MJ1984 likely scammer on gaming forums (was PS3 sale gone bad)


formerly BanishingFlatsAC
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
If the system was wrapped in bubble wrap, as Ive been told, I can see the box taking an impact that would jar that door loose. Its a long shot, but sure it COULD happen. However, the broken piece is clearly a stress fracture, and I can't for the life of me figure out how that would happen.


Tung Fu Rue's Prize Student
20 Year Member
Oct 3, 2006
MJ1984 did use the same box and packing materials to ship the PS3 back to me.

Jul 15, 2008
I agree with DecepticonZero all the way, but without a serial number or marking as proof it's the one you sent, I would give a refund.

Especially to a guy with that much positive feedback.
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Larfleeze, Wielder of the Orange Light. , formerly
Sep 7, 2001
First, let's get real, we're talking about a PS3, not a Neo Geo homecart.

With that said, you still gave ZERO description of it in the selling thread. You can't go off on the premise that people are going to assume that the condition is okay just because you didn't write anything. I'm just telling you that it's always a good idea to take pictures of stuff that you're selling, no matter how small time you think it is, and describe it the best you can, even if it's only a couple lines of description.

Maybe Kim should have followed your advice with the AES he sold me years ago.....


Tung Fu Rue's Prize Student
20 Year Member
Oct 3, 2006
Here is what I have decided:

I am going to see what I can do to repair this system. No guarantees that I will be able to, as I have no clue what is wrong (haven't looked at it yet).

There will be no chance of a refund, not with the system in this condition. There are small parts rattling around inside, so I find it hard to believe he simply accepted it's condition.

I personally feel like this system was damaged by him, but there is no way to prove that.


Tung Fu Rue's Prize Student
20 Year Member
Oct 3, 2006
Plugged the system in, and the system powers on briefly then displays a blinking red light. I powered it down and began opening the system.

I removed a few small pieces of the case that were broken inside of the system. The top lid with the PS3 logo was also broken, and just slid right off.

I tested the system one more time before proceeding to pull the motherboard.


I pulled the motherboard and first examined it for any visible issues. Blown capacitors, scorched ICs or traces, etc...

Next, I cleaned the CPU and GPU and covered the surrounding areas in foil, as to shield the other components from the heat.

Using a heat gun, I heated the CPU and GPU for 3 minutes, keeping the gun moving in a swirling motion, and keeping the gun about 2-3 inches from the board. I let the board cool for an hour.


I reassembled the system and tested it after the reflow + new thermal paste, the result is the same: blinking red light


When I originally bought this system, it would display a solid yellow light. The reflow I performed at that time fixed the system, and I used it for about a year until selling it earlier this month.

I am going to do some research and see if there is anything else I can check. The PSU will probably be next...
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Jun 11, 2005

It's unfortunate that you feel like I damaged the system - I did not. I am certain that you shipped me the PS3 with all the scratches on it already. I think the damage to the memory card cover was done during shipping. As I stated previously, the damage to the memory card area did not appear to me to be that extensive before I shipped it back to you. The pictures I posted don't look compatible with the damage you've shown in your pictures. There were no loose parts inside when I sent it back to you. Ultimately, you state that you sent me a system in "excellent" condition, which is far from the case.

Aside from that, the memory card cover and outer case were not what I was purchasing from you - a working PS3 is what I bought and what I expected.

The problem you are posting is the same problem I told you about. The light initially turns yellow, then blinks red continuously. It appears that you have legitimately attempted to repair the PS3, which is exactly what we agreed upon. It appears not to have worked, so maybe it is indeed a problem unrelated to the re-flow. That's fine. Just ship it back to me and it will be done with. I'll get it repaired locally.


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
Why don't you guys ship it to me and I can throw it in the fuckin wash


Analinguist of the Year
15 Year Member
Mar 14, 2003
PS3 is POS design

on top of that, Sony won't fully acknowledge the problem, you're left to deal with

pre-slim PS3's are going to brick, it's just a matter of time

throw it in the fucking trash, and get a slim for the love of god


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
on top of that, Sony won't fully acknowledge the problem, you're left to deal with

pre-slim PS3's are going to brick, it's just a matter of time

throw it in the fucking trash, and get a slim for the love of god

I have to agree, Sony doesn't give 2 shits.

As far as bricking, I've changed the thermal compound in 5 fats including my own a few years ago before they got a YLOD and they are all fine to this day. Shit thermal compound is the major issue with the fat PS3.

I agree as far as this PS3 needs to go in the trash at this point or even a fat that got a YLOD. Reflowing is only a temp fix as the CPU and GPU were stressed by overheating.


Jun 11, 2005
Update 7/11:
Got the PS3 re-flowed locally and it's now working fine again. See pic below.

I guess the memory card door wasn't the problem after all.

I obviously wouldn't recommend 68K as a seller.



Tung Fu Rue's Prize Student
20 Year Member
Oct 3, 2006
Glad you got it fixed.

Don't be so rough on it next time.

I hate you don't recommend me as a seller. Thing is, i've never had a single problem on this or any other forum after engaging in hundreds of transactions. Look at the flood of people who have posted in this thread.

If I wanted to be an asshole, I would have charged you the ~$30 return shipping and called you out for being banned in 2005.

I guess you run into a bad buyer every once in a while.


Least Valuable Player
Apr 24, 2001
Glad you got it fixed.

Don't be so rough on it next time.

I hate you don't recommend me as a seller. Thing is, i've never had a single problem on this or any other forum after engaging in hundreds of transactions. Look at the flood of people who have posted in this thread.

If I wanted to be an asshole, I would have charged you the ~$30 return shipping and called you out for being banned in 2005.

I guess you run into a bad buyer every once in a while.

I wouldn't worry about it. This whole forum has your back on this.

Dude tried to sneak one over on you and got outed.


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
I obviously wouldn't recommend 68K as a seller.

I wouldn't recommend you as a buyer.

You can easily say "I guess it was a bad deal", but he obviously tried to help you and fix the problem. there's a lot to be said for that. I have recommended people, even if a specific part of a deal was bad because they manned up and tried to make things right.

Frankly, I think you tried pulling a fast one, but that is a discussion for another time.


Jun 11, 2005
So how did I pull a fast one again? You mean by receiving a broken system that was supposedly in excellent condition? Yeah that was quite tricky. And 68k never fixed the problem. He says he attempted a re-flow, and I just find it curious that I had the system fixed with a re-flow performed by somebody else. I also wouldn't say that the whole forum has his back, since there have been several people in this thread that either recommended a refund or partial refund. In the end, I got screwed out of an extra $100 for repairs & return shipping for a system that was supposed to be $175. Why would I recommend this seller?!


formerly BanishingFlatsAC
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
I can honestly say I would buy an item from 68k without giving it a second thought....however I will never sell you an item for fear of this happening. Just saying....


Volatile Memory Construct - SN://0467839
Staff member
Apr 26, 2002
So how did I pull a fast one again? You mean by receiving a broken system that was supposedly in excellent condition? Yeah that was quite tricky. And 68k never fixed the problem. He says he attempted a re-flow, and I just find it curious that I had the system fixed with a re-flow performed by somebody else. I also wouldn't say that the whole forum has his back, since there have been several people in this thread that either recommended a refund or partial refund. In the end, I got screwed out of an extra $100 for repairs & return shipping for a system that was supposed to be $175. Why would I recommend this seller?!

He is a well known, respected member.

He has 100% positive feedback.

Many of us have dealt with him.

He offered you a resolution.

Your activity seems to be centered around the selling forums and not much else. members like this tend to be the ones that are the hardest to deal with, likely to scam (if they are scammers) and quick to point fingers. Again, many members (including myself) restrict sales and transactions to "known" members for this very reason.

He has historically gone above and beyond with members both market related and otherwise.

Frankly, if you're asking me to take one person's word over another, sans any other proof, I take his any day of the week.

Considering the circumstances (and having received items from him previously), I have no reason to believe it was damaged in shipment nor that he stated a condition that wasn't up to par, unless he decided all of a sudden to scam you. He doesn't fit that profile.

If anything, you need to take pictures of items as you unpack them. Most of us do this now to prevent problems like this from happening.

You tone and general ignorance of acceptable interaction during a difficult transaction is also damaging your position.


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
VT said it all. Regardless, I'm glad it's resolved and I have always trusted 68k as a seller, period.


Art of Typing Wiz, , ,
20 Year Member
Aug 15, 2000
So how did I pull a fast one again? You mean by receiving a broken system that was supposedly in excellent condition? Yeah that was quite tricky. And 68k never fixed the problem. He says he attempted a re-flow, and I just find it curious that I had the system fixed with a re-flow performed by somebody else. I also wouldn't say that the whole forum has his back, since there have been several people in this thread that either recommended a refund or partial refund. In the end, I got screwed out of an extra $100 for repairs & return shipping for a system that was supposed to be $175. Why would I recommend this seller?!

The fact this guy worked to resolve the issue alone makes him a hell of a lot better then you're giving him credit for.


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
what vt said, plus not addressing the issue right away. the second i saw the damage, i would have informed the seller before doing anything else.


Tung Fu Rue's Prize Student
20 Year Member
Oct 3, 2006
Thanks for the kind words fellas.

I appreciate all of the advice as well.

As soon as this deal went sour, I knew it was time to bring it to the forum.

I have been called many names, but a "scammer" will never be one of them.


Trust the French?
10 Year Member
Apr 1, 2011
Thanks for the kind words fellas.

I appreciate all of the advice as well.

As soon as this deal went sour, I knew it was time to bring it to the forum.

I have been called many names, but a "scammer" will never be one of them.

i call you a scammer daily.