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Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
How do you like Evercade in general? I'm waiting for my Street Fighter Evercade Alpha to arrive, but don't know anything about Evercade otherwise.

Eh, it's ok. I bought it for the Duke Nukem 1 & 2 remasters, and for that I am happy with the purchase. But overall, you're buying something to pretend you're collecting for. It's retarded. If all you care about is boxes and licensing, there is plenty to love. But in my opinion, you're still playing emulation - you're just paying money for it.

That said, I have a handful of carts of some Genesis homebrews, etc. that would cost me $$$ if I bought them for Genesis, and I don't play Steam on my TV - so it works out. But it's a goobtarded system. But if you need more shit on your shelf? Might be a win. Easy to get sealed games for it too :LOL:


My Waifu Came Factory Sealed
Apr 14, 2006
Eh, it's ok. I bought it for the Duke Nukem 1 & 2 remasters, and for that I am happy with the purchase. But overall, you're buying something to pretend you're collecting for. It's retarded. If all you care about is boxes and licensing, there is plenty to love. But in my opinion, you're still playing emulation - you're just paying money for it.

That said, I have a handful of carts of some Genesis homebrews, etc. that would cost me $$$ if I bought them for Genesis, and I don't play Steam on my TV - so it works out. But it's a goobtarded system. But if you need more shit on your shelf? Might be a win. Easy to get sealed games for it too :LOL:

Appreciate the insight. I looked through their list of cartridges and didn't see anything that interested me. But I guess it's cool that the Street Fighter thing does work with the cartridges. I'll keep my eyes pealed on their upcoming releases.


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
Appreciate the insight. I looked through their list of cartridges and didn't see anything that interested me. But I guess it's cool that the Street Fighter thing does work with the cartridges. I'll keep my eyes pealed on their upcoming releases.

Batsugun Special, Outzone, Dogyuun, Fixeight....nothing interests you?! Sidenote: the 8BitDo wireless arcade stick works with the system and makes these arcade "ports" dope AF, imo


My Waifu Came Factory Sealed
Apr 14, 2006
Batsugun Special, Outzone, Dogyuun, Fixeight....nothing interests you?! Sidenote: the 8BitDo wireless arcade stick works with the system and makes these arcade "ports" dope AF, imo

Never heard of any of those games.

The Evercade Alpha is a bartop with a built in arcade stick, so I'm covered on that front. How is 8BitDo in general? Never used any of their products.


Whilst Drunk., I Found God., Booze = Bad.,
20 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
Never heard of any of those games.



Galford's Poppy Trainer
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
SNES and PS3 are the only home versions of MK2 I've played. I loved the SNES version when it came out and just never thought about upgrading to the Saturn version since it came out so much later.

What do you like better about the PSX version compared to Saturn and how do they compare in general to SNES?
I would skip the Saturn port of MK2 and stick with the excellent PS3 port and/or the still excellent SNES port if you want to play on console. The Saturn port looks the part, but is missing a bunch of sound effects and has some shit load times. Of course Sheng Sung breaks all CD versions of these games with frequent in-battle loads.

That said, the SNES port of MK2 is still my preferred way to play this game, even over the arcade original. It was, and I think still is, one of the most competent 16-bit arcade ports from the 90's.


, What The Fuck Is This Shit?
20 Year Member
May 10, 2004
Looking back MK has always been bad.
I do think it's still fun in small doses if you can get some local friends to play a few casual games.


Crazed MVS Addict
Oct 20, 2023
*laughs in run button*

What a dumb series. Shit button layout, derivative characters, completely jumped the shark post 2.
Yeah, the run button was maybe the worst addition they ever made to the series... besides then making a bunch of even shittier 3d games.


Old Man
20 Year Member
Nov 7, 2001
I lost interest in the series after the first game.

The gimmick was always the OTT violence, I never felt it gained popularity because it was a genuine competitor to Street Fighter II, it just gained notoriety for the "finishing" moves.

Once you've seen one character have his spine ripped out Predator style, you've seen it all, really.

Never saw the appeal beyond that, as the gameplay mechanics are trash.