I hope I get $2K


Athena's Stalker
15 Year Member
Now that the increase to $2000 is heading to the Senate, I'll be curious to see if there is any actual blowback from Republicans defying* the orange nutbar, or if his influence on the party is overstated, like so much is in the media.

*because you know there is no way in hell that Mitch is going to send money to poor people, that'd be the biggest sin of all in his twisted little mind.


Least Valuable Player
Now that the increase to $2000 is heading to the Senate, I'll be curious to see if there is any actual blowback from Republicans defying* the orange nutbar, or if his influence on the party is overstated, like so much is in the media.

*because you know there is no way in hell that Mitch is going to send money to poor people, that'd be the biggest sin of all in his twisted little mind.

I can't wait till this cat dies

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
If we’re going to use that logic then the American people bear the ultimate blame. We elect these people, after all.

Unless we’ve, you know, given up on democracy and are accepting we’ve created institutions whose only true goal is to further the institution and none of this all really matters. We just all cogs in a machine that by design will always reach the same end.

On good days I still have hope.

We elect the people who determine the electoral maps. Gerrymander and dipshit electors determine the rest.


Slugmariner Captain
20 Year Member
The money looks like it was deposited/remitted last night into my account but it says it wont clear or actually fully be deposited until Monday the 4th. Kinda sucks could use it now but at least it looks like its coming through.....

Hopefully my credit union doesn't mess it up I can picture them declining it and then me having to wait to get a check, think that's what happened last time.


20 Year Member
We elect the people who determine the electoral maps. Gerrymander and dipshit electors determine the rest.

I think we’re doomed. I hope not.

If I get $2K I’m going to buy an Elektron Analog Rtym.

$600? Meh. Might buy one of the M1 Macs.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Wow, let’s talk about your home theater sound system...

I'm working on it. I'm thinking of going retail instead of scraping together what I can find at yard sales. \

Two summers ago, I picked up a trio of THX Marantz Monoblock Amps for $5 each and I've been kicking myself for selling them ever since.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
I have a Sonos system but it sometimes has issues connecting. If I am going to upgrade, I would prefer to buy the best set up. But no clue what that is since AV ain’t my jam.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Got my money this morning. Not much but not a bad way to start the new year.


Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Got my money this morning. Not much but not a bad way to start the new year.

Same here, got the 1200 for me and my wife.

My wife needs a surgery to fix her nasal airways, this will cover the copays and deductibles for it. It will be a big quality of life improvement for her to breathe better.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Same here, got the 1200 for me and my wife.

My wife needs a surgery to fix her nasal airways, this will cover the copays and deductibles for it. It will be a big quality of life improvement for her to breathe better.

Yea, I had to do this years ago. Had a deviated septum and was taking in most of my air on one side. It's not perfect but much better now.


Professional College Dropout
10 Year Member
Yea, I had to do this years ago. Had a deviated septum and was taking in most of my air on one side. It's not perfect but much better now.

Glad to hear it helped you.

Her septum was mad deviated; her parents ignored it her whole life. She basically couldn't breathe through her nose at all. A few months ago she had the surgery to fix the septum and start on the airways. Her right side is almost perfect but the left still needs some work. It's an in office procedure, some new high tech thing that kinda scars the airways to help keep them from collapsing when you breathe.

Her quality of life is already much better even from just the 1st surgery. We're pretty salty at her parents for never helping her; a family doctor told them to take her to an ENT when she was younger, but they never did. Anyway, she's much better off now and that's what matters.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Glad to hear it helped you.

Her septum was mad deviated; her parents ignored it her whole life. She basically couldn't breathe through her nose at all. A few months ago she had the surgery to fix the septum and start on the airways. Her right side is almost perfect but the left still needs some work. It's an in office procedure, some new high tech thing that kinda scars the airways to help keep them from collapsing when you breathe.

Her quality of life is already much better even from just the 1st surgery. We're pretty salty at her parents for never helping her; a family doctor told them to take her to an ENT when she was younger, but they never did. Anyway, she's much better off now and that's what matters.

Yea, that sucks. I started noticing issues when I was a teenager. One too many fights with nose bleeds and I must've either fractured or broken the septum and it didn't heal properly so my septum was curved. Only assume it was that because when I was a little my septum. Was straight and had no issues..

I eventually had the procedure done when I was 25. I had to pay out of pocket for the cosmetic part. I wasn't just going to do the repair and look like shit. It was worth it though. And my nose doesn't have a knarly curve. The recovery was a pain though literally but only the first 2-3 days after that it's not bad.

I'm glad you're Wife is doing much better now.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
So people only got 600 bucks and not 2000?

I wonder what it would take to get a revolution going in America.


20 Year Member
So people only got 600 bucks and not 2000?

I wonder what it would take to get a revolution going in America.

Probably when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce us under absolute Despotism.


Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
I used my $600 for a new stylus for the turntable, an ottoman and an area rug

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