WWE Survivor Series PLE Results: 11-25-23
Results courtesy of
PWTorch.com (direct link to Keller's complete report)
(1) BIANCA BELAIR & CHARLOTTE FLAIR & BECKY LYNCH & SHOTZI vs. DAMAGE CTRL (Bayley & Iyo Sky & Asuka & Kairi Sane w/Dakota Kai) – WarGames
Cole noted how amazed he is that Charlotte has never been part of WarGames. Belair was introduced first, then Shotzi, then Charlotte. Becky got introduced last of her teammates.
Becky vs. Bayley started. After some early back and forth, Bayley suplexed Bayley on the steel strip that connects the two rings. Becky applied a Disarm Her near the cage wall. Dakata Kai jabbed Becky with the kendo stick through the cage. Cole noted that’s legal because there are no DQs. Bayley used the stick against Becky.
Shotzi entered third. Shotzi slammed the door into Bayley as Bayley tried to delay her entering. Shotzi then grabbed a trash can under the ring and threw it and four chairs into the ring. Fans chanted “Tables! Tables!” Shotzi beat up Bayley for a while. When she dove through the ropes, though, Bayley slammed her on her head. Becky recovered and had a tug-o-war with Bayley with the stick and won. Shotzi and Becky surrounded Bayley, so she tried to escape. Graves noted Bayley would be forfeiting the match for her entire team if she did that. (They should just say that a wrestler forfeits participation if they leave, but then if they interfered, it’d be legal because it’s no DQ, so that wouldn’t work. They’d have to raise the stakes and say they are suspended for, say, 90 days for interfering after forfeiting.)
Iyo Sky entered fourth. Cole noted this is her fourth WarGames match, which is more than anyone in WWE history.
Bayley entered fifth to give the numbers advantage back to her team. She whipped Sky and Bayley with her braid. Becky, Shotzi, and Belair dominated their two opponents. Cole said it shows the importance of having the advantage.
Kairi entered sixth. She marched to the ring. Graves noted she didn’t seem to be in a hurry to help her teammates. She pulled a trash can lid out from under the ring. Fans booed because they were obsessed with tables. The heels took control and placed several chairs on Shotzi. Sky then launched Kairi onto her with an elbow drop. Belair pressed Kair over her and threw her over the ropes where the ring meet onto her partners. The heel trio was slow to get up. The heels made a comeback with a barrage of chairshots.
Charlotte entered seventh, her first WarGames ever. Charlotte chopped Kairi, who fell backward to avoid more chops. Charlotte then fallaway slammed Kairi into the ropes. Charlotte powerbomb launched Sky over the top rope into the cage and she slid against the cage to the ring apron. Graves said that would feel like a cheese grater on her back. More “We Want Tables!” chants. Charlotte leaped off the top rope with a blockbuster to Kairi and Bayley. Graves said it was more like a Natural Selection. Charlotte and Becky stared at each other. The heels recovered and went on the attack. Sky climbed to the top of the cage and lowered a long chain to Kai. Kai attached the chain to a trash can. Kai then pulled it up and brought it into the match. Kai stood on the top of the cage with a trash can in hand. She put it over her head and then leaped onto everyone else below. (That the most deserved “Holy shit” chant in ages.)
Asuka entered last. She smiled and danced her way excitedly to the ring. She reached under the ring and pulled out kendo sticks. Fans booed, wanting tables. She pulled out more sticks. More boos. She then pulled out a table which got a huge pop. Asuka entered the ring. The door closed. That marked the official beginning of the match, as announced by the ring announcer.
Each heel had a kendo stick and used them to go on the attack. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” (This is the epitome of why that chant is so often annoying and disrespectful, because the heels were beating up Belair and Becky at this point, and fans cared more about saluting the action than being engrossed in the actual story being told in the ring with two favorites in jeopardy.)
Shotzi and Asuka stood on the top rope. Asuka sprayed mist at her and then leaped off the top rope and dropkicked Becky with a trash can over her head. Asuka scored a near fall. Cole said despite speculation they wouldn’t get along, Bayley was getting along remarkably well with her partners. Belair and Becky powerbombed Kai and Kairi. Charlotte then leaped off the top of the cage with a moonsault onto all four heels. She scored a near fall on Bayley.
Becky and Charlotte powerbombed Kair together, then stood face to face again. They moved in and hugged each other with enthusiasm. Fans popped. Charlotte put Kairi in a figure-four as Becky put Asuka in an armbra. Bayley landed an elbowdrop on Charlotte. Becky applied a Disarm Her on Kairi, but Auska broke it up. Shotzi dropkicked Asuka off the top rope out of Belair’s arms and scored a near fall. Bayley leaped over the ref Charles Robinson to break up the cover. Graves called Bayley the MVP of the match with one save after another.
Becky and Kairi battled. Bayley landed a Roseplant on Becky. Shotzi then attacked Bayley. Belair sprayed Asuka with a fire extinguisher. Shotzi gave Kair a Tiger Suplex and then bashed Shotzi with a trash can lid. Charlotte was about to spear Kairi, but Bayley saved Kairi but got speared instead. Belair gave Bayley a K.O.D.
Charlotte and Belair lifted Bayley into Becky’s arms. Becky then gave her the Manhandle Slam through a table for the win. The winners hugged after the match. Graves said they survived hell and will live to tell the tale. As Becky’s music played, they replayed key spots in the match. Cole said they were just getting started as the four winners sat on top of the cage and celebrated.
WINNERS: Belair & Charlotte & Becky & Shotzi in 34:00.
(That was really good. It got more exciting the further in the match they got, and there were some big and memorable and well-executed spots. The trash can dive off the top of the cage will be talked about for years. Bayley fought valiantly. If she get blamed by her teammates for losing even though she put herself in jeopardy to save her partner, it’s the start of her being seen in sympathetic light by fans for a babyface turn.)
(2) GUNTHER vs. THE MIZ – Intercontinental Title match
Cole noted that if Miz wins, he’ll tie Chris Jericho for most IC Title reigns. Cole noted all of Miz’s eight reigns as IC Champ only add up to 592 days, whereas Gunther’s single reign is 533 days. Great stat, and quite telling about the booking approach during Miz’s career. Graves said Gunther is a -5,000 heavy favorite in this match. The bell rang 56 minutes into the hour.
Miz went on an aggressive attack early including a slap. The slap made Gunther mad. Miz bailed out to ringside. Miz yanked Gunther’s leg and yanked it over the edge of the ring. Gunther then wrapped his leg around the ringpost. Cole credited “the veteran instincts” of the Miz. Graves said Gunther might’ve overlooked Miz. Miz then applied a figure-four wrapped around the ringpost. He had to break before the ref counted to five.
Gunther took over back inside the ring. Miz punched back, but Gunther brushed them off and landed a German suplex. Graves talked about how Miz wants to be a legendary WWE Superstar and this night would help cement that legacy. At 6:00 Miz headscissored out of a Gunther powerbomb attempt. Miz landed a roundkick to Gunther’s head. He threw some body kicks which had Gunther reeling in the corner. He followed with a knee and then a satellite DDT for a near fall at 8:00. Gunter came back with a sudden powerbomb for a near fall of his won. Both were slow to get up. Cole said he didn’t think Gunther was expecting this kind of match from Miz.
Gunther put Miz in a sleeper. Miz yanked the top turnbuckle pad. As the ref put it back, Miz mule kicked Gunther in the kneecap. He then hit a better mule kick to the crotch and followed with a Skull Crushing Finale for a near fall as Cole yelled, “Miz is gonna do it!”
The crowd was cheering wildly for Miz. Gunther put a sleeper on Miz. Miz drove Gunther into the exposed turnbuckle and leveraged Gunther down for a near fall. Miz charged, but Gunther landed a lariat to take Miz down hard. Gunther then leaped off the top rope and landed an awkward splash. Gunther put Miz in a Boston Crab. Miz tapped when Gunther torqued it to focus on a knee. Cole touted Miz’s valiant effort.
WINNER: Gunther in 12:00 to retain the IC Title.
(That told really good story and the crowd ate it up. Gunther gave a lot to Miz, but I think by doing it the way he did it, it made his victory in the end feel like more of an accomplishment than if he had dominated and won quicker.)