Has anyone heard from aluisi? It's been 4 months since I've sent him money.


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
Hey guys, has anyone heard from or seen/talked to aluisi lately? He sold me a Hyper Neo Geo 64 Rev 2 back in February and I haven't received my board, nor has he contacted me since then.

I sent him $80 for the unit and I don't want to file a Paypal dispute (I don't know if I can at this point) since aluisi has been a member here for TEN years now.

If anyone knows him on a personal level, get in contact with him for me. I know he was going in to have some sort of surgery around the time I paid him, so I hope nothing bad has happened.


Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
He usually comes through. He might be ill right now which I hope he's doing better. Depending on what surgery he got affects his recovery time.


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
Still no word. Hoping to hear progress from him or a friend of his.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
I've been waiting 2 years for my jammacast. I called him up during the weekend and he apologized and said he was going to send me a jamma genesis as a replacement for the jammacast. He said he had some health issues along with some other stuff going on. He sounded sincere, so let's see what happens.


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
Still have not received a refund for this mobo. If anyone can get ahold of, it would be helpful in my current time of need for cash.


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
Hate to say this...still haven't received my money back. It's been 1 year now.


Tung Fu Rue's Prize Student
20 Year Member
Oct 3, 2006
Meanwhile in California...



Baseball Star Hitter
10 Year Member
Apr 24, 2012
What a piece of shit. He might be a ten year member, but even "Sick" guys can do a refund, whether it's a work computer, an iphone, or the library. Was the sale a gift or were there paypal fees involved? Sorry man.


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
It's been almost two years now. Does anyone know what's going on? Have other members had their money stolen? Can he be contacted to send my cash back?


The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
Two years...this is getting out of hand..

Here's his Facebook page:


His Twitter:


His Google Plus:


His Address plus phone number:

Asher Luisi
(949) 423-7854

1755 Monrovia Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92627-4406


Before someone gets upset about posting this information on the dude, he took a long time to send me a Jammacast that he supposedly had readily available. He kept on coming up with excuses and delaying for different reasons (parts needed, etc). My buddy Razo has been going though this as well and still hasn't received his item back.

Mods, feel free to do what you need to do...but this is fucking ridiculous. Two years and still nothing?

I know there are people on this board that know him either in real life or on social networking sites. Please let him know that he still has pending transactions that need to be taken care of.
Last edited:


Chang's Grocer
Jun 30, 2010
The OC (Costa Mesa) is not that far from LA.

Lost of members are cursing the fwys, going the meets, auctions, and hot spots.

If he needs help, holla!!


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
10 Year Member
Feb 5, 2010
The seller hasn't logged in for a year and a half. It's high time for a visit.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
He's a scam artist. Your money is gone, my money is gone. It's over.


Geese's Thug
Apr 3, 2002
No I am not a scam artist. Here is what I have been up to in the last few years first there is this fun

been in and out of hospital almost monthly for more then the past few years. I lost my job about 3 years ago. I am 17000 in child support dept along with 40K in hospital bills. I havent paid my rent in 3 months about to lose my place. My family can no longer support me with bills and money. I choose daily when I do have money to either pay a bill or eat. My kid got nothing for Christmas. Here is my bank account balance

I am on the verge of being homeless losing my visitation rights for my kid. I have been struggling to get back on my feet. As soon as I do I will make sure razo gets a full refund as well as NeoEsZ. My life has hit the shiter for the past 4 or more years. I have been struggling just to stay a float as well as alive with all the bullshit medical stuff I have been going through. I do feel really bad about everything. Up until the issues I had I was very respectable seller and modder. Right after Razo ordered from me my life took a downward spiral. I am currently looking for a job. Trying to clean up my life and just deal with the day to day medical crap. I tried to get disability or something but I can not get any goverment aid because I have a child support case.

You guys have the right to be mad and pissed I know I would be if I was in your shoes. I am begging you to please bear with me. You will get your money back as soon as posable. I cleared out my inbox here so I can now receive messages. I would like Razo and NeoEsZ to send me a message with there paypal info and how much i need to send them. I am not asking for forgiveness just a little understanding please. Thats not my phone number by the way. If either Razo or NeoEsZ wants my phone number to call me please message me.


Geese's Thug
Apr 3, 2002
I have a heart issue. I get really bad PVC's panic attacks and reactive hypoglycemia. That picture was right after a operation. So fun things all around and having no money or job and about to lose my house and kid doesnt make things better.

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
I have a heart issue. I get really bad PVC's panic attacks and reactive hypoglycemia. That picture was right after a operation. So fun things all around and having no money or job and about to lose my house and kid doesnt make things better.

My uncle had PVCs for a while and we narrowed it down to one of his pills he took that had caffeine and ginseng. Once he stopped taking those he rarely had an occurrence. He was in construction and needed energy boosts in the morning.


Geese's Thug
Apr 3, 2002
ya i quit drinking caffeine years ago. I get them in run 1000+ a day and 5-12 in a row. I think my chardo doc is sick of seeing me. I am due for a new treadmill test and echo to make sure my heart valves haven't gotten worse. I am on just blood pressure meds right now. Beta blockers dont work for me it makes them worse. I am trying to narrow down what my triggers are but they are very sever. They are hopping and as well as me that it doesnt turn into something worse. My dad has heart issues so yay for genetics.

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
ya i quit drinking caffeine years ago. I get them in run 1000+ a day and 5-12 in a row. I think my chardo doc is sick of seeing me. I am due for a new treadmill test and echo to make sure my heart valves haven't gotten worse. I am on just blood pressure meds right now. Beta blockers dont work for me it makes them worse. I am trying to narrow down what my triggers are but they are very sever. They are hopping and as well as me that it doesnt turn into something worse. My dad has heart issues so yay for genetics.

The way we did it with my uncle was to start from a blank slate. For his meals he only ate the same thing for all three meals and only drank water. For the pills he was taking we made him take them one type per day until we ran though them all. We also notice that if he ate a high glycemic load it would also trigger the PVCs as well. So he then had to change his diet and eat like a diabetic going by the glycemic index and load of foods.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
No I am not a scam artist. Here is what I have been up to in the last few years first there is this fun

been in and out of hospital almost monthly for more then the past few years. I lost my job about 3 years ago. I am 17000 in child support dept along with 40K in hospital bills. I havent paid my rent in 3 months about to lose my place. My family can no longer support me with bills and money. I choose daily when I do have money to either pay a bill or eat. My kid got nothing for Christmas. Here is my bank account balance

I am on the verge of being homeless losing my visitation rights for my kid. I have been struggling to get back on my feet. As soon as I do I will make sure razo gets a full refund as well as NeoEsZ. My life has hit the shiter for the past 4 or more years. I have been struggling just to stay a float as well as alive with all the bullshit medical stuff I have been going through. I do feel really bad about everything. Up until the issues I had I was very respectable seller and modder. Right after Razo ordered from me my life took a downward spiral. I am currently looking for a job. Trying to clean up my life and just deal with the day to day medical crap. I tried to get disability or something but I can not get any goverment aid because I have a child support case.

You guys have the right to be mad and pissed I know I would be if I was in your shoes. I am begging you to please bear with me. You will get your money back as soon as posable. I cleared out my inbox here so I can now receive messages. I would like Razo and NeoEsZ to send me a message with there paypal info and how much i need to send them. I am not asking for forgiveness just a little understanding please. Thats not my phone number by the way. If either Razo or NeoEsZ wants my phone number to call me please message me.

Hey dude, sorry. I did not know. Last time I spoke to you was almost 2 years ago and you said you were going through some things but that you would send me some things to make up for it and then I never heard from you again. Get better man.


Geese's Thug
Apr 3, 2002
The way we did it with my uncle was to start from a blank slate. For his meals he only ate the same thing for all three meals and only drank water. For the pills he was taking we made him take them one type per day until we ran though them all. We also notice that if he ate a high glycemic load it would also trigger the PVCs as well. So he then had to change his diet and eat like a diabetic going by the glycemic index and load of foods.

Ya I have a food diary that I am trying to do lol. Its a pain but I write everything in there that I eat. It kinda helps with avoiding somethings that I know will cause it. I did finally get some state medical insurance (one good thing about obama care it made it super easy for me to finally get insurance thats free) So thats helping a bit. I dont have to pay out like $50 a month for my meds any more. I have been so stressed and not sleeping more then a few hours a night and I know thats not helping either. I did see a dietitian a few years back that basically wanted to me to eat a diabetic diet. More slow digesting proteins balanced out with a few carbs. It sucks but at lest I can eat steak when ever i want and can afford it lol