Trump will win the 2020 election


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
10 Year Member
A frightening number of people across the political spectrum have revealed themselves to be authoritarians in the wake of George Floyd.

It’s disheartening.

I disagree. It's easy to support protests that result in lawlessness, death and destruction if your neighborhood isn't affected. Now we have the absurd spectacle of being told protests are mostly peaceful as fires rage in the background.

Enforcing the law and maintaining order is not authoritarianism. The rule of law is fundamental in a democratic society.


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20 Year Member
Authoritarianism is a personality type.
Authoritarianism is thinking that protesters must be stopped.
Authoritarianism is thinking that you can stop protests and civil unrest by "a show of force"
Authoritarianism is thinking that it is more important for children to obey their parents than to voice an opinion.
Authoritarianism is thinking that it is more important for people to obey "The Law" than to be civilly disobedient.
Authoritarianism is doing mental gymnastics to defend cops when they kill people, beat protesters and slash tires.
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So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Authoritarianism is spending years in the Pacific Northwest Running around in militias telling people how the federal goverment is coming in black helicopters to trample rights. And then when the Federal Government sends agents into the PNW wearing no identification to start making mass arrests (while refusing to identify themselves or their unit), you take the side of the government.


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20 Year Member
Authoritarianism is when somebody is shot in the back while handcuffed, the first thing the police bring up is a past criminal record.


Street Hoop Star
Authoritarianism is a personality type.
Authoritarianism is thinking that protesters must be stopped.
Authoritarianism is thinking that you can stop protests and civil unrest by "a show of force"
Authoritarianism is thinking that it is more important for children to obey their parents than to voice an opinion.
Authoritarianism is thinking that it is more important for people to obey "The Law" than to be civilly disobedient.
Authoritarianism is watching cops kill people, beat protesters and slash tires and do any amount of mental gymnastics to justify their behavior.

I agree with this, and so does Gritty....

gritty revenge.jpg


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20 Year Member
Authoritarianism is the idea that society will fall apart if we question the actions of police.


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20 Year Member
Authoritarianism is tear gassing a park without warning so dear leader can hold up a bible like he's never seen one.


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20 Year Member
Authoritarianism is when the leader is caught misusing the power of his office for political purposes and his defense is based on the motivations of the person who exposed it.


Sansetsukon Master
20 Year Member
I disagree. It's easy to support protests that result in lawlessness, death and destruction if your neighborhood isn't affected. Now we have the absurd spectacle of being told protests are mostly peaceful as fires rage in the background.

Enforcing the law and maintaining order is not authoritarianism. The rule of law is fundamental in a democratic society.

Geez you're ignorant.

Personaly I've decided its just best to STFU because the things I say could be seen as unsupportive or if the the wrong person sees what I'm saying they could steal my logic from a criticism.

When somebody is killed they then try and find a justification for it. Oh they didn't put their hands up quick enough, oh they moved to quick. They were a criminal, 15 years ago they got in trouble for something. This all still fails to make it right or legal.

Then they try to make it seem as though you're against the police and law and order. Most people recognize that this country is in need of policing and criminal justice reform though.

When it's protested they complain oh you shouldn't have interrupt my entertainment and made me reflect on something uncomfortable for a split second. I don't believe I'm as affected as you so I don't believe you should be protesting. Protesting is a protected right and a duty for a patriot who feels strongly about an issue. So this fails as well.

Then they try and blame the rise and spread of Covid-19 on the protests when no evidence shows that this is true.

Outside instigators cause vandalism, arson, looting, violence and murder and the they say oh it's not a protest it's rioting and criminal.

Anyways I suggest you STFU on this topic as well because you obviously don't see whats happening and are easily manipulated.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
I disagree. It's easy to support protests that result in lawlessness, death and destruction if your neighborhood isn't affected. Now we have the absurd spectacle of being told protests are mostly peaceful as fires rage in the background.

Enforcing the law and maintaining order is not authoritarianism. The rule of law is fundamental in a democratic society.

Rule of law is not rule of “law and order.”

Rule of law is the ability to predict what will be decided legally by a society that respects precedent in the court, and the legislation that has been passed. Rule of law is to not search a person without probable cause, no matter how probable their skin color looks. Rule of law is providing a jury of one’s peers, even the black peers. Rule of law is defending the constitution, rather than making a show out it before wiping your ass with it.


way more american than wyo, way more
15 Year Member
Authoritarianism is spending years in the Pacific Northwest Running around in militias telling people how the federal goverment is coming in black helicopters to trample rights. And then when the Federal Government sends agents into the PNW wearing no identification to start making mass arrests (while refusing to identify themselves or their unit), you take the side of the government.

This right here.

All the anti-fed, anti-police people who were outraged by what happened at Ruby Ridge are suddenly all about law and order. It's insane. Those who were ready to gun down the law back then now seem to think it's A OK for unidentifiable gestapo-esque government agents to abduct protesters off the streets. The double think going on in this fucking country blows my mind.


I disagree. It's easy to support protests that result in lawlessness, death and destruction if your neighborhood isn't affected. Now we have the absurd spectacle of being told protests are mostly peaceful as fires rage in the background.

Enforcing the law and maintaining order is not authoritarianism. The rule of law is fundamental in a democratic society.

Florida man simpleton logic. Protests were and are mostly peaceful. Consider that we had them in a half dozen cities in fucking wyoming and the only violence was a 65 year old bank manager in a MAGA hat punching a 21 year old Latino kid in the face for saying Fuck Trump.

Way to look at the extreme example and apply it across the board. But then, critical thinking is clearly not something you even try to employ in your pathetic Tampa existence, is it?

Next you'll tell me that Ammon Bundy is a patriot.
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Least Valuable Player
This right here.

All the anti-fed, anti-police people who were outraged by what happened at Ruby Ridge are suddenly all about law and order. It's insane. Those who were ready to gun down the law back then now seem to think it's A OK for unidentifiable gestapo-esque government agents to abduct protesters off the streets. The double think going on in this fucking country blows my mind.

Fish's quote and yours are spot on.


Least Valuable Player
I disagree. It's easy to support protests that result in lawlessness, death and destruction if your neighborhood isn't affected. Now we have the absurd spectacle of being told protests are mostly peaceful as fires rage in the background.

Enforcing the law and maintaining order is not authoritarianism. The rule of law is fundamental in a democratic society.

Nick, you come from decent upbringing and another country - we had to defend our neighborhood in the 80's - from the UNION.

You're painting all of the rioting and looting with such a broad stroke... no, I don't support either - but what's changed since Michael Brown? Eric Gardner? Philandro Castille?

Let's reorganize the police.


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20 Year Member
Then they try and blame the rise and spread of Covid-19 on the protests when no evidence shows that this is true.

Actually, the evidence suggests that the protests/chaos reduced the spread of Covid.


20 Year Member
I disagree. It's easy to support protests that result in lawlessness, death and destruction if your neighborhood isn't affected. Now we have the absurd spectacle of being told protests are mostly peaceful as fires rage in the background.

Enforcing the law and maintaining order is not authoritarianism. The rule of law is fundamental in a democratic society.

I disagree with your assessment of what’s going on.

This not a binary situation, all of the following are true:

There are peaceful protestors.
There are lawless rioters.
There are peaceful counter protestors.
There are lawless counter protesters.
The police are maintaining order.
The police are grossly abusing their power.


20 Year Member
Authoritarianism is spending years in the Pacific Northwest Running around in militias telling people how the federal goverment is coming in black helicopters to trample rights. And then when the Federal Government sends agents into the PNW wearing no identification to start making mass arrests (while refusing to identify themselves or their unit), you take the side of the government.

Rights for me but not for thee.

These guys are the worst of the worst.

They actually have no convictions, only personal self interest at the expense of others.


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Authoritarianism is taking out a full page ad in the new york times calling for the death penalty for 5 teenagers accused of a non-capital crime.

Authoritarianism is defending your actions years later after the same five persons have served their entire sentences, exonerated (by DNA and someone admitting to the crime), and received a settlement because "They were no angels".


So Many Posts
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20 Year Member
Authoritarianism is voting for someone who unapologetically does the following:

Claims that protesters must be stopped.

Tries to convince people that you can stop protests and civil unrest by "a show of force"

Claims that it is more important for children to obey their parents than to voice an opinion.

Claims that it is more important for people to obey "The Law" than to be civilly disobedient.

Does mental gymnastics to defend cops when they kill people, beat protesters and slash tires.

Hails people as patriots who have been spending years in the Pacific Northwest Running around in militias telling people how the federal goverment is coming in black helicopters to trample rights. And then when the Federal Government sends agents into the PNW wearing no identification to start making mass arrests (while refusing to identify themselves or their unit), they take the side of the government.

Tear gasses a park without warning so dear leader can hold up a bible like he's never seen one.

Claims that society will fall apart if we question the actions of police.

When caught misusing the power of his office for political purposes, blames it all on the motivations of the person who exposed it.

Takes out a full page ad in the new york times calling for the death penalty for 5 teenagers accused of a non-capital crime.

Defends said actions years later after the same five persons have served their entire sentences, exonerated (by DNA and someone admitting to the crime), and received a settlement because "They were no angels".
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Sansetsukon Master
20 Year Member
I would like to take this opportunity to remind anyone in case they forgot or didn't know. If the Chinese invaded us tomorrow and they got treated the way police treated protesters they could technically be tried of war crimes.

Pepper spray a chemical weapon, illegal internationally

Attacking or provoking unarmed non violent citizens, illegal internationally

Targeted Attacks, corralling arresting news media press illegal internationally

Targeted Attacks on medical providers, aid stations illegal internationally

Detention of civilian bystanders with no provocation or justification, illegal internationally

I know there's got to be more
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