How often do you pick up a new AES or MVS cart?


Cinema Ninja!,
Sep 24, 2013
When I originally had my AES back in '91-'93 I only ever owned 2 games for it. I was 14 when I bought the AES, and just couldn't ever scratch up the $250+ for a new game until I made the mistake of selling it.

Now I have a little more disposable $ at hand. And just ordered up an Omega CMVS & 10 games. Plan on picking up more tomorrow.

So how often on average do you figure you pick up a new cart?


My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
I pick up a new game about once a month on average. Sometimes I buy a few in a short time, sometimes it's a couple months before I find a game I want. I don't think there are many more Neo Geo games I'd really want, especially on AES. Maybe a few more of the early titles if I can find them for reasonable prices. I'll probably keep picking through the library, maybe I'll find some more titles. I've already had my fill of fighting games, I don't intend to buy more, except possibly Mark of the Wolves but that's an expensive game on either format.

For the moment, a Thrash Rally AES cart would be awesome, but it sure is expensive on AES. MVS doesn't seem much better.


Cholecystectomy Required.,
10 Year Member
Oct 1, 2013
I try to pick up a cart a month, that way I'll have a decent collection once I can bite the bulle and get a CMVS from either AI or Omega. Still working on that decision.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I bought most of my mvs games about 5 years back in rapid succession, but I barely but anything these days. I pick up the odd home cart that is inexpensive maybe 2 or 3 times a year. I do keep my eyes open on the marketplace, but I have most of the common stuff already and only jump on deals.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
$70 is still my top price for a home cart. $100+ for anything but the best of the best is ludicrous.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
When I originally had my AES back in '91-'93 I only ever owned 2 games for it. I was 14 when I bought the AES, and just couldn't ever scratch up the $250+ for a new game until I made the mistake of selling it.

Now I have a little more disposable $ at hand. And just ordered up an Omega CMVS & 10 games. Plan on picking up more tomorrow.

So how often on average do you figure you pick up a new cart?

I had an AES + Viewpoint at roughly the same age and time. I had to deliver a lot of newspapers to afford that and quickly decided the Neo Geo was too rich for my blood too.

These days I try to buy lots rather than single games because you tend to get better deals that way. Good deals on single game purchases are hard to find because it seems like everyone and their mom is trying to buy right now and supply is limited. On average, I buy 1 a month for the Neo but I can go months without buying anything.

Pope Sazae

Known Scammer, DO NOT DEAL WITH!, The Management.,
Dec 9, 2007
I already own most of the games I will really want or play so I just glance in the marketplace and check for a good deal. If it's one a month or one every 6 months it doesn't matter since there are not many games I am currently looking for.


Cinema Ninja!,
Sep 24, 2013
I bought most of my mvs games about 5 years back in rapid succession, but I barely but anything these days. I pick up the odd home cart that is inexpensive maybe 2 or 3 times a year. I do keep my eyes open on the marketplace, but I have most of the common stuff already and only jump on deals.

I have a feeling this is how most of my MVS collection will happen as well. So far it has been exactly like that.

These days I try to buy lots rather than single games because you tend to get better deals that way. Good deals on single game purchases are hard to find because it seems like everyone and their mom is trying to buy right now and supply is limited. On average, I buy 1 a month for the Neo but I can go months without buying anything.

I haven't really seen MVS lots so much. There's been a few on eBay, but none I felt I wanted to try for. So far I've been buying multiple carts at a time from someone when I see someone selling carts I'd care to play. So I've not yet really gone after single carts I want but don't yet have.

And I'm more curious about the average per month, or week if you've bought that many that you have picked up since you started collecting AES or MVS carts. Maybe not how many you picked up when you do pick them up. So far it looks like you guys are just picking up carts you might want when they're cheap. Which is quite the reasonable thing to do.

Suppose I need to go through the collections section a bit more to see what it's like for most people around here. As of now I don't know if most people here have dozens of carts (or all of them?), or just a select few they really want to play.

Like yesterday if felt great to be able to pick up 10 MVS carts. Because after having just the 2 carts that came with my Gold system and never getting any more carts it feels good to be able to have more than 2 carts that I'll be able to play. And I'm sure I'll probably pick up another 10 or so carts in the next week or so. Not sure how many I'll be picking up on average after that.


My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
$70 is still my top price for a home cart. $100+ for anything but the best of the best is ludicrous.

My top paid price for a home cart is now $130, JP Real Bout Special. I paid an unspeakable amount for teh special.

I can understand that mentality, but it only works if you've been buying since the mid 90s when Neo Geo started getting dumped at retail. $70 will only get you the cheapo fighters and early NOS games these days.

I guess I'm not a cheapass anymore. Maybe mass quantities of shitty games made me wise up and pay more for less.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
10 Year Member
Feb 5, 2010
I've pretty much picked up just about all the neo games that I'd want to play already.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
My top paid price for a home cart is now $130, JP Real Bout Special. I paid an unspeakable amount for teh special.

I can understand that mentality, but it only works if you've been buying since the mid 90s when Neo Geo started getting dumped at retail. $70 will only get you the cheapo fighters and early NOS games these days.

I guess I'm not a cheapass anymore. Maybe mass quantities of shitty games made me wise up and pay more for less.

Well, I like home carts for fun, but if I really want to play something that's really expensive chances are I already have it on MVS or CD. My home cart collection is pretty much as you describe, the early NOS titles that were on ebay a few years ago, some cheapo fighters and a few odd midpriced games that aren't in collectors grade shape so I got them cheap. That being said, I'd totally pay $130 for Real Bout Special if I had the cash laying around.


15 Year Member
May 20, 2004
When i was buying for the cmvs,every couple of months.Though i never finished my collection because of buying for other consoles.Still i got plenty of games for it so i never feel the need to buy what's left.


Armored Scrum Object
15 Year Member
Feb 17, 2007
Like others here have said, I already have most of the titles I wanted, so I don't buy much anymore. I'm not a completist or very sentimental about the earlier games on the system, so I concentrated on the ones I wanted, which of course were the ones everybody else wants, making them the expensive ones. Though I got relatively decent deals on most of them back in the day. Now? I wouldn't even bother trying to buy AES carts of that sort as the prices are insane now.

I occasionally consider getting slightly better condition earlier games than the ones I have now though. My Viewpoint is a little worn and Samurai Shodown could be in better condition. At the rate things are going though, that should only cost me a thousand dollars or so to fix when I get around to it. :lolz:


Sieger's Squire
10 Year Member
Apr 16, 2011
I just buy when I see the ones I want. So some months I'd buy nothing and then others I'd buy 10+

I'm at the stage now that I don't buy many as I have the ones I want


NAM-75 Vet
Jun 2, 2008
When I finally got into carts, my startup buy cost me, but gave me a high yield (AES, 8 carts, 2 controllers, MVS converter) After that it was kinda stuttery. Some months I'd get 2-6 carts between formats, and sometimes it'd be months between buying 1 cart in either format. So far, after a year of collecting carts I'm thrilled with my collection (19 AES, 8 MVS). I've gotten all of the games I dreamed of owning as a youngling, and a good chunk of the games I've gotten into after playing more of the back catalog, so at this stage, I've slowed down quite a bit. Still many left on my list to get, though.

I find what really helps me in my buying is having a Mulitcart. I got an MVS 100-in-1 that helps me gague how committed to a game I am before I decide I need it, and what format I need it in (I generally prefer to stay AES but for games that just cost too damn much (Metal Slug titles), or exclusives (Shock Troopers), or games that while I truly love, I know I won't play as much of, I'll get the MVS version), and get my fix in the meantime if I'm saving for an expensive-ish title.
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Fu'un-Ken Master
10 Year Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've been collecting MVS carts for nearly two and a half years, and I currently own 70 games (although I've sold 5-10 carts, including duplicates, over time). I'd say I average one cart every week or two, but some weeks I'll happen upon 3-5 games if a seller has a good deal of games I'm looking for. I've slowed down lately, like others, because I have many of the games I want for the Neo Geo and most of my remaining wanted carts don't come up for sale very often.
Oct 2, 2013
I just started and pick up roughly 10 games. I think from here on I'll just get a game every other month that I enjoy from my 161-in-1 cart. I'll eventually get a cmvs so i can play these games in my room as well :)


Thou Shalt Not, Question Rot.,
Jan 17, 2013
my experience has been the same as most others and I bet yours will be similar (if you're not going to collect carts from multiple areas, with different colors or rental carts): in the beginning I got the more common carts that I wanted fast (considering the money I had), the average would be 5 carts a month for the first 4 months, then began the hunt for the few less common (and more expensive) games on my list and I score about 1 every two months now...

what condition you are looking for will also be an important factor. As for myself, I've got this crazy idea that I want all my carts to have English labels and at least one serial intact... that and being on an increasingly tight budget of course slowed down the number of carts coming in too.
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Robot Master., Master Tasuke, Eat Your, Heart Out
10 Year Member
Secret Santa Veteran
Mar 5, 2013
I pick up as many as I can afford. Sometimes a couple a month some times none.


Cinema Ninja!,
Sep 24, 2013
my experience has been the same as most others and I bet yours will be similar (if you're not going to collect carts from multiple areas, with different colors or rental carts): in the beginning I got the more common carts that I wanted fast (considering the money I had), the average would be 5 carts a month for the first 4 months, then began the hunt for the few less common (and more expensive) games on my list and I score about 1 every two months now...

what condition you are looking for will also be an important factor. As for myself, I've got this crazy idea that I want all my carts to have English labels and at least one serial intact... that and being on an increasingly tight budget of course slowed down the number of carts coming in too.

So far I'm not too concerned with condition as I'm just buying loose MVS carts. So I'm not going after certain color carts, or other variations. It would be nice if I could have English labels on them all. But that's not a deal breaker either.

As of right now what I've picked up is about 50/50 what I had wanted for some time vs. what came up for cheap enough & that I would like to play at some point. I would like to get more of the list of games I've been wanting for some time. But if I've got the $ to spare I don't think I'd pass up a cart that I'd like to try out if it's a good enough deal.

I've yet to ever actually meet someone in person that's had a Neo Geo (either AES, MVS, or CMVS) in the 22 years they've been around. Which is the source of my curiosity on this subject. Not to mention the lack of AES carts in the market here, and quite the apparent abundance of MVS carts to be had. That was also not quite something I was expecting. Because to me Neo was AES as far as enthusiasts go. My Neo era was when MVS was super expensive and AES was "cheap". Seems I was wrong and people are generally running MVS in either cab, supergun, or CMVS.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I buy Neo Geo games sporadically, but when I do I usually buy many at a time That's how it works for all my systems.

I have a huge collection and tons of games I haven't even played so sometimes I'll go a very long time without buying a new game. I just dip into the backlog. But when I whittle the backlog down or nothing in it seems appealing at the moment I buy another bunch of games I know I'll be interested in. Recently I've gotten Last Blade, Metal Slug, Metal Slug X, Neo Bomberman (boot), and King of Fighters 98 for MVS.

Or sometimes I go on a comic book kick or I start watching a TV series and I don't play or buy games at all, and spend all my entertainment money on box sets and trade paperbacks.


Geese's Thug
Feb 27, 2013
I been buying MVS kits and AES games like every 2 weeks i think i'll stick with that for awhile