Trinitron, then got a 14" PVM... there are a lot of nice sets to be found for cheap - all you need is the space to stack them, which I lack unfortunately. But if a nice Bang & Olufsen MX8000 shows around here, I won't resist :glee:

Bottom line is: the main thing should be the games, not how you play them... consumer crts (and crt computer monitors) are a really nice option, PVMs/BVMs etc. seem overhyped.

//EDIT: Beat to it...


Robot Master., Master Tasuke, Eat Your, Heart Out
10 Year Member
Secret Santa Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
A good CRT TV can go a long way. However I would always rather my PVM.

ChuChu Flamingo

We have purposely, trained him wrong, ...as a joke
10 Year Member
Nov 23, 2010
Other than my Nanao MS9 RGB Arcade monitor for arcade games, I do most of my gaming on a decent 20'' CRT with s-video. Would love to upgrade to a 25"+ RGB monitor for my consoles as playing multiplayer sucks ass on a 20''.


General Morden's Aide
20 Year Member
Oct 2, 2003
I've never stopped using them.

Though I do own a PVM I use time to time for TATE.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
20" is sufficient for me. I'd rather have a smaller pro grade RGB tube than a larger consumer grade TV. I grew up playing games in RGB because I didn't live in a technological backwater, so... RGB or bust! Accept no substitutes!


20 Year Member
Jun 27, 2001
I used to have a three PVM's (2030, 2530, 20" Medical version) back in early 2002. I preferred the 2530 PVM but now i just use my 32" WEGA. I usually use the component input but am now looking into a component to SCART converter for RGB gaming. I will take converted RGB over screen size for now.


I have earned the, right to PM Rot.,
Sep 18, 2003
Can't do 4 player goldeneye on a 20 incher.

Back when the N64 was current (and I actually had friends who liked to socialize IRL) we used to play Goldeneye on my 19" mid 80s RCA complete with simulated wood grain.

We also walked up hill both ways. Blah!

PVMs are awesome for TATEing. I never felt comfortable trying to put any of my non cube shaped consumer sets on their side.
Last edited:


Hardened Shock Trooper
Feb 16, 2014
I currently use a flat 14" Toshiba to play N64 (S-Video connection) and Virtual Console/emulator/GameCube/Wii games on a Wii connected via Component cables. Picture looks fantastic and the size of the display means it sits on my desk and Is just the right distance for solid gameplay.

For Neo I primarily play on my cabs and both are still CRTs. Sometimes I play on my iMac at work using a SNES controller or a fightstick but that's mainly because I'm pretty sure that I'd get fired if I just wheeled my candy cab into my cube.


Ralfredacc's Worst Nightmare
10 Year Member
Apr 30, 2009
Between my PVMs and my Framemeister, I have no reason to go back. That being said, if my BVM-20F1U ever dies, I will probably try to replace it with a component-capable consumer CRT. I bought these PVMs when they were cheap. Now every hipster out there needz teh RGB.


20 Year Member
Nov 27, 2002
I still mainly play on my 27" wega, has all the inputs I need. I've got a couple PMVs but they are 20L1 so the best input is s-video, still looks great. Also have a projector if I need it blown up, has every possible input available sans hdmi. I run my xrgb2+ thru it.

If I had to choose 1, it'd be the 27" wega. Grew up on RF, s-video and component are enuf for me.

Whats a good scart to component converter?


Rot., Rot., Rot.
May 16, 2014
There is a china one some people use, and there is one made by one of the members here. I use the latter but the former can look nice too.


Maxima's Barber
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
I missed the boat on cheap pvms so I just hoard Trinitrons and I'Arts now. I see at least 1 trinitron on the curb every week in my area.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
Have any of you stopped using pvms and converters...

I never started using them in the first place... got my SONY Trinitron Color TV, No. KV-X2901D since a quarter of a century for all 240p material. The only update was a Pioneer PDP V401 -- and it was worth it.


formerly BanishingFlatsAC
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
I never started using them in the first place... got my SONY Trinitron Color TV, No. KV-X2901D since a quarter of a century for all 240p material. The only update was a Pioneer PDP V401 -- and it was worth it.

Fudoh has a hard on for those PDP sets. I'm shocked those TVs are not in such high demand as PVMs.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007

I play all my old consoles on a 14" or 13" PVM and all my new consoles on a 60" plasma.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I posted some of this on the fetish thread, but what the hey.

I'm pretty anal about quality, and although the Framemeister on a 51" plasma display was glorious, when I got a 20" PVM and played I never wanted to go back to the plasma for SD stuff. I also got a 21" Trinitron VGA monitor and a XRGB2, which is damn near close to the PVM. Life is good!

However, after visiting a local arcade which has a bunch of 25 or 27 or whatever inch screens, it made me miss the larger size. I still have my old 27" Samsung CRT from 2003 or so, the quality of which isn't up to PVM standards (or even the late model consumer Sonys) but it's probably the next best thing. I hooked it up with one of the ebay RGB to component converters, spent a lot of time adjusting the TV and the converter itself for the best video quality. I'm better at that now, so I got a much better image than I ever got before. The overall color quality isn't as good as the PVM, but it's not too far off and the geometry is much better. Also laserdiscs are much better on the TV than on the PVM (although I mostly watch those on the plasma now.)

No, the TV isn't quite as good as the PVM. But, it's better than most of the arcade monitors I was playing at that arcade, and playing on the 27" tv only 3 feet away is kind of mind blowing on a shooter. Progear felt MUCH easier. I'm going to keep an eye out on Craigslist for a SD Trini, and I plan on buying a better scart to component converter when homeboy gets them back in stock, but I'm pretty happy with this right now. That said, this Sammy is pretty much the bare minimum I would accept in quality, I certainly wouldn't use a shitty big tv over a PVM.


3t3rn@l n00b,
10 Year Member
Aug 23, 2011
pvm does rotate much easier than standard tv.......jus sayin.