Will you put both Rugal forms at the character select screen?
Unfortunately Rugal doesn't work that way. He's not really a character, he's truly the boss. As in when you are using him, it's exactly as if the other player is fighting the game's boss. You can't only play with his second form, it just doesn't show up. It will only show up if you first use his first form and have that form lose a round.
Anything is possible if someone is willing to reverse engineer the game and make Rugal a more normal character. But I think that would be insanely hard.
When you enable him with a debug dip, it was really intended just to be a way for the devs to test him out. It will be the same in my hack, I'm basically setting the debug dip for you.
If it is your entire team, how will you deal with that when you already selected any other character to not let select Rugal?
That's a good question. Not sure yet. I might just make it if you pick Rugal he just becomes your team regardless of who else you picked.
Is the panther at the background for the assistance?
Yup, his panther is there. Not sure if it assists, but it probably does. As far as I can tell it's just like when fighting cpu Rugal in every way.
Also when he enters his second form, he screws up a ton of palettes, because the game assumes you're at Blacknoah. Although, I think I can make the game leave the palettes alone.
Oh and when he charges with ABC, he has no sprite
So yeah, Rugal is pretty crusty all in all. I think I will still add him because if you don't want him around, just don't enter the code.
Any possibillity of adding the TEAM EDIT? YES [NO] text
It would be doable. I'll add it to the "post release" bucket. Not sure I'll add this myself, as to be honest I never really liked it in KOF95. I think SNK didn't either, as after 95 they ditched it. The rom hack is open source, so anyone else is welcome to add it if they are feeling adventurous.
The cut scenes and endings will work the same as originally when you select an entire team?
I'm also adding this to the "post release" bucket. I plan to have fairly generic cutscenes and a generic ending to accommodate any team. Noticing the player chose a story based team and having the real cutscenes for that team run would certainly be doable. But it'd also be more work. My first goal is to just get out a good but maybe not totally perfect hack.
Does this hack works perfect in MVS mode too?
Yup, works just fine on MVS. It also works in single play mode, but it's kind of hokey. In single play mode, you still pick three characters, then pick one of the three to actually use in order select. That is also how the original game works, single play in KOF94 was kinda tacked on.
The more I write about Rugal and all his limitations, maybe I shouldn't add him. You'd still be able to get him using the debug dips as before. Not sure, let me think on that.