Aerith die o no die?
What's folk's impressions of it so far?
The bitch is still TKO but in this retread they made it convoluting as fuck.
And can someone tell me what the hell is with this black & white ghosts/spirits? I don't remember them from the 90's OG. Aside from being a distraction they are the only thing I have seen in that game that looks like low polly shit.
And why are the big boss fights always in space?
I'm not going to front & act like i'm some seasoned FF7 player/fan. Truth be told I was never an RPG/JRPG guy at all sans Super Mario RPG & FF7. With that being said FF7 was a cultrural milestone for alot of us & I was at the right age at the right time. I''m a poser when it comes to this game so i'm sure I cheated & did not play the whole thing but I still know enough to say that from what I have watched of this remake, with square introducing Sephiroth much earlier & having him pop up more often, they killed alot of the suspense that came with the build up in the original.
I watched the end boss fights & scenes of remake & rebirth and both the "too much too soon" factor (with Sephiroth being in his "one winged angel" form) as well as the repetition (of having Sephy as the boss again in rebirth in the form of an updated version of Genove/Safer Sephiroth as "Sephiroth Reborn") ruined things for me.
I mean how many fucking revisions of "One Winged Angel" do we need........on one game.
By the time we get to the finale (which I was initially looking forward to seeing how they handled that) with Sephiroth it will be completely predictable & stale.
At the end of the day this type of shiz is not for me & others though.
I remember back when the OG was release & gamefan mag saying "Just imagine.......50 hours of gameplay" That seams novel now, but I would argue that was enough. now it's like everything needs to be stretched into a multiverse type, multi installment shitshow that is tailored to feed a fanbase of stand who treat it like a near religion.
Looking back to the early 2000's & onward the FF7 characters & story have been expanded & re-tread in so many spinoff & cameo's & other shit this it's nuts. That game really changed things but i'm not so sure it was all for the best.