I finlly got a translation on the thing I sent; here it is:
Thank you for the wait Saga fans.
The Saga series has moved in to the Playstation field and will be renewed. We
have had countless problems in all Saga series, but (and) Saga Frontier can not
even compare to the rest. When completing the last song, we felt so achieved
that we literally couldn't stop crying (bleeding nose) Two days after, we had to
do some work in the CD recording!!!! Then the director told us to make very
thing in the Linear Notes (come on Direction, we did finish it) and well, it was
that hard. Well, how did you enjoy the music this time? Our theme this time
was "How to make the music have various emotion into it." If you thought the
music is not like my previous works or had doubts I made it myself, then I feel
that my achievement is met. I await your feedback. Well, to enjoy my "human
life" I will take a break. Please take care of yourself.
Kenji Ito, 1997