MKL said:
Being overly concerned about fuses is typical of noobs. With overcurrent protections built-in in modern power supplies fuses are pretty much useless but of course use them if it makes you feel like a pro on teh intarweb. I would be curious to know the rating you've choosen since it only makes sense to use one that is rated just above the actual load. Oh and going by your logic you would need another fuse to protect the the RGB encoder since that has a current draw definitely smaller than the arcade PCB. Aren't you afraid it will blow up?
I have seen cases with fuses not blowing fast enough first hand, we lost our entire PBX network because of a fuse not blowing fast enough, the inline is only an added safety measure to my CMVS and ease of my mind. I spent too much time on this thing to even risk it frying because I relied on just 1 fuse.
For the inline I used a 2 amp fuse.
If you think its n00b then thats what you think but I did it because I wanted to do it to MY CMVS. To each his own.
EDIT: Also, I forgot to mention one of the main reasons for an inline was convenience as it is a bitch to get this board out of the enclosure. Changing the inline would take me only 1 minute as to changing the on-board fuse would take me at least 45 minutes since I would have to desolder a bunch of stuff and then I have to carefully slide the board out without having anything snag.
It's a very tight fit. My Unibios is actually flush against the roof of the enclosure.