NO... What I mean is... you could easily buy your own 16GB microSD card and then go HERE:!&p=4140218&viewfull=1#post4140218
The BIG one is the main file... the SMALL one is a RBFF1 Korean variant that was found recently...
BOTH files are password protected...
You will find me in chat... or you will be allowed a ONE time PM to acquire the password(s)...
Copy and paste onto your microSD card... simple..
PS. DISCLAIMER... I have access to the passwords only... the files are not mine... (just sayin'...)...
Hello, I am new to the forum, I am on macos and can not connect to the chat I have a blank page! and I do not have the right to see your profile for you MP, otherwise I just decided to buy a neogeo and order the neosd, so if you wanted to send me the password by MP it would help me, I you would make returns on the link, thanks in advance
AOF2 Power
Hello, I am new to the forum, I am on macos and can not connect to the chat I have a blank page! and I do not have the right to see your profile for you MP, otherwise I just decided to buy a neogeo and order the neosd, so if you wanted to send me the password by MP it would help me, I you would make returns on the link, thanks in advance
AOF2 Power
Ok Merci, je vais le lire, bonne soirée