Legend of Zelda: Zelda Edition


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I saw the building mechanic in the last one, holy balls that looked tedious

Average Joe

Calmer than you are.
20 Year Member
Sep 30, 2002
Breath and Tears are easily my two most-played games in a decade plus.

I'm not even a big fan of the Zelda series, but those two are just the perfect distillation of fun through exploration.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
I saw the building mechanic in the last one, holy balls that looked tedious
It was.

After getting the ability and trying for an hour it was just dumb. Seeing some of the stuff people came up with on youtube was fairly interesting but I couldn't be bothered. That coupled with having to power the contraptions and the "battery" cutting out quickly, not fun.


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
If it were woke she'd be able to fight as good as Link

I'm surprised the 'woke' crowd isn't complaining that she isn't a master-at-arms like Link is. I'm shocked they aren't bitching about how this game is 'female coded' or whatnot.

I'll give it a try.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007

I'm surprised the 'woke' crowd isn't complaining that she isn't a master-at-arms like Link is. I'm shocked they aren't bitching about how this game is 'female coded' or whatnot.

I'll give it a try.
There actually was some bitching about that initially. Then Nintendo revealed it's actually directed by a woman (a first for the series). She previously worked as an assistant director on the 3DS ports of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, the Switch port of Link's Awakening, and the Wii U port of Twilight Princess. She got promoted and they let her pitch her own Zelda and this is what she made. Was probably cheap and easy to make since they reused the Link's Awakening engine she was already familiar with.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Zelda needed her own game, but this isn't going to get much interest. It's just too girlie, and as much as people want, girls still aren't a massive demographic.
They needed to take Sheik and put her in a Metroid Dread engine set in Hyrule.

I will agree that I couldn't get into Tears of the Kingdom. Physics builders had been done to death on the PC. Tears of the Kingdom was doing it all again and not really adding anything new. I wasn't looking forward to finishing a 100 different physics puzzles in the shrines. Breath of the Wild is better, but not by much. The shrines were still a slog. That's why I'm just gonna play Skyward Sword over and over. Best Zelda game no one played.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
They're not expecting it to sell like Breath of the Wild (33 million) or Tears of the Kingdom (20 million in less than a year).

This is the next 2D/handheld/top-down entry in the series. The last few
Link's Awakening (Switch) - 6.5M
Tri Force Heroes (3DS) - 1.4M
A Link Between Words (3DS) - 4.3M
Majora's Mask 3D (3DS) - 3.4M
Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS) - 6.4M
Spirit Tracks (DS) - 3.0M
Phantom Hourglass (DS) - 4.8M

I'm sure they'll be thrilled if it sells 5 million. The engine already exists, they're reusing the Link's Awakening base, so it can't have been an expensive venture.


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
Noo one of the most overrated producers of all time


Outside of Causality
20 Year Member
Dec 29, 2000
Apparently Miyamoto wanted nothing to do with this game.

It's understandable because his philosophy has been to produce new iterations of the same exact story over and over for new generations. He was not, in general, a fan of Zelda as a series, even though there have been a number of continuations over the years. Major's Mask is a sequel to Ocarina of Time and it's in my opinion, the best game in the entire series. It's definitely my favorite because it is almost an Alice in Wonderland dark interpretation of the series.

Miyamoto has, to his credit, never bent to the pressure to make Link a woman or to make Link 'whatever you want'. I don't think it's because he's a misogynist or anything like that. He was inspired to make the series based on his own childhood exploration of caves near where he lived. I believe the series is very personal for him and he doesn't want other people tampering with that since it may be the game he put most of himself into as a creator.

He's probably a traditionalist and I love that about him if true, but it's more likely that he still feels like The Legend of Zelda is 'his', in a sense. But because he's Japanese, working in a very visible capacity for one of the industry leaders in this field and he's NOT Tomonobu Itagaki (wonder what ever happened to him, anyway?), he's never going to come out publicly against the company that helped him put his creative output into the world.


Viewpoint Vigilante
Fagit of the Year
Mar 22, 2016
As I mentioned/expected, some of the abilities you get do get better, and allows for better mobility in-game. Zelda may not be able to jump very high, even with an upgrade you get later on, but you can spawn a spider that crawls up walls, called so creatively the "crawltula" and you can scale just about any wall to get somewhere else. Im probably maybe halfway through the game and already have the entire map unlocked/explored.

Some of the echos do have some interesting and possibly unintended uses. You can spawn a bed and stand on the corner, then spawn some little frog lizard guy who moves around in a tornado, and it will launch the bed in the opposite way from where you're facing. From what I understand its a glitch, and not a 'feature.'

The game is pretty stingy when it comes to money - even though that's pretty much all you find in chests. You just never seem to have enough to buy any upgrades unless you farm for it by cutting grass. And 99% of the time, single rupees drop. Never a 20, and very rarely a 5.

Boss battles still default to having to turn into Link sparingly to do any notable damage. Attack, hit twice and then IMMEDIATELY change back so you dont waste precious precious energy to transform. Boss battles can be a drag because of that.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
It's understandable because his philosophy has been to produce new iterations of the same exact story over and over for new generations. He was not, in general, a fan of Zelda as a series, even though there have been a number of continuations over the years. Major's Mask is a sequel to Ocarina of Time and it's in my opinion, the best game in the entire series. It's definitely my favorite because it is almost an Alice in Wonderland dark interpretation of the series.

Miyamoto has, to his credit, never bent to the pressure to make Link a woman or to make Link 'whatever you want'. I don't think it's because he's a misogynist or anything like that. He was inspired to make the series based on his own childhood exploration of caves near where he lived. I believe the series is very personal for him and he doesn't want other people tampering with that since it may be the game he put most of himself into as a creator.

He's probably a traditionalist and I love that about him if true, but it's more likely that he still feels like The Legend of Zelda is 'his', in a sense. But because he's Japanese, working in a very visible capacity for one of the industry leaders in this field and he's NOT Tomonobu Itagaki (wonder what ever happened to him, anyway?), he's never going to come out publicly against the company that helped him put his creative output into the world.
Yeah, the article is a bit misleading. Miyamoto didn't have his name in the Tingle games or the CDi games. This isn't a first. I'm surprised there was no "based on characters created by" or something to that effect.