PCE Super SD System 3 - Terraonion New Product (Dec 2017)


Jul 22, 2017
Mine came today and so far... excellent! Packaging is top-notch, menu system is super fast and RGB picture quality looks great on CRT & through the OSSC. I'm not sure we could ask for more.




Crossed Swords Squire
Apr 23, 2016
I have a question about that packapunch pro cable for pc engine,do they work fine in conjunction with ssds3.
I'm ordered a few cables there for snes-master system-n64-Md1,and they are perfekt sound and picture.
Or is it a special made cable?


Neosd Tech
Nov 28, 2016
I have a question about that packapunch pro cable for pc engine,do they work fine in conjunction with ssds3.
I'm ordered a few cables there for snes-master system-n64-Md1,and they are perfekt sound and picture.
Or is it a special made cable?

We tried the packapunch cables (csync version) from retrogamingcables and they work great.
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Jul 22, 2017
I order all my cables from RetroGamingCables even though I'm based in the states. The cable I ordered for the Super SD System Pro 3 is not the Packapunch version it is just the vanilla 'Sega Mega Drive 2 / Genesis 2 & 3 CDX 32X dbGrafx Booster TTP RGB AV SCART Cable'.

I have no noticeable noise and would recommend this cable.


Neosd Developer
Oct 18, 2016
If someone purchases an SS3 now, when will it be shipped? Approximately :)

Thanks guys.

Honestly, i have no idea cause we have a lot of pending orders and in 10 days we have the spring break equivalent in Spain (Semana Santa), so UPS and correos will be closed.
We are trying to run as much as possible to get everything shipped asap. I been working 12 hours a day without stop for the last weeks, even saturdays and sundays, so you can imagime the level of stress we have.

I won´t give dates to anyone, cause i don´t have life as today with all the pending work i got. I would say 7-8 weeks on worst scenario, but it dosen´t depends on us at all but on factories aswel (we got a nother batch coming in about 6 weeks)



Jul 22, 2017

I know your team is small and no-one here wants to see you get burned out. Do you have intern programs in Spain? We have interns during the summer to help reduce the workload on our engineers, they don't get paid much, but they do garner great work experience which they can use on their resume/CV.

You have a customer for life from me.


Crossed Swords Squire
Apr 23, 2016
We tried the packapunch cables (csync version) from retrogamingcables and they work great.

Thx neodev,then i'm gona order a bunch of new cables for my consoles next month.
Probably we have then also the info needed to send the board back to exchange it with the new rev.


Aug 10, 2014
You guys stated that all orders up to March 7th would be shipped before the next batch came in. Anyone ordered after that date would have to wait for next batch coming soon. If my Order was before that cutoff date you gave, when should I expect it to ship?


Neosd Developer
Oct 18, 2016
You guys stated that all orders up to March 7th would be shipped before the next batch came in. Anyone ordered after that date would have to wait for next batch coming soon. If my Order was before that cutoff date you gave, when should I expect it to ship?

Is that hard to understand that we dont know How many units we are going to be able to ship in a week ?
Resuming : i dont know
Resuming2 : we have units for everyone, we have submited a new order anticipating the demand we think we will have in the following weeks after YouTube reviews show

Calmn down and let us work please, every minute spent answering "when my order is going to be shipped" is a minute less put on serializing, mounting, validating, packing and shipping

Patience please
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Kuroko's Training Dummy
Feb 7, 2005
I waited until now to post about my initial experience with the PCE Super SD System 3, because I wanted to have something factual to present, to discourage people from reporting problems that are likely not the result of the SSS3 itself.

When I first went to try out my SSS3 I was surprised to find that I don't have or have misplaced official power supplies for my white PC Engine, SuperGrafx and TurboGrafx-16. So I used one of those modern cheap Sega Genesis/SMS and NES 2-in-1 power supplies with my white PC Engine and SSS3. I also could only find csync Genesis/Mega Drive 2 scart cables with audio left/right breakout (by retrogamingcables).

I wound up with a worse version of the kind of lines and static that seemed to be the issue with the old board. Behind the lines was a color correct nice RGB image though. My PC Engine has an internal RGB mod and using that output produced a perfect picture. I didn't post about it here or anywhere, because I wasn't using a stock power supply and the audio breakout on the cable might also be a contributing factor.

Today I finally had time to find an official SMS power supply and using it with the same setup, all of the visual noise/static and strong lines are already gone. There is only faint diagonal jailbars, the kind you typically find with stock RGB for 240p consoles which actually output RGB without mods.

So I'm still not using the correct power supply and not the ideal scart cable, but the picture quality is already as good as or better than typical console stock RGB quality and much better than PC Engine RGB mods by people like doujindance.

I'm sure that there are still going to be people posting complaints online, saying that the RGB issue hasn't been fixed, neglecting to mention that they're using random power supplies or RGB cables. When I finish putting together an overview video of the SSS3, I'm going to include an uncut segment showing what happens when using a substitute power supply and then switch to an official one.

Everything else about it works great. I recommend unchecking "Boot To Last Game" until the In-Game Trigger is fixed (if it isn't already). I'm not making separate folders for games sorted by letter or favorites or anything. Navigation is so fast that it's not necessary.

FX Unit Yuki: The Henshin Engine works fine, but for some reason the redbook audio even at the lowest volumes, has some kind of reverb distortion, as though the volume is cranked all the way. Maybe ripping the pressed disc will produce something different? All ripped CD games I've tried so far, even mp3-to-wav conversions, sound normal.

This product is a dream come true and I can't wait till I've finish converting the rest of my mp3 isos to wav and loading the complete set onto the 256GB card I bought for it.

Thanks a lot Terraonion. :)
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There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
If you're new, all the questions you're going to want to ask have been answered already.

Answering repeat questions ia taking away from neosd's valuable time. If he's not focused on the current task at hand, he's taking a much needed break.

Everyone is super excited but exercise some patience.


Southern Pounce.,
Jul 22, 2005
Honestly, i have no idea cause we have a lot of pending orders and in 10 days we have the spring break equivalent in Spain (Semana Santa), so UPS and correos will be closed.
We are trying to run as much as possible to get everything shipped asap. I been working 12 hours a day without stop for the last weeks, even saturdays and sundays, so you can imagime the level of stress we have.

I won´t give dates to anyone, cause i don´t have life as today with all the pending work i got. I would say 7-8 weeks on worst scenario, but it dosen´t depends on us at all but on factories aswel (we got a nother batch coming in about 6 weeks)


That's fine :) Thanks for the detailed answer.


Iori's Flame
20 Year Member
Feb 7, 2002
If you're new, all the questions you're going to want to ask have been answered already.

Answering repeat questions ia taking away from neosd's valuable time. If he's not focused on the current task at hand, he's taking a much needed break.

Everyone is super excited but exercise some patience.

Also, if you have a question, watch my entire review of the unit:

It probably answers the majority of the questions people will ask.


Neosd Tech
Nov 28, 2016
I waited until now to post about my initial experience with the PCE Super SD System 3, because I wanted to have something factual to present, to discourage people from reporting problems that are likely not the result of the SSS3 itself.

When I first went to try out my SSS3 I was surprised to find that I don't have or have misplaced official power supplies for my white PC Engine, SuperGrafx and TurboGrafx-16. So I used one of those modern cheap Sega Genesis/SMS and NES 2-in-1 power supplies with my white PC Engine and SSS3. I also could only find csync Genesis/Mega Drive 2 scart cables with audio left/right breakout (by retrogamingcables).

I wound up with a worse version of the kind of lines and static that seemed to be the issue with the old board. Behind the lines was a color correct nice RGB image though. My PC Engine has an internal RGB mod and using that output produced a perfect picture. I didn't post about it here or anywhere, because I wasn't using a stock power supply and the audio breakout on the cable might also be a contributing factor.

Today I finally had time to find an official SMS power supply and using it with the same setup, all of the visual noise/static and strong lines are already gone. There is only faint diagonal jailbars, the kind you typically find with stock RGB for 240p consoles which actually output RGB without mods.

So I'm still not using the correct power supply and not the ideal scart cable, but the picture quality is already as good as or better than typical console stock RGB quality and much better than PC Engine RGB mods by people like doujindance.

I'm sure that there are still going to be people posting complaints online, saying that the RGB issue hasn't been fixed, neglecting to mention that they're using random power supplies or RGB cables. When I finish putting together an overview video of the SSS3, I'm going to include an uncut segment showing what happens when using a substitute power supply and then switch to an official one.

Everything else about it works great. I recommend unchecking "Boot To Last Game" until the In-Game Trigger is fixed (if it isn't already). I'm not making separate folders for games sorted by letter or favorites or anything. Navigation is so fast that it's not necessary.

FX Unit Yuki: The Henshin Engine works fine, but for some reason the redbook audio even at the lowest volumes, has some kind of reverb distortion, as though the volume is cranked all the way. Maybe ripping the pressed disc will produce something different? All ripped CD games I've tried so far, even mp3-to-wav conversions, sound normal.

This product is a dream come true and I can't wait till I've finish converting the rest of my mp3 isos to wav and loading the complete set onto the 256GB card I bought for it.

Thanks a lot Terraonion. :)

I'll take a look at that game sound.

Also remember that even with in-game trigger disabled, holding Run while powering the console on will load the menu.
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Kuroko's Training Dummy
Mar 14, 2011
Here's one thing I wonder. Some hucard games support saving, which I assume would obviously save as normal to the SD card when loading from the Super SD System 3.
However, what if I use the actual physical hucard? Will it still save to the SD card as a generic name or shared file, or can it simply not save when using the actual hucard?


Neosd Tech
Nov 28, 2016
Here's one thing I wonder. Some hucard games support saving, which I assume would obviously save as normal to the SD card when loading from the Super SD System 3.
However, what if I use the actual physical hucard? Will it still save to the SD card as a generic name or shared file, or can it simply not save when using the actual hucard?

It will load/save from a file named backup.bup.


Kuroko's Training Dummy
Feb 7, 2005
I'll take a look at that game sound.

Also remember that even with in-game trigger disabled, holding Run while powering the console on will load the menu.

Thanks, I couldn't remember what that shortcut was and didn't see it in the manual. :)

Don't worry about FX Unit Yuki, it won't be released as a pressed disc for a few weeks. I was using the beta/gold version files.