KoF NeoWave discussion (review added)


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
The PS2 port of KoF NW arrived today from Play Asia and I just came back from a two hours test drive.

The character design on the insert made my stomach turn upside down, but that's nothing compared to what I felt when I saw the intro... OH. MY. GOD.

WTF were they thinking? Except for some of the girls, the character artwork is BUTT UGLY... took me 10 mins. before I was able to look at those grinning, round-nosed freaks without getting sick. You think KoF2k1 had bad chara artwork? Man, those victims of a crazy designer's bad acid flash you see in 2k1 look like Rembrandt portraits compared to the NW artwork.

I was almost glad they didn't change the actual sprites except for a few new outfits (Choi?).

Gameplay-wise there really isn't anything new in it, at least I haven't found anything worth mentioning, seems to be 2k2 + some extras like the mode selection, the heat system, etc. Got some bad slowdowns, I wonder if they are in the AW original as well.

Ah well... I was looking forward to this game and I will definitely play it some more to try a few things I've read about in faqs, but overall I'm disappointed so far... extremly fugly artwork, generic music and a questionable selection of charas... plus a mode select that seems to de-balance the whole thing...

In short, we're not amused so far. :oh_no:


flaming petrosexual,
15 Year Member
Nov 13, 2003
I still prefer 2002.

Mainly because NeoWave lacks of some characters I like, and because the control reception is different/shittier - for example, with Iori, when performing 3 extremely quick qcb+A, I've found myself super-cancelling the first or second move into the hcb, f+P command throw.

Herman L.E.

Kabuki Klasher
Aug 8, 2003
Takumaji said:
The PS2 port of KoF NW arrived today from Play Asia and I just came back from a two hours test drive.

The character design on the insert made my stomach turn upside down, but that's nothing compared to what I felt when I saw the intro... OH. MY. GOD.

WTF were they thinking? Except for some of the girls, the character artwork is BUTT UGLY... took me 10 mins. before I was able to look at those grinning, round-nosed freaks without getting sick. You think KoF2k1 had bad chara artwork? Man, those victims of a crazy designer's bad acid flash you see in 2k1 look like Rembrandt portraits compared to the NW artwork.

I was almost glad they didn't change the actual sprites except for a few new outfits (Choi?).

Gameplay-wise there really isn't anything new in it, at least I haven't found anything worth mentioning, seems to be 2k2 + some extras like the mode selection, the heat system, etc. Got some bad slowdowns, I wonder if they are in the AW original as well.

Ah well... I was looking forward to this game and I will definitely play it some more to try a few things I've read about in faqs, but overall I'm disappointed so far... extremly fugly artwork, generic music and a questionable selection of charas... plus a mode select that seems to de-balance the whole thing...

In short, we're not amused so far. :oh_no:

that's too bad... considering I'm probably still gonna play it. the slowdown seems kinda odd, but I doubt it's in the Atomiswave version.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
Mushiki, I also had some troubles with the command input, accidentally triggered DMs all the time, seems the input speed is slower than 2k2's... what's more, I had some weird whiffing effects during several 2P matches. For example, I was standing on the left with Iori and my buddy jumped at me with Beni, and for a split second, we were standing up close, then both of us pulled of a qcf+A. My Iori was completely covered by Beni's electric blast, but did not get hit and my projectile went right through Beni...

Hmm... played some more of it last night... I must admit the selectable modes (Super Cancel, MAX2 and Guard Cancel) bring in a bit of fresh air, but hell, Goro + Just Defend is a monster. Grapplers with JD... man...

Somehow KoF NW feels a bit like CFJ, old sprites in front of 3D-ish backs and several game types/modes thrown together, plus a few graphical 'updates' (transparent flashes/flames, etc.), yet gameplay seems to be better than CFJ.... which is no surprise since NW is based on 2k2 while CFJ feels like a slightly bastardized version of 3rd Strike.

I also had a bit of 2P action with a friend of mine, he knows a thing or two about KoF2k2 so he had no probs with adjusting his playing style to NW. As long as we played the game in Super Cancel mode (KoF standard), the matches felt like normal 2k2 bouts, but this changed as soon as we started playing around with different modes....

Try Chin + Guard Cancel mode and you'll see what I mean - the old man is one of my buddy Stefan's team regulars but he was no real problem so far, now that he's able to use JDs and mean GC reversals/escapes you can play some nasty games with him, and don't get me started on the rest of the Psycho Soldier team. Well... okay, this definitely is a big plus of NW... Kensou + JD makes my balls tickle... :kekeke:

Well... now that the first "NW shock" is over, I'll probably put some more 2P time into it to see how it holds up in the long run... if only the game wouldn't look like ass...
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today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000
neowave is radically different from 2002

example : 3 of the strongest characters in 2002

athena is no longer top tier ( delay when using fireballs )

billy's fwd A is nerfed

and with choi you gotta be extra careful now because with the JD you can punish him pretty often after his annoying A pokes and other things
( and you couldn't do that in 2002 )

so "nothing new" in neowave?


there are a lot of changes - see orochi yashiro or ralf

they're A LOT better than in 2002 and both are top tiers now,in my opinion

list goes on and on

and well,you have 3 styles of play and with the SC you can basically do all the bc combos of 2002 and a tons of new things

playmore sucks,i suppose


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
Fran said:
so "nothing new" in neowave?


there are a lot of changes - see orochi yashiro or ralf

they're A LOT better than in 2002 and both are top tiers now,in my opinion

list goes on and on

and well,you have 3 styles of play and with the SC you can basically do all the bc combos of 2002 and a tons of new things

playmore sucks,i suppose

Ah well...

Yeah, there definitely is new stuff in there... I guess I shouldn't have posted my initial thoughts, I just got sick of the chara artwork and felt I had to vent it here. Don't tell me you like those fucked-up faces (I'm talking about chara artwork, not sprites or anything).

I thought SC is the standard super cancelling a la KoF2k/2k1, does that mean you can actually do BC cancels with it? Didn't know that, I mostly played in MAX2 so far.

Hey man, you know me, normally I'm not the one to jump to conclusions, and I'm also not really picky about graphics and all that, but NW strokes me the wrong way in this case, perhaps some more weeks of 2P comp will change my mind.


today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000
yes,i know you but i'm in a shitty shitty mood today :annoyed:

with the SC you can basically do all the bc combos of 2002

even that infamous vanessa 100 % and others

AND you can do new things that you couldn't do before


you can cancel the first hit of the HCB b/d with the special throw and repeat x 3

or after the first 2 flowers you can link the SDM

max 2 is really the lamest style,imo

it's no way "weak",as it's the second best after GB

but no easy wire,no roll,no sdms

yes,some of the hsdms are really abusable now ( again,see orochi yashiro )
and your damage is higher

but you can really do a lot more in SC or GB

anyway,i have been told there's this german meeting at the end of august

do you know the details,takumaji?


today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000
i have absolutely no problem pulling off specials,combos with the game on the AW

( using neo geo sticks )

so if you guys are having difficulties it's prolly because of the port itself


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
I'm learning man, I'm learning, give me a chance...! :)

Well, command input feels a bit weird on PS2, haven't played the original so I can't tell if it's the port or my (now extremly loose) ASCII stick. NW seems to have a slightly different buffering, perhaps that's why I trigger specials and DMs all the time.

I've only casually played around with SC and GB... let's see...

About tour dates, there will be a tournament in Berlin on 08/19 - 08/21 with Alpha 3, CvS2, 3rd Strike, KoF2k2 and probably one of the Guilty Gear games. The tournament is called BSM 2nd Impact and will take place in Alte Hellersdorfer Strasse 3 (Hellersdorf disctrict). They will use PS2s/ports exclusively.

The whole thing doesn't sound too impressive I must say...

There's more info on hardedge.de about it, including an English version with event details.


Super nO0b
Jan 21, 2005
thanks for the low-down...meh i'll probably still play it, i mean it's kof right?


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
Well, it's slowly growing on me... seems that I have to take back a few things I've said about the game... a few more things to be precise... :)

So, to bring it to a point, I've written a short (hehe) review/first impression, hope it's going to be a lil' more objective than my initial ramblings.

Okay, here we go:


The core of NW's engine is loosely based on KoF2k2, but many characters underwent serious tweaking, specially in terms of cancellables and certain special moves. In addition to the 2k2 core, NW features a Mode Select where you can chose from three different play modes: SC (Super Cancel) Mode lets you have up to 3 stocks, 2k2-style Free Cancels and Super Cancels, GB (Guard Break) Mode includes Just Defend from Garou - MotW (only high and low attacks, no mid-air JDs), up to 2 stocks and an unblockable guard crush move (qcf+CD while blocking an attack), and finally M2 (MAX2) Mode where your chara does way more damage. You only have one stock at max, but the stock bar refills automatically and you can use HSDMs in this mode.

Wires/Critical Wires from KoF2k1 also make a return. In Guard Break mode, the qcf+CD guard breaker move will let your character flash golden, the following crushing move will always Wire-juggle your opponent, thus giving you a free juggle/combo ticket. Nice.

As mentioned before, there are quite a few new move/cancel options which give some of the old faces a new spin. A few examples:

  • Free Cancels into throws and projectiles are now possible
  • Both players start with a full power stock bar
  • Kyo's df+D is now cancellable at the 1st hit
  • Goro can now Free Cancel his dp+P and qcf+K
  • Chris can Free Cancel into qcf+P and dp+P
  • Most of Terry's normals are faster than in KoF2k2
  • Iori lost his dp+P super cancel
  • Iori's qcfx4+AC DM-followup does less damage

...and the list goes on.

Unlike my previous assumption that NW wouldn't have a lot of new things to find out, it seems that SNKP put quite some thought into it. Some previous flaws have been ironed out, and overall the game seems balanced enough to be played at high-level, except for a few unlucky Mode combinations. Here, the scrubbing/abuse potential is quite high, specially in MAX2 mode with endless stock bar refills. Some HSDMs have been reworked, former (S)DMs turned into HSDMs, and this is where cheap tactics may come into play when a HSDM like King's Surprise Rose (b,f,df,d+BD, yes, it's a HSDM now) not only is relatively simple to pull off but also hits quite hard.

Thankfully, the Super and Free Cancels in SC mode have become quite refined to counter potential scrubbing with flexible attack and defense. Free Cancelling (also called "BC cancels" in KoF2k2) are way more intuitive now because you don't have to press BC anymore, you just have to have at least one stock and off ye go (a Free Cancel costs one stock each). This also renders the dreaded quick-BC activation combos obsolete, now even those with heavy fingers can use Free Cancels with a bit of practise.

Overall, gameplay seems to be spot on. The Mode selection may be a bit overwhelming at first because you can't really say SC is good and MAX2 sucks because they all have their ups and downs; while SC and GB modes give you a lot of technical options and workarounds for offensive/rush-down games, MAX2, while not as refined as the other two, counters the lack of features with heavy damage, even more so when in Heat Mode.

Speaking of Heat Mode, this is where the fifth button of the original AW button layout comes into play. By pressing E, your chara starts flashing red, all your moves do even more damage now. On the downside, Heat Mode quickly empties your lifebar (!) and therefore must be used with caution. You cannot activate it when your lifebar is flashing red.

Wether Heat Mode is a useful gameplay addition or just a gimmick remains to be seen, at least I wasn't too successful with it so far. You can enter Heat Mode while jumping so this may come in handy to do an exceptionally damaging standard jumping combo; try Takuma's bread-and-butter combo jB-> sB -> f+B -> hcb+D (5 hits) while in Heat Mode, you'll be surprised about the difference in damage compared to normal mode.


The original arcade game features high-res 2D backgrounds and the usual standard KoF sprites with one or two new outfits/palettes. However, the character artwork is debatable at best. While some dig the "new" look, some of the male characters' faces give me seizures; Robert looks weird, like a victim of a plastic surgery gone bad, there are too many round noses and indifferent facial expressions - on the light side, the character portraits are slightly more fleshed out than before; I'm a big fan of Shinkiro's artwork and still love him, but a lot of his faces looked the same, unlike the new designer crew. At least they try, even tho I personally can't relate to most of their stuff. The female characters look good.

Sprites are still the same old KoF sprites we've seen before. They look slightly out of place in front of those high-res backs, moreso in the PS2 version with its moving 3D-ish backgrounds. The port also offers various graphics options to fiddle with, like six different character/sprite anti-aliasing levels, monitor zoom, sharp/soft display modes, etc. Of course the original arcade mode is in there, even tho the game starts with the usual 3D bells and whistles who already were in previous KoF ports.

The original backgrounds look decent, but kinda lifeless. Nothing too special, even tho I'm getting used to them....


Same ol' voice acting, garnished with blunt J-pop-ish tracks, some of them are decent, overall the music does the trick and isn't too annoying, but it pales in comparison to older KoFs, which is a bit weird because of the AW's supposedly superior sound with way more storage than the old Neo ever had... ah well.


Boring intro, some text scrolling with weird coloring/shadow effects and an intro tune without punch - nothing worth mentioning. The menu is standard fare. The PS2 port has slightly more options than the original game, mostly in terms of graphic and sound options.

I always said that SNKP have to work on the presentation of their stuff.. they should look over to Capcom to see how it's done - say what you will about CFJ or any other of the latest Capcom releases, most of their intros are way better than anything SNKP have put out so far.


KoF NW is a good game with excellent gameplay that IMO badly suffers from weird character artwork and overall uninspired presentation, both in terms of graphics and sound, but the myriads of gameplay options and the big roster make feeding the cab with tokens or buying the port a worthy investment.

A lot has been said about the old sprites; many people feel that Playmore should have come up with something new in this regard, but perhaps the new KoF XI will give us the long-awaited sprites update - if they still have some time left between Tenka and KoF XI...

In short, if you like KoF2k2 and/or have a soft spot for technical fighters, you will love KoF NW - all others should give it a try first.

Herman L.E.

Kabuki Klasher
Aug 8, 2003
I err... "obtained" the NW soundtrack and for some strange reason I like the music, the jazz feel caught my attention. As for the rest of the game, since I never played it yet I'm gonna have to give it a chance. Hey I gave Capcom Fighting Jam the benefit of the doubt and I think it was well excuted, for a budget title.


Kuroko's Training Dummy
Jun 20, 2004
Anyone else noticed any major slowdowns in the game? I'm not sure if it was in the original or not, but when I fought Geese with Joe, the match was slow whenever I did any special attacks on geese. And I mean really slow, not your average 1 second slowdown...it was like 4 seconds.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
Celes said:
Anyone else noticed any major slowdowns in the game? I'm not sure if it was in the original or not, but when I fought Geese with Joe, the match was slow whenever I did any special attacks on geese. And I mean really slow, not your average 1 second slowdown...it was like 4 seconds.

I constantly get slowdowns, not only during boss fights but also in 2P matches. Thing is that they not only happen in very tight situations with concurrent DMs or stuff like that, but also in standard situations. My friends say it would be due to priority calculation when each player selects a different Mode, but that sounds not very likely because it's just a bit of variable/array comparison we're talking about here which shouldn't have any impact on gameplay.

Must be the PS2 port then... damn.

Herman L.E.

Kabuki Klasher
Aug 8, 2003
I finally played Neowave, even though the PS2 version doesn't hold a candle to AW release I enjoyed it. Heat mode added some new gameplay elements if used correctly, and the selection of new modes and characters was much welcomed. The in-game slowdown is very akward since its ALWAYS CONSTANT, I wonder why this port was rushed for some reason; it reminds me of CvS1 for Dreamcast. Otherwise its a decent 2k2 upgrade.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001

My fave Mode so far is Guard Break, the qcf+CD Guard Cancel + Critical Wire is very useful, effective and simple to use... I simply love Wires ever since 2k1, IMO they're one of the reasons why 2k1 is such a cool game. Some original Wire'd moves are still there, but other than that, the focus is on the GC attack move.

What's more, Heat Mode can be very effective when activated shortly before a single hard-hitting attack, e. g. Takuma's Hien Shippu Kyaku (D-version), Terry's Rising Tackle, Maxima's Vapor Cannon, Ralf's Gatling Attack, etc. Before I started to play around with single attacks while Heat Mode is on I focussed on combos, but leaving Heat on for more than a few seconds rapidly empties your lifebar; as a rule of thump, the loss/gain ratio gets worse the longer you keep Heat Mode activated, so keep your Heat attacks short and sweet.


Rosa's Tag-Team Partner
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
Odd. When I switched the backgrounds to 2D, the slowdown utterly dissappeared. My friends and I put the game through 4 hours of test play last night as I just recieved the game myself (and we all really enjoy the game btw), and couldnt even detect a hint of slowdown the entire night (2D BGs the entire time). Oh, and the arranged soundtrack is quite rockin'. It has a different feel to it than the older KOF games, but is leaps and bounds better than the more recent stuff. I dont know if anybody has found any slowdown with 2D BGs, but after all 47 matches in Endless to get all the characters and artwork, 4 hours of Vs play, and about 5 or 6 total hours of various Story mode and Practice play, I've yet to experience any without the 3D BGs.


Master Enabler
Staff member
Jul 24, 2001
I've also configured the game to resemble the AW original as closely as possible (2D backs, OST, etc.), but it still has slowdowns. Typical situations are combos with more than 5 hits and/or a DM super cancel. I noticed it when I was using Beni, Maxima, Joe and some others, sometimes the required input speed of the last part of a combo goes down to about half the normal value, which is why I accidentally trigger DMs all the time, at least that's my theory.

Hmm... damn, I really want to play the AW version now. This is kinda tough for me to be honest, it's the first time since KoF95 that I have to resort to ports of KoF games, but a complete AW kit + the game is too expensive for me atm.

Well, let's see, the system does not seem to be very popular, so prices may come down within a year or so... I mean, I hope so... I know I end up with one of those things sooner or later anyway... :rolleyes:


Rosa's Tag-Team Partner
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
Takumaji said:
I've also configured the game to resemble the AW original as closely as possible (2D backs, OST, etc.), but it still has slowdowns. Typical situations are combos with more than 5 hits and/or a DM super cancel. I noticed it when I was using Beni, Maxima, Joe and some others, sometimes the required input speed of the last part of a combo goes down to about half the normal value, which is why I accidentally trigger DMs all the time, at least that's my theory.

Hmm... damn, I really want to play the AW version now. This is kinda tough for me to be honest, it's the first time since KoF95 that I have to resort to ports of KoF games, but a complete AW kit + the game is too expensive for me atm.

Well, let's see, the system does not seem to be very popular, so prices may come down within a year or so... I mean, I hope so... I know I end up with one of those things sooner or later anyway... :rolleyes:

I hate to be anal, but are there some example combos you could give? I'm still not finding ANY slowdown what so ever. I'm compairing the game directly to 2K2 and I've seen none (PS2 version and the MVS version). I have no trouble getting moves off at all, mid combo or not and do everything when I mean to do it. Also, the lag you could be experiencing here may be a control tweak they made in the game, not slowdown??? Seeing as how few have played the AW original, this may be the case, but I time most everything as if I were playing 2K2 on the MVS, and I've seen no problems or do antyhing I shouldnt do. I see no break in the speed of the moves what so ever when comparing to other KOF games. Here are a few of the combos I've tried to get the game to purposly slow down. Pretty basic cancel combos, but LOTS of hits.

Jump in HK, standing HP, Ryouko Ranbu, at the end of the super cancel into Zanretsu Ken (f, b, f, HP), cancle into DP+HP. This combo gets 30 clean hits and the timing is spot on, no lag on the actual motions on the moves at all. Another variation is to do a Haoshotoken at the end of the first super, or cancle into the Ryouko Ranbu at the end of a comboed Zanretsu Ken. Still no slowdown.

normal jump in crap, F+wk, hcb+HP, cancel into Beni Hurricane or his lightening one. I noticed no lag. Its 12 hits if everything comes out clean.

jump in stuff, F+WK, hcb+WP, cancel into 2xQCB+both kicks SDM. 19 hits, no lag in the motions. I even went as far as to time the hit noises on the SDM and it even sounds the exact same as 2K2.

jump in stuffs, dp+HP, cancel into qcf+2xk, Serpent wave off the juggle. 5 hits.
Jump in stuffs, dp+HP, cancle into hcb+HK, cancel into Serpent Wave. 5 Hits.
I thought for sure these combos would have slowdown because of all the fire, etc etc, but they come out perfect every time without a hitch in the actual motions.

In ALL of these combos, and more that I've tried, I have not had to slow the motions down at all durring the middle of the combo, or the cancel move wheither it be a special, DM, SDM, or HSDM.

As I said, these are just a few of the combos of many I have tried to get the game to purposly slow down. I've tested in actual play in VS mode, practice mode, and in story mode. I still dont notice any slowdown at all. The only time I've noticed slowdown is when I first turned the game on and it booted to the original 3D backgrounds. It was the train station stage, and I did Mai's SDM by itself. There was a noticeable ammount of slowdown that distracated from the gameplay. Although liveable, I had heard about this problem so I switched on the 2D BGs, and I've yet to find any, or any lag in controler motions you are speaking of. For the most part I'm timing everything off of 2K2 timing because the games are similar, sometimes being a bit quicker because the game plays a bit faster than 2K2 imo. I'm playing an offical game off of the DVD, on a 39000 series import PS2 with a first run PS2 Neo Geo Stick 2.

Having not played the AW version myself, I cant not compair it to the original, but, overall, I'm having no trouble with anything and find the game to play better than 2K1-2K3 imo.
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Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
yashiroTCM said:
Neowave is like a Shitty 2k2 remake, suxxxxxxorrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! :angry:

I agree, 2002 is vastly superior and just all around more fun. The damage on simple shit is wild in neowave, saisyu anyone?

Weakening billy's fwdA is totally retarded, thats awful.

I hate JD in KOF, its just to weird, flys in cvs2, not in this IMO.


Bu, ,
May 21, 2001
Takumaji said:
I've also configured the game to resemble the AW original as closely as possible (2D backs, OST, etc.), but it still has slowdowns. Typical situations are combos with more than 5 hits and/or a DM super cancel. I noticed it when I was using Beni, Maxima, Joe and some others, sometimes the required input speed of the last part of a combo goes down to about half the normal value, which is why I accidentally trigger DMs all the time, at least that's my theory.

Hmm... damn, I really want to play the AW version now. This is kinda tough for me to be honest, it's the first time since KoF95 that I have to resort to ports of KoF games, but a complete AW kit + the game is too expensive for me atm.

Well, let's see, the system does not seem to be very popular, so prices may come down within a year or so... I mean, I hope so... I know I end up with one of those things sooner or later anyway... :rolleyes:

Maybe its just you because i have never experienced a single slowdown when i set the BGs to 2d. As for the 3d stages, they are very well done and the only MAJOR slowdown i have experienced is when i am on the plant level 2 with those steams rising from the ground. On the other 3d stages the slowdowns are very minor. I have done a bit of research and found out that the 3d stages in the practice mode does not have any slowdowns, yes, even the plant level 2 with those steams which is weird. It only happens when you play team play, team vs or any other 2p mode. It looks like SNKP did not playtest this port.

But i really like the sprite filtering option. Very nice...

As for the gameplay, its pretty much spot on. Some characters have been tweaked and some have been toned. Beni could link his F+B again as in 2k1, Ralf's Stand C is fast just like 98, Iori's maiden masher has invincibility. It goes through fireballs as in 98 and hits the opponent and Choi could also link his F+B in combos. K' could link his A version of the iron trigger after a Crouch A unlike 2k2.
I would say the game speed is somewhere between 2k2 and 98.

Man, Ralf is really good now. I agree with you fran. With his 98 style Stand C and you combine it with his deadly 2k2 self (auto-guard on all hits of his hcb + D along with some mean super cancels) and you get a monster. He is also very effective against the CPU geese. Just spam the HCB+D.

I have played the AW version myself and I can't help but notice the geese in the PS2 version no longer says "deadly raaaave" when he charges towards his opponent. He just makes some lame grunt. Aside from that, everything else is the same.
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