KoF 2000: Which One is better AES or DC ?


Armored Scrum Object
May 11, 2002
I'm thinking about getting KoF 2000. I've read many positive feedback about the DC port but is it really better than the AES/MVS version ?

Help is appreciated



Marked Wolf
Jun 24, 2002
having only played the dreamcast version, as there are no arcades or anything here in the UK <img src="graemlins/crying.gif" border="0" alt="[Crying]" /> i would have to say go with that, it plays ace.


Armored Scrum Object
May 11, 2002
Originally posted by Mike:
<strong>Who is that girl in your sig? :eek: </strong><hr></blockquote>

Hehe you like her ? It's Monica Bellucci.

[ August 19, 2002: Message edited by: Rob ]</p>


Slug Flyer Pilot
20 Year Member
Feb 18, 2002
Originally posted by Rob:

Hehe you like her ? It's Monica Bellucci.

[ August 19, 2002: Message edited by: Rob ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

Under Suspicion. Great lips.


Sakura's Bank Manager
Jul 19, 2001
Wait for KoF2K1 to be released on DC...or get KoF2K1 on AES :)

KoF2K DC pros:
-more backgrounds (don't know if I should put this to pros, cause some of them really suck)
-mini game(s?)
-maybe some other not-really-useful-stuff ;)

-loading times
-crappy DC-Arcade stick

But you should really get KoF2K1...it's gameplay is much better!


Leon Ther,
Jun 20, 2002
monica bellucci was all naked in Brotherhood of the Wolf <img src="graemlins/drool2.gif" border="0" alt="[Drool 2]" />

i think she's usually naked in most of her euro films, cept BotW has some ass kickin action


Amano's Drinking Buddy
20 Year Member
Oct 10, 2000
I have to go with the AES version. No matter what you do, a port is a port (yes I am picky as hell). But I would also go with 2K1 over 2K anyday. :)


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
I wouldn't buy the home cart version of kof 2000. It's a pretty sorry game.

If you want to buy an SNK fighter on the DC, go for Last Blade ro Mark of the Wolves.


Gal Ageise's Demon
Jun 8, 2001
The AES-Version is the best, definately!!! Why should i buy the DC one??? HEHE!!! <img src="graemlins/smirk.gif" border="0" alt="[Smirk]" />


Formerly known as dmhawkmoon
May 5, 2002
I've heard this "The Neo-Geo version is betterJUST BECAUSE" argument before with Twinkle Star Sprites, and frankly, it was wrong. The ports are far superior because of so many added things in addition to having an arcade perfect mode. I have no opinion on this particular comparison, having never played either, but I hope people don't think it's good enough to say that the Neo-Geo one is better just because.

(Just because it's the original, Neo-Geo is cooler, they paid $300 for it and are jealous, etc.)

10 in 2010

loading times in KOF2k DC??

except for when you turn the machine on,
that's complete bollocks.

there may be what ,a 1 second loading time? give me a fuckin' break. it's not even noticeable to count.

some of you AES fanboys need to get your heads out of your asses. if the best reason you can come up with why aes is better 'cus of 1 second load times, that very sad and lame!!!!


Marked Wolf
Jun 24, 2002
Originally posted by 10in2010:
<strong>loading times in KOF2k DC??

except for when you turn the machine on,
that's complete bollocks.

there may be what ,a 1 second loading time? give me a fuckin' break. it's not even noticeable to count.

some of you AES fanboys need to get your heads out of your asses. if the best reason you can come up with why aes is better 'cus of 1 second load times, that very sad and lame!!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

<img src="graemlins/glee.gif" border="0" alt="[Glee]" />


Slug Flyer Pilot
20 Year Member
Feb 18, 2002
Hell, loading times for ANY 2D fighter on the DC are practically non-existent. That system has to be the BEST system for all SNK ports. If the NEO library was ever fully released for it, NEO CD systems would be a doorstop.

I played Garou on it recently and I thought it was incredible. Man, if only the AES version wasn't so expensive...


Baseball Star Hitter
Aug 29, 2000
some of you AES fanboys need to get your heads out of your asses. <hr></blockquote>

Hmm, I don't think so.
This is a NEOGEO site.
Anyone who likes the neogeo better "just because" is welcome here.

Don't like it, perhaps a nice Dreamcast site is the place eh?

You can like either version, but don't get all bunched up cause this an NeoGeo fanboy site that actully has some neogeo fanboys that post at it.


Crossed Swords Squire
Aug 7, 2001
This question has been asked in so many forms and so many times.

A: Is money an option?

B: Does 1 sec load time really foul up your day?

If you answered Yes to A then go with the port, you shouldn't be disappointed.
If you answered No to A then why in the world are you even asking this question... go buy both.

If you answered Yes to B, realize that Dreamcast is not the Neo Geo CD or Saturn, and load time is nearly nonexistant outside of the initial startup.
If you answered No to B, Haleluja, You can now be rest assured you have the ability to reason. :D

I would think that the only difference between the two that would be of any value might be what setup you perfer? My DC works great with a MadCatz controller, but if you are helplessly addicted to a Neo Geo Joystick? I can't help you. While the Puzzles are cool, and the art is Nice in the DC version its probably not a selling feature, but I enjoy it and see it as a bonus.

If you are worried that you won't like the game?Then KOF 2K DC is perfect for you, the economical way to try it out, then if you really like it you might sell the DC version and take the plunge into AES/MVS if you really feel the need to.

[ August 19, 2002: Message edited by: Gerken ]</p>


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
Originally posted by nick_th_fury:

Hmm, I don't think so.
This is a NEOGEO site.
Anyone who likes the neogeo better "just because" is welcome here.

Don't like it, perhaps a nice Dreamcast site is the place eh?

You can like either version, but don't get all bunched up cause this an NeoGeo fanboy site that actully has some neogeo fanboys that post at it.

my sentiments.


today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000
Originally posted by nick_th_fury:

Hmm, I don't think so.
This is a NEOGEO site.
Anyone who likes the neogeo better "just because" is welcome here.

Don't like it, perhaps a nice Dreamcast site is the place eh?

You can like either version, but don't get all bunched up cause this an NeoGeo fanboy site that actully has some neogeo fanboys that post at it.

well said,nick

man,this site is full of them kids nowadays

cant they migrate somewhere else

i dont hate em,but fuckin hell

i do own the homecart of kof 2000

they're telling me i should feel ashamed or summat

fuck that,i'm having NONE of that

10 in 2010

What? this has blown way out of proportion.

all i said was if the best reason you can come up with why the aes version is better because of 1 second load times , that's very lame.

i didn't say you should be ashamed of the Aes version or anything like that, hell no.

that post wasn't aimed at all Aes owners , just the blatant fanboys who will nit-pick at the slightest detail.

THOSE are the type that belong at gamefaqs, along with the 'final fantasy is the best , i won't play nothin' else'and single system fanboys.

Hikaru Ichijyo

Aug 5, 2002
I just picked up Garou:MotW on DC yesterday. I wouldn't mind owning the AES version but I don't have the funds to spare for the full blown cart. Sides can you really go wrong with the DC version of it when it only cost $13 brand new? :D

As for KOF2k, I haven't played a KOF since 99 on DC and even then didn't get to play it for very long (ironically I've bought the game but have boxed up my DC for the time being...mebbe I should dig it out of the closet and get some KOF action going :p ).

Caris Nautilus

Originally posted by Mystery:
-loading times
-crappy DC-Arcade stick</strong><hr></blockquote>

You definetly havn't played the game, there are 0 loads, and the music doesn't even stop.

The crappy DC stick isn't a con, it's you're own fault for not getting/making a better one.

I use a Mas Stick on my DC, as well as playing it on my arcade cabinet, and it's the same as an arcade machine for me.

You know what else? It does look better than the Neo version, because it solves the ugly pixilated sprite look all Neo fighters have had, due to the 1,000 year old hardware they're still running on.


New Challenger
Jul 6, 2002
Neither of them seem really all that much different. I have both of them and I acuatlly like DC a bit better. Seems to control and play better. I also have Mark of the Wolves for both and was actually sad to see that the Neo Geo version isnt any better than the Neo geo Version. You are dealing with a 24 bit system vs what a Dreamcast that is 64 bit. Neo Geo is old skool now. I think PS2 or anything currently out could do games better than Neo geo can now.


Jello Pudding Pop, Y'know? Like that whole Bill C
Jun 27, 2001
I knew Fran and Drift King would make this thread more fun!

Personally I own the MVS cart, it's awesome. For me I love the carts, sure it's MVS but I make them pretty. :D

If you care about getting the carts for your collection, of if you just like having the cart then get the AES, you can get a Jap one for like $175 I think which is pretty good.

If you are strapped for cash and really don't care how you play (as long as it's legal I'm assuming, otherwise you'd have the ROM), then the DC is a good way to play. I think it has a few timing issues, but they are really minor if the other DC ports are any indication. Plus it has a ton of extra's.

Lets solve this debate:
The version of the game that is better is ENTIRELY a matter of opinion! You hear that Fran and Drift King? Some people value having the extras the DC games have and the price savings, but some people love the Neo hardware enough that the "big cool cart factor" outweighs the extras on the 99% perfect port!



PS. If that gets two to settle the debate then someone from the boards should give me like $5 ;)


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
Originally posted by Fran:

well said,nick

man,this site is full of them kids nowadays

cant they migrate somewhere else

i dont hate em,but fuckin hell

i do own the homecart of kof 2000

they're telling me i should feel ashamed or summat

fuck that,i'm having NONE of that</strong><hr></blockquote>

Will ALL FAN MEN stand up PLEASE!! :D
Oh yes..I am guilty!
Neo or Nothing for me..Thankyou