offical wwe thread


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
So...Punk came back and lost the title to Moxley in under 5 minutes due to "injury". Did Punk reinjure his foot or took the fall and is being punished by Tony Khan? You decide!!! :unsure:
Sounds like it's neither and they're actually just them trying to build a rematch for the PPV.

Lets Gekiga In

Neon Night Rider
20 Year Member
Jan 11, 2003
So...Punk came back and lost the title to Moxley in under 5 minutes due to "injury". Did Punk reinjure his foot or took the fall and is being punished by Tony Khan? You decide!!! :unsure:
I was there! First ever pro wrestling event for me, got free tickets from the talent.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Convicted pedo Chasyn Rance is not only back in the wrestling industry, but he is somehow a tag team champion with a 16 year old girl student of his. He is apparently running a wrestling school and working for an indie promotion again in Florida and they buy TV ad time during AEW programming. The promotion put out this statement:
Hello. Chasyn Rance was deemed guilty in the court of law in 2011 for actions that took place in 2008. During his time on probation, Chasyn was in therapy, not allowed to interact with minors, and had to submit to drug testing. Chasyn completed everything that was required by law and then went back to training minors again sharing full knowledge of his past with parents. Chasyn continues to be one of the best trainers in professional wrestling around and there's no denying that. While the actions of the past look very bad, the future looks bright for all those that Chasyn continues to help. Thank you for any concerns. Everyone at Team Vision Dojo is doing great and have many big projects continuing and others in the works. If you would like to contact Chasyn regarding anything else or other false accusations that this website has promoted in the past that was debunked, feel free to contact him at:


Viewpoint Vigilante
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
Convicted pedo Chasyn Rance is not only back in the wrestling industry, but he is somehow a tag team champion with a 16 year old girl student of his. He is apparently running a wrestling school and working for an indie promotion again in Florida and they buy TV ad time during AEW programming. The promotion put out this statement:
Florida man strikes again


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
The AEW backstage drama is far more entertaining than anything they've actually managed to put on tv in a while. There's obviously the weird Punk stuff and then there's Thunder Rosa, who was already hated by Britt Baker (mutual thing, apparently) and then hid out in a bathroom for an entire taping because she was afraid that Jamie Hayter was going to kick her ass for some reckless ring work including a stiff dropkick to the back of the head and another shot that broke Hayter's nose. TR does have actual back issues, but the whole deal kind of feels like Tony sending her on some mandatory PTO while the rest of the locker room chills a bit.

Oh yeah Guevara insulted Kingston's weight and the latter took a swing at SG and got suspended.

Who does AEW have that can fix their workers' personality issues? I'm legit curious. Sounds like Tony ran the big meeting, but managing conflict doesn't seem like his strong suit. Obviously not any of the three remaining EVPs, they're problems in themselves. Theoretically it should be Daniels and Schiavone (the latter in his new weird title) I'd guess? Guys like Malenko, Lynn, Henry, Serena Deeb all sound like they're well-respected but I doubt that's in their job descriptions. It kind of seems like they've had an accountability problem that's only gotten worse, and now it's tipping over the edge in a bunch of places.

edit: IMO the Punk thing is most likely AEW hedging bets if he managed to re-injure his foot bad enough that he can't go at the PPV. Moxley (correctly) would have suggested doing such a bad unification match on cable instead of PPV while also basically putting himself in perfect position either way.

Edit again I am 100% on board with Eddie Kingston shooting on Sammy Guevara.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Schiavone shouldn't be in charge of anything. Everybody likes him because he's a chill dude but he was completely out of the business for two decades and even in his WCW days, wrestling was just a job for him. He's not a wrestling lifer. He's the least knowledgeable guy on the entire commentary team.

Khan should step away from all wrestling operations and put someone like Malenko or Lynn or Daniels in charge.

Or if the TV execs want someone with actual experience running a major wrestling organization, Jeff Jarrett just walked out of WWE (probably because HHH came back and he realized he can't carny his way to the top). And Delirious, who was wearing the booker/producer/talent relations/head dojo trainer/promoter hat all at the same time for over a decade in ROH. I wouldn't let either guy actually book the show but running the production and talent relations side? Absolutely.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Hey, Tony Kahn's AEW has made it 3 years.... Which is one less than Herb Abrams UWF.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Hey, Tony Kahn's AEW has made it 3 years.... Which is one less than Herb Abrams UWF.
AAA has been around since the early 90s somehow and they never turn a profit, constantly stiff wrestlers and vendors on pay, cancel shows the day before and don't give fans refunds, etc. It's like the Billy Corgan era of TNA except for 30 years in a row.


Viewpoint Vigilante
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
Schiavone shouldn't be in charge of anything. Everybody likes him because he's a chill dude but he was completely out of the business for two decades and even in his WCW days, wrestling was just a job for him. He's not a wrestling lifer. He's the least knowledgeable guy on the entire commentary team.

Khan should step away from all wrestling operations and put someone like Malenko or Lynn or Daniels in charge.

Or if the TV execs want someone with actual experience running a major wrestling organization, Jeff Jarrett just walked out of WWE (probably because HHH came back and he realized he can't carny his way to the top). And Delirious, who was wearing the booker/producer/talent relations/head dojo trainer/promoter hat all at the same time for over a decade in ROH. I wouldn't let either guy actually book the show but running the production and talent relations side? Absolutely.
Lol Jeff Jarrett


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Lol Jeff Jarrett
He had TNA doing almost 2 million a week before he got sent home for banging Kurt Angle's wife. Then they replaced him with Hogan and Bischoff and they pretty much went 10 years without putting together 3 competent shows in a row.

Like I said, I wouldn't let him book the show because he'd probably pin Moxley clean for the belt next week if you did. But as far as the actual day to day wrestling operations side of the business he's probably the most qualified person not presently working for a major company already.


Viewpoint Vigilante
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
He had TNA doing almost 2 million a week before he got sent home for banging Kurt Angle's wife. Then they replaced him with Hogan and Bischoff and they pretty much went 10 years without putting together 3 competent shows in a row.

Like I said, I wouldn't let him book the show because he'd probably pin Moxley clean for the belt next week if you did. But as far as the actual day to day wrestling operations side of the business he's probably the most qualified person not presently working for a major company already.
Ngl I'd crack up if he put himself over. But yea even tho I enjoy AEW, it's been a clusterfuck of mismanagement sadly


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I mean it's from the family that runs the Jacksonville Jaguars, a clusterfuck wasn't unexpected


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
You may be waiting quite a while. WWE is still the same though the last couple of shows you can tell Vince's hand is no longer in the script. AEW is the new WWE Lite and NXT is NXT :p
Give Trips a bit to undo all the damage. I've been enjoying Monday Night NXT the past couple weeks. The pieces are being moved from being a McMahon product to being a Triple H product. Three hours is still too long so it drags a bit at the end, but the show has had some really solid matches in the past few weeks. Like one of the first things they did was have Dolph Ziggler and Chad Gable go out and have a random wrestling match, which doesn't sound at all interesting at first, but instead of a dumb Raw WWE match between two jobbers they put on a really solid technical wrestling match that you knew they were capable of but WWE would never allow before. Ciampa vs Lashley last week was pretty damn good too.

I wouldn't say now is the time to jump in if you just hate WWE, but if they keep the changes and momentum going it could be pretty great in a few months. Of course, in that time some corporate shenanigans can also happen that moves Triple H out of creative and it can go back to being lame. Also, if you never liked the height of black and gold NXT you won't like the changes.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
-USA Network secretly hired Vince Russo to consult on WWE Raw from April 2020-April 2022.

-Billy "I'm a crazy idiot" Corgan booked the MAGA promotion "Control Your Narrative" to do an invasion on his card last night that was main evented in a world title match by Fox News host Tyrus and Trevor Murdoch.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Joe Doering has been diagnosed with cancer again. He previously beat a brain tumor back in 2016, when he was told he would never wrestle again. He is best known as a 2X Impact Wrestling World Tag Team Champion, 2X AJPW Triple Crown Heavyweight Champion, and 4X AJPW World Tag Team Champion.
  • Wow
Reactions: Syn


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Clash at the Castle PLE Results: 9-3-22

Results courtesy of (direct link to Keller's real time report).


Cole talked about how Clash at the Castle was the talk of the town all week, including fans seeking out photos and autographs of wrestlers. He noted how it’s been 30 years since they’ve had a stadium show in the U.K.

The heel trio dominated for a long stretch. Cole observed that Bayley’s team had out strategized Belair’s team. Graves attributed it to chemistry. Bliss was isolated for a while. When she went for a hot-tag, Bailey intervened. Belair went after her at ringside, but Bayley got the better of her. Meanwhile, Bliss hot-tagged in Asuka, who took it to the heels in the ring. Cole talked about the history of Sky having a faction years ago, a fact I doubt you’d have heard him say if Vince McMahon was still in charge and on headset. Graves took a lame dig at Saxton being single despite being “like 50.” Saxton didn’t fire back this time.

The heels took over on Asuka with some double-team moves. Graves said that showed their stronger chemistry. Belair hot-tagged in against Bayley next. Belair landed a standing moonsault for a near fall. Belair pressed Kai above her head, but had to fend off Sky. Kai avoided a top rope Belair move and then landed her scorpion kick. Belair made a comeback, but Sky again interfered. Bailey grabbed Belair’s braid to hold her in their corner as Dakota went on the attack.

Bailey gave Belair a Rose Plant and then Sky landed a moonsault. Bailey was leg and made the stack cover for the win. Asuka and Bliss were out of camera view during the closing sequence, unable to make an attempt at the save.

WINNERS: Bailey & Kai & Sky in 19:00. (**1/4)

(There were some really clunky spots in this match, and it would have been better with five minutes shaved off. The crowd was red-hot early and still into it late despite the length.)

(2) GUNTHER (w/Ludvig Kaiser, Giovanni Vinci) vs. SHEAMUS (w/Butch, Ridge Holland) – Intercontinental Championship match

Cole said Sheamus is a far cry from Irish Whip Wrestling or Wells Wrestling where he got his start. Graves reacted to Gunther reassembling Imperium. Vinci and Kaiser brawled with Holland and Butch before the bell as Sheamus and Gunther locked up in a staredown mid-ring. The brawl went to ringside and then the bell rang. Only then did Sheamus and Gunther unleash on each other. Gunther got in the first shots against Sheamus in the corner. Sheamus came back with a boot and some punches. It was intense and looked stiff. Cole noted Sheamus’s chest was already beet red. Gunther landed a kick to Sheamus’s face. Sheamus blocked a vertical suplex by Gunther then landed his own suplex.

Gunther got the better of Sheamus and took it to him at ringside. Back in the ring, Gunther landed more hard chips to Sheamus’s chest. Fans began a “Let’s go Sheamus” chant. They replayed in slo-mo Gunther kicking Sheamus in the side of his head.

Sheamus finally made a comeback and battered Gunther’s chest against the announce desk and then against the top rope from inside the ring. Fans counted along as he made it to ten. Gunther dropped to ringside. Sheamus went after him. Gunther threw him into the crowd, but Sheamus quickly took control and battered Gunther’s chest with 14 hard forearms to Gunther’s chest. Sheamus threw Gunther into the ring where the ref was somehow only up to six in his count. Sheamus landed a top rope knee to the side of Gunther’s face. Sheamus let out a loud yell and fans cheered. He then caught his breath while kneeling next to Gunther.

Sheamus delivered White Noise a couple minutes later. Fans popped. Both men lay on the mat afterward, catching their breath. They showed a fan going bonkers in the crowd. A “This is awesome” chant rang out. They went to a wide shot of the stadium crowd (which they haven’t been shy about, and for good reason). Sheamus stood. The fans stood. Sheamus pounded his chest. Sheamus went for a Brogue Kick, but Gunther avoided it. Gunther then gave Sheamus a powerbomb, which didn’t look great as Sheamus seemed to slip a bit. He got a two count. Sheamus reached to grab his back afterward. Gunther stomped on Sheamus’s back, then climbed to the top rope. Sheamus stood and chopped Gunther while he was on the top turnbuckle. Gunther knocked Sheamus over, but Sheamus stood and kicked him off balance. Sheamus then delivered a Celtic Cross from the top. The crowd popped. Sheamus crawled over and made the cover for a near fall.

Both were slow to stand. Sheamus went for another Brogue Kick, but his back gave out. Gunther then powerbombed him. Gunther then lunged at Sheamus with a hard vicous lariat for the win.

WINNER: Gunther in 19:00 to retain the IC Title. (****1/4)

-After the match, Sheamus crawled over to the bottom rope while still holding his back. He stood and received a passionate standing ovation. He raised his arms, although did so with a wince of pain. He saluted the audience and patted his heart (a gesture Eric Bischoff single-handedly ruined in WCW). He leaned into the fans against a railing.

(Not sure if the fact that 95 percent of the offense as forearms and chops is a feature or a flaw, but it added up to a brutal and compelling and effective match. The moves that weren’t a forearm or chop were memorable and sold big for near falls. That’s pretty much precisely what anyone should have expected from those two.) [c]

(3) LIV MORGAN vs. SHAYNA BASZLER – Smackdown Title match

Cole noted that Wales was the only country in all of Britain that was allowed to showcase women’s wrestling into the 1980s. Cole said Liv trained with Riddle, who has an MMA background. Graves called it a smart strategy. Cole said this is the first one-on-one match ever between these two. Liv went after Baszler aggressively early. She landed a running knee in the corner. Graves said she has to avoid burning herself early by going too hard, too fast. Liv tried to springboard on the top rope whole holding Baszler’s arm, and Baszler shoved her to the ground. Graves said it wasn’t the right time to try to get fancy. Baszler shoved Liv into the ringside barricade. Cole hyped the NXT Women’s Title match on NXT World’s Collide tomorrow afternoon.

Baszler methodically beat up Liv in the ring for several minutes. The crowd wasn’t as rabid for this as they were the prior three matches, counting the Kickoff Show, which is understandable considering the emotions of the prior match. Liv kipped up and yelled when she made a comeback. She landed a step up enzuigiri. Baszler swung at Liv, but Liv moved and then Liv scored a near fall after a double knee drop. Liv surprised Baszler with a triangle and then a cross armbreaker attempt. Cole excitedly said Liv had vowed to break Baszler’s arm. Baszler forced a break and then kneed Liv in the chin for a near fall.

Liv gave Baszler a top rope sunset bomb for two count. Baszler shifted to a Kirafuda Clutch, but she was selling an arm injury and couldn’t fully apply it. Liv rolled over to the bottom rope to force a break. Liv side-swiped a knee attempt and landed a Code Breaker and then Oblivion for the three count. Liv got a nice reception as she celebrated afterward.

WINNER: Morgan in 11:00 to retain the Smackdown Title. (**1/2)

(Good solid match. The commitment to building Liv into being accepted in a top spot in the Women’s Division continues, with mixed results. I’m curious what’s next for Baszler, and if this just firmly establishes they don’t really have big plans for her beyond being a semi-top role player.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Clash at the Castle PLE Results: 9-3-22

(4) EDGE & REY MTYSTERIO (w/Dominik Mysterio) vs. FINN BALOR & DAMIAN PRIEST (w/Rhea Ripley)

Fans were really into Edge’s ring entrance, singing his song. Edge wore a mask to the ring, but took it off when he arrived. Graves talked about how Finn Balor told him he wrestled in Cardiff nearly 20 years ago for Hammerlock Wrestling in front about about 60 people, and he is wrestling in front of 60,000+ tonight. Rey and Balor opened the match. Graves said The Judgment Day don’t look at each other with a hierarchy but see themselves as equals, in contrast to when Edge was the leader when the group formed. Fans cheered when Priest tagged in and demanded Edge also tag in. Priest took a quick punch at Edge to take control. Cole said Priest was showing what he was all about. Edge launched Rey onto Priest and Balor at ringside. Fans popped. Rey threw Priest back into the ring right away. Priest caught Rey mid-air and landed a modified Broken Arrow to take over. Priest spit at Edge as he beat on Rey.

Priest set up a move on the ringside barricade, but Rey battled back and knocked Priest off balance. He crotched the barricade. Cole said he’ll have a long flight back to the States. Rey returned to the ring as Edge reached for a tag. Rey crawled through the desert slowly. Priest lunged into the ring and grabbed his leg. Rey broke free and got-tagged in Edge. Edge took it to both Priest and Balor. He gave Balor an Edge-o-cution and then played to the crowd. Many stood and cheered. Edge then knocked Priest off the ring apron. Rey landed a leaping senton on Priest at ringside. Edge then set up a 619 on Balor. It didn’t look great, but it wasn’t terrible either. Rey then landed a top rope splash for a near fall, broken up by Priest. Rey leaped at Priest on the ring apron, but Priest grabbed Rey by the throat. Edge speared Priest with a dive through the ropes, sending Priest hard to the floor. Cole noted Dominik’s reaction at ringside.

Balor and Edge battled in the ring. Balor caught Edge with a Sling Blade as Ripley cheered him on. Balor landed a missile dropkick and then set up the Coup de Grace. Dominik distracted the referee as Rey intervened. Rey then gave Balor a top rope huracanrana. Ripley then attacked Dominik at ringside. Graves said Dominik stuck his nose in their business. Rey then leaped at Ripley at ringside, knocking both Ripley and Dominik down. Rey entered the ring and signaled for a 619, but Balor was playing possum and attacked Rey. Dom tripped Balor. Rey then gave Balor a 619. Edge, the legal man, then speared Balor suddenly for the win.

Dominik watched Rey and Edge celebrate. It seemed a little awkward, though, like he wanted to be more involved or wanted appreciation for what he did to help them win along with resenting Rey teaming with Edge in the first place. Dominik didn’t seem entirely happy. Dominik then kicked Edge in the crowd. Fans gasped and were shocked. Rey pleaded with Dominik to calm down and explain himself. He was distraught. Dominik then short-arm clotheslined Rey. “Dammit, kid, what are you doing?” Cole asked. Dominik stood on the ring apron and absorbed the boos. They cut to fans who were shocked. Dominik tore off his shirt and threw it into the crowd. “Obviously a confused kid,” said Cole. Graves said he hoped it was “temporary confusion.”

WINNERS: Edge & Mysterio in 13:00. (***1/4)

(Exciting and well-executed closing two minutes. The rest of the match was good, too. The crowd ate it up. The post-match angle got a ton of old school heat. Dominik seemed to be in his element as the punk ass kid who just broke free from his dad.)


Seth came out wearing a wild outfit fit for a Las Vegas stage show including a feathered wing shoulder piece. Cole talked about how flamboyant Seth has become. The bell rang and Riddle went after Seth aggressively with punches, matching the tone of the hype. Saxton said that’s what Seth gets for “igniting the fury or Matt Riddle.” (Riddle has his first name back, by the way.) Riddle landed a senton for a two count at 2:00. Seth took over at ringside and delivered a Barricade Bomb. Seth leaped through the ropes and knocked Riddle into the announce table next.

Seth brought the match back into the ring. He landed a Falcon Arrow for a near fall. Graves said Seth did his homework going into this match and he’s aware of Riddle’s cardio endurance. He said he’s trying to find a way to exhaust Riddle. Fans continued to sing Seth’s song. They went to a wide shot as Cole again touted 62,000+ in the crowd. They set up an inverted superplex, but they got off balance. Seth instead kicked Riddle, and Riddle ended up hanging upside down in the corner. Seth then leaped and stomped Riddle in the chest as Riddle tried to pull himself up. (That’s about as realistic a set-up for that double stomp to the chest spot as you’ll see.)

They went back to a top rope suplex spot with Seth hitting it. Riddle countered with a Fisherman’s Buster right away. Both were down and slow to get up. Riddle overhead tossed a charging Seth, then kicked him to the floor. Next, he landed a springboard Floating Bro onto Seth at ringside. He threw him back into the ring. Seth set up a Pedigree, but Ri9ddle blocked it and landed a Go To Sleep followed by a powerbomb and a knee strike for a near fall. Riddle went for a Floating Bro a minute later, but Seth lifted his knees. Riddle avoided a Stomp and then leaped into a triangle. Cole wondered if Seth would tap. Seth struggled to escape. Seth countered into a Bro Derek, using Riddle’s move against him, for a near fall.

Seth leaped off the top rope, but Riddle moved and landed some kicks. He kipped up and yelled, but Seth punched him and went for a Stomp. Riddle kneed him as he charged. Riddle back suplexed Seth and went for a powerbomb. Seth flipped free and then hit the Pedigree for a very near fall. The crowd popped. Seth had his arm draped over Riddle, but had no leverage.

Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Seth grabbed Riddle’s hair and trash-talked him as a loser and brought up his wife and kids. Riddle fought back. Seth cut off his attack with a kick. He then set up a draping DDT, smiling because he was using Randy Orton’s move against Riddle. Seth delivered and then gave a sinister smile. He extended his arms as fans sang his song again. Seth pounded the mat and went for an RKO, but Riddle countered into a rear naked choke. Riddle shifted to pounding away at the back of his head and then beat him up at ringside. Fans chanted “This is awesome!” Riddle swung a chair, but Seth moved and ran into the ring. When Riddle pursued him, Seth landed a sudden Stomp. Cole said Seth used Riddle’s emotions against him and pounced. Seth leaped off the second rope and landed a Stomp for the three count.

As Seth celebrated in the aisle, Riddle leaned on the top rope and looked emotionally drained. Seth said, “I’ll see you never. Ha ha ha ha!”

WINNER: Rollins. (****1/2)

(That was excellent. Not only were the moves well executed, but so many had a psychological back story by either using the other person’s moves or Orton’s. There were a couple instances of a lack of selling big spots in order to keep the action going that undercut the sense that moves actually mean anything, but that’s baked into the modern “big match” style, so be it. The announcing helped underline the notion that Seth got in Riddle’s head and Riddle’s emotions overflowing cost him in the end.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
WWE Clash at the Castle PLE Results: 9-3-22

(6) ROMAN REIGNS vs. DREW MCINTYRE – Undisputed WWE Universal Title match

A tremendous intro video aired for Drew before his regular entrance music marked his arrival on the entrance ramp. Cole said Drew is calling this the biggest match of his career. Drew looked around the stadium and soaked up the moment. Graves said he is guided from the Heavens by his mother. Drew lifted his sword as pyro blasted. Cole said Drew has never defeated Reigns in a one-on-one match. He said they first met one-on-one at Survivor Series “and it did not go well for Mr. McIntyre.” He asked if Drew’s luck would change tonight. As Reigns walked out, without Heyman, Cole listed the wrestlers Reigns has defeated including Daniel Bryan. Cole said since Reigns won the title, there have been 55 other title changes with other belts in WWE. (That can’t include the 24/7 Title, right?) Cole noted Reigns has to try to win without Heyman by his side.

They had a staredown, and when the bell rang, the crowd exploded. This is what defines “a big match feel.” They locked up mid-ring. Drew shoved Reigns into the corner. A frustrated Reigns shook his head after the break. Drew circled Reigns and they locked up again. Reigns cinched on a headlock. Drew threw Reigns off and shoulder checked him. Drew had some intense words for Reigns. Reigns ducked into the ropes and then walked on the perimeter of the ring. Saxton said Reigns appears out of sorts. Graves said he’s used to having Heyman and the Usos at ringside to confer with and discuss strategy.

Reigns back elbowed Drew, but Drew fired back after running the ropes with a hard shoulder check. Reigns rolled to the floor. Fans cheered as Drew stood his ground in the ring. Reigns milked the moment, then re-entered the ring. Drew smiled as he just patiently waited. Reigns psyched himself up and then kicked Drew as he pretended to go for a lock-up. Drew clotheslined Reigns over the top rope a minute later. Graves said Reigns has a dazed look in his eyes. Cole said he can’t remember the last time he’s seen that look. Drew whipped Reigns into the ringside steps. Kross stood threw a water bottle at Drew. Drew had some words with him, which opened up Reigns to attack Drew and throw him into the ringpost. Drew barely beat the ten count, including slipped on the spilled water at 8. “How embarrassing would that have been for Drew McIntyre?” asked Graves.

Reigns punched away at Drew on the mat. Fans booed. Reigns landed a leaping clothesline for a two count a minute later. The pace really slowed to methodical milking of every spot. Reigns eventually had Drew down, so he grabbed the mic and said, “Cardiff, acknowledge me!” Drew recovered and landed a headbutt. Both were down on their backs and slow to get up. Drew hit some clotheslines and a released overhead belly-to-belly. Cole said you can feel a change in the match. Drew landed a neckbreaker. Both were down again and slow to get up. Drew kipped up after about five seconds. Fans cheered as Graves asked if this is the beginning of the end for Reigns.

Drew placed Reigns on the top turnbuckle and chopped him. He stood on the top rope and set up a superplex. Reigns resisted and knocked Drew off balance. Reigns kjnocked Drew upside down, hanging by his legs in the corner. Drew sat up and tossed Reigns by his head to the mat. Drew stood again and then lifted his fingers to countdown to the Claymore. Reigns rolled to the floor. Reigns hit Drew when Drew dropped down to the floor. Back in the ring, Drew set up a Future Shock DDT, but Reigns blocked it and punched him. Drew came right back with a spinebuster into a jackknife cover for a very near fall. Cole acted like he thought he got the three count. Reigns came back with a Rock Bottom a minute later for a two count. Cole said he thinks that was the first two count for Reigns in the match. Cole sounded like he was getting hoarse at this point. (He’s doing the best work of his career on play-by-play under Levesque’s leadership.)

Reigns set up a Sueprman Punch but Drew side-stepped him and landed a Future Shock DDT. Drew then signaled for the Claymore. Cole said a lifetime of work for Drew might be about to pay off, but Reigns landed a Superman Punch as a counter as Drew charged. He scored a near fall. Both were down and slow to get up, yet again. They went to another wide shot of the crowd. Reigns stood and signaled for the spear. Drew avoided it, but Reigns came back with a spear for a convincing near fall. The crowd popped for the kickout. Cole noted again Heyman is absent and that could come into play late especially. Cole said Reigns appeared to be questioning himself a little. Reigns applied a guillotine. Drew faded to his knees. Saxton wondered if this would be how the story ends for Drew. Drew stood and powered Reigns into the corner to break. Reigns applied another guillotine right away. Drew stood and powered Reigns up and rammed him into the corner again. Then he threw Reigns shoulder-first through the ropes into the turnbuckle.

Reigns collapsed to the floor. Drew speared Reigns through the barricade at ringside. Drew rolled Reigns back into the ring and again set up a Claymore. Reigns speared Drew as a counter and scored a believable, dramatic near fall. “How in the hell is McIntyre still in this?!” exclaimed Graves. Saxton said it’s all heart. Reigns insisted to ref Charles Robinson that it was a three count. He got heated and grabbed Robinson by his lapels. Drew gave Reigns a Claymore from behind, knocking the ref down, too. Austin Theory’s music suddenly played and he ran out with the Money in the Bank briefcase. Tyson Fury knocked out Theory as he tried to cash in at ringside. “What the hell did he do that for?” asked Graves. Theory looked legit knocked out, so either he sold it well or Fury didn’t pull the punch.

Reigns swung a chair at Drew, but Drew cut him off with a Claymore and scored a dramatic near fall. The fans roared. “What the hell is going to happen next?” asked Cole. Both men sat up on their knees and exchanged punches. They stood and increased the pace of the wild swings at each other. Reigns hit a Superman Punch. Drew landed a Glasgow Kiss and then a spear. Drew then hit a Claymore for what appeared to be a sure three count. Someone yanked Drew’s leg to break the cover. Solo Sikoa stood up with a hood and pulled the hood down. Cole said he is the youngest brother of the Usos. Drew turned to yell at him. Reigns then hit a spear for the win.

WINNER: Reigns in 35:00~ to retain the WWE Universal Title. (****1/2)

( An amazing main event match in so many ways. The crowd so deflated by the finish, made worse because so many had no idea live who Sikoa was. This was a situation where if Drew won, he could have been made at a level he might never reach again. That said, Reigns’s current reign is so special and effective, it’s hard to question the decision to keep the belt on him. This ultimately felt like a copout finish, but in Levesque’s defense he inherited this match on the schedule and shouldn’t be criticized for doing such a good, convincing job building up Drew as a possible winner here. The match made every move count, although there was a point in the middle that they might’ve been being a bit too methodical. The Theory run-in was a fun moment.)


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
AEW All Out PPV Results: 9-4-22

Just posting the end results tonight. Go to or your favorite wrestling site for full report.

(1) WHEELER YUTA vs. RAY FENIX vs. RUSH vs. ANDRADE EL IDOLO vs. CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI vs. DANTE MARTIN vs. PENTA EL ZERO MIEDO vs. THE JOKER – Casino Ladder match for a Future AEW World Title match

WINNER: The Joker in 14:08

The Joker teased removing his mask, but then shook his head and left the ring with Hathaway, Morrisey, Page, and Moriarty in tow.

(2) DARK ORDER (John Silver & Alex Reynolds) & “HANGMAN’ ADAM PAGE vs. THE YOUNG BUCKS (Nick & Matt Jackson) & KENNY OMEGA – AEW World Trios Championship Tournament Finals

WINNERS: Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks in 19:48 to become the AEW World Trios Champions

(3) JADE CARGILL (c, w/ The Badies) vs. ATHENA – TBS Championship match

WINNER: Jade Cargill in 4:21 to retain the TBS Championship

(4) JAY LETHAL & THE MOTOR CITY MACHINE GUNS (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin, w/ Satnam Singh & Sonjay Dutt) vs. WARDLOW & FTR (Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler)

WINNERS: Wardlow & FTR in 16:26


WINNER: Powerhouse Hobbs in 5:16

(6) SWERVE STRICKLAND & KEITH LEE (c) vs. THE ACCLAIMED (Max Caster & Anthony Bowens w/ Billy Gunn) – AEW World Tag Team Championship match

WINNERS: Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland in 22:26 to retain the AEW World Tag Team Championships

(7) HIKARU SHIDA vs. TONI STORM vs. JAMIE HAYTER vs. BRITT BAKER (w/ Rebel) – Interim AEW World Women’s Championship 4-Way match

WINNER: Toni Storm in 14:44 to win the Interim Women’s World Championship


WINNER: Christian Cage in 0:23


WINNER: Chris Jericho in 23:41

(10) HOUSE OF BLACK (Malakai Black & Brody King & Buddy Matthews, w/ Julia Hart) vs. MIRO & STING & DARBY ALLIN – Six-Man Tag Team match

WINNERS: Miro & Darby Allin & Sting in 12:10

(11) JON MOXLEY (c, w/ William Regal) vs. C.M. PUNK – AEW World Championship match

WINNER: C.M. Punk in 19:56 to win the AEW World Championship

The Joker from earlier in the night appeared on screen, back to camera. He referred to himself as “the devil himself.” He removed the mask, then tossed a familiar scarf over his head. M.J.F. spun around, revealing himself to the camera. His music hit and the crowd erupted. M.J.F. walked onto the stage. Punk held the title in the air and motioned for Friedman to come and take it. M.J.F. flipped off the crowd, turning their chants to boos, and the show went off the air.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Sounds like a gigantic custerfuck going on in AEW.

CM Punk just straight up completely buried pretty much everybody in AEW except Adam Cole, whom he oddly went out of his way to say is super nice, at the press conference after the PPV.

He went hard on the Elite, Page, Colt Cabana especially.

It was apparently so bad that the Elite (who booked themselves to win the Trios belts on the show) were throwing punches back stage, and Ace Steel bit Matt Jackson and threw a chair at Kenny Omega on Punk's behalf.

Meanwhile 75 year old Jericho is going over Danielson and Christian Cage is having 30 second matches because his arm is falling off.


Viewpoint Vigilante
10 Year Member
Jun 30, 2014
Sounds like a gigantic custerfuck going on in AEW.

CM Punk just straight up completely buried pretty much everybody in AEW except Adam Cole, whom he oddly went out of his way to say is super nice, at the press conference after the PPV.

He went hard on the Elite, Page, Colt Cabana especially.

It was apparently so bad that the Elite (who booked themselves to win the Trios belts on the show) were throwing punches back stage, and Ace Steel bit Matt Jackson and threw a chair at Kenny Omega on Punk's behalf.

Meanwhile 75 year old Jericho is going over Danielson and Christian Cage is having 30 second matches because his arm is falling off.
Can always count on you for the salt. Thanks bud


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Can always count on you for the salt. Thanks bud
Salt? This is god damn hilarious. Tony Khan has two warring factions, which happen to contain all the biggest stars in his company, and they all hate each other AND him.


Now...It's OFFICIAL!!!
20 Year Member
Sep 14, 2003
Salt? This is god damn hilarious. Tony Khan has two warring factions, which happen to contain all the biggest stars in his company, and they all hate each other AND him.
Just read about the press conference. Everyone pretty much forgot about the PPV and focused their attention on Punk :shredder: