ever seen a car accident as it happened??


Ghost of Captain Kidd
Sep 2, 2002
the other day me and my girlfriend were driving somewhere (walmart i believe it was) and we saw someone on a scooter pull out in front of an old lady in a bmw and she plows him down. about 5 minutes later some black guy is pulling off of the main road into the KFC parking lot and gets rear-ended by a cadillac escalade. it was strange because up to that point i had never seen an accident happen in my entire life and then i saw 2 within 5 minutes of each other.


Big Bang Pro Wrestler
15 Year Member
Nov 18, 2006
Yes, I've seen quite a lot. The 4 way stop just 3 houses away from my house is always busy as hell, and there never cease to be dumbasses who dont stop at the sign.

Last one I saw was just last week while I was on my way to a friend's house (have to go through that 4 way stop). A pickup truck ahead of me was up next to cross, when all of a sudden some dumb fuck comes from the side and T-bones the pickup. The front tires of the pickup blew up on impact (it slid to the side a few feet). The car went spinning and crashed against the sidewalk like 30 feet away. I got down to assist the people, luckily no serious injuries. If I had been just a vehicle ahead, that would have been me getting T-boned.

That's just one example tho, I've seen lots of car accidents, not just at that 4 way stop either, seen some fatal accidents as well, meh. People drive like shit over here.
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Nov 29, 2001
Orochi_invisibleink said:
the other day me and my girlfriend were driving somewhere (walmart i believe it was) and we saw someone on a scooter pull out in front of an old lady in a bmw and she plows him down. about 5 minutes later some black guy is pulling off of the main road into the KFC parking lot and gets rear-ended by a cadillac escalade. it was strange because up to that point i had never seen an accident happen in my entire life and then i saw 2 within 5 minutes of each other.

Be carefull, bad things usually come in threes


, Certified Gamer Chick,
20 Year Member
Oct 13, 2002
I've seen a couple.

- While I was waiting for a bus a woman in an SUV pulled out of a car wash next to my apartment complex. She was trying to pull into the lane to her left and she jumped the median. The SUV plowed into a street light, and that light crashed into the street. She thankfully wasn't hurt badly and no other cars were trashed, but it did cause a lot of traffic backup.

- A guy tried to cut across to get into the turning lane, only to be smacked by an oncoming car. Neither were going very fast, but it caused some pretty severe damage.

- Again, this one happened while I was at the bus stop. Three cars crashed into each other in a domino (no pun intended) effect. One car stopped at the red light, another car rear-ended it, and yet another car rear-ended that one. No injuries or even yelling and screaming.


Hyperspin King., Beer Not Included.,
20 Year Member
Mar 18, 2002
I once saw a van come screeching over the lawn, hit a by stander, the by stander flew straight up in the air at about a 45 degree angle, legs hit the top of a big wooden sign, he started doing fast cartwheels mid air spinning out of control and landed about 30 feet away in the grass sorta fucked up. Sign saved him though as it slowed down the impact.

I also saw a dog get smacked and fly like 100 feet down the road. It skidded everywhere and took off seemingly ok


The Goob Hunter
20 Year Member
Sep 1, 2001
I crossed the road a little late once about 6 years ago

heard a beep and a smash




Andy's Clothess,
May 23, 2001
Okay so I was on my way home from the post office, and I was at a stop light. This Chevy truck crosses to make a left turn and then all of the sudden this Ford truck opposite of me comes roaring while the Chevy truck was still going because it was pulling a trailer and T-boned the Chevy. I was like "Holy shit"! What's even worse was that the Ford truck lost control for a bit and almost missed me as it went into the center divider.


Nov 24, 2005
Just saw one yesterday.

Busy intersection near Wal-Mart.

Dumbass was crossing the intersection after the light turn red.

The guy who was taking a left turn got hit by that fuckface.


Chin's Bartender
20 Year Member
Oct 4, 2001
Saw one about seven years ago:


It's a lot of fun when you're driving along minding your own business and a car lands in your fucking lap.

Nobody was killed, but I got a couple surgeries out of the deal. The passenger in the other car got up close and personal with the windshield. She had a bad day.

Always wear your seat belt :)


20 Year Member
Nov 22, 2001
I was once in one.

Me and some friends were driving around pretty stoned, I was riding shotgun rolling another spliff and we came to an intersection and the driver just keeps on going forward and then anoter mate of mine yells from the back seat "You dumbass, you should've taken a right" so what does the dumbass do, the makes a sharp turn to the right, too late, and we go right off the road headfirst into a shallow ditch :D

Nobody got hurt and we just shoved the car back to the road and continued on our way.


15 Year Member
Jul 29, 2004
Orochi_invisibleink said:
about 5 minutes later some black guy is pulling off of the main road into the KFC parking lot and gets rear-ended by a cadillac escalade. it was strange because up to that point i had never seen an accident happen in my entire life and then i saw 2 within 5 minutes of each other.

Assuming the Escalade had spinner rims,
You saw 2 stereotypes within seconds seconds of eachother as well (j/p).

I've seen collisions, but nothing devastating. The worst shit I've seen comes from the aftermath; like this one kid who stole a car and swerved into a lightpost...I watched him die on the scene shortly after paramedics arrived.

I also saw the craziest shit where a fancy bimmer full of ginos got t-boned by a Club Joker promotional cube van....a couple of them managed to drag their way out of the wreckage, others were still unconcious and trapped in the vehicle....lots of bood stained broken glass, and a stream of it was running down into a sewer drain close to the curb. I'm kinda fucked up for saying this, but the sinister look on the "Joker" logo was fucking priceless....hope they were alright though. :oh_no:


A simple man who simply loves gaming.
20 Year Member
Jan 18, 2002
Story One
Whenever there's a proper amount of snow on the road and I happen to be driving, damn near every time. The last time I was in bad snow I was heading north on 35E, heading back home. As I moving along this Jeep Grand Cherokee is coming up the onramp pretty fast (obviously the idiot didn't realize how bad things were on the sidestreets), and it attempts to move quickly across three lanes of traffic over to the fast lane (which wasn't moving fast in the first place). Sure as shit, the instant the driver turns the wheel it loses the rear wheels, fishtails right, hard fishtail left (it is now criss-cross with the center and left lanes). And instead of coasting or pumping the breaks their foot slips, hits the accelerator and it takes a plunge into the (severely downgraded) ditch.

Lucky. Had he/she waited to move over just another fifty or so yards he/she would've experienced a 100 foot drop off the expansion section of 35E. Knowing he/she plunged right in front of the city's main bus terminal, I figured he/she would be alright and so I kept on trunkin' (with a slight chuckle at the display of idiocy).

Thank goodness I've had defensive driving.

Of course, some people just can't drive in snowy conditions.

Story Two
I'm heading home from a T'Wolves game back in 99'. I took the side streets out of the city because it was nice out. As I'm driving down this popular stretch of blocks (clubs, dance spots, restaurants, etc) I come to stop at this red light. I'm sitting there watching many fine ladies walk into the dance spot. Now, you have to understand this cross-section is open to six ways of traffic and it closes from three lanes to two lanes right at the intersection I was sitting at. Anyway, along comes this custom build (right outta Fast and the Furious, I shit you not) and as they pass in front of me the passenger and the driver are noticing what I'm noticing, and proceed to "holla" at the fine ladies entering the dance stop. Problem is, the driver took his eyes off the road and failed to notice that his lane was ending (the following block is marked for metered parking).

Yup, sure enough he runs right into the backend of a fairly nice BMW M3. At least the guy was in a cruise (15-20mph) because the damage wasn't serious enough to stop the custom. That's right, he backed up and drove off; didn't leave any insurance #, no contact info, nothing. I should've followed and got a plate #, but I didn't think enough to do that then.
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Ghost of Captain Kidd
Dec 2, 2002
I was in 5 accidents in one year - all of them with me at a standstill or not driving so my record is clean...

best two:

Got hit be a neo nazi (with swastika tatoos and all) while I was parked in a friends driveway.

Was in a full 15 passenger van that rolled on some backroads.


I asked for a, Custom Rank and, Learned My Lesson.
15 Year Member
Oct 3, 2005
Only seen one accident. I was on foot about to cross the street, and some idiot runs the light and plows into a guy making a left turn. I nearly got hit in the face by flying plexiglass.

evil wasabi

The Jongmaster
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
Almost every fuckin' accident I have seen involves someone not fuckin' lookin first before making his turn into another lane.


Beard of Zeus,
20 Year Member
May 17, 2002
All of the auto accidents any of my friends have been in the last 3 years have involved them on bikes while they were crossing at a crosswalk and some asshole not stopping at the white line while making a right turn on red.

Wasnt there to see any of them though. Pity really.
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Duck King's DJ
10 Year Member
Oct 15, 2006
I've never been in one personally, but I've seen dozens of people lose control of their bikes and (usually) highside at the track. Always the hotshot with the loud mouth too.:lolz:


20 Year Member
Nov 2, 2001
Orochi_invisibleink said:
about 5 minutes later some black guy is pulling off of the main road into the KFC parking lot and gets rear-ended by a cadillac escalade..

:lolz: lol blax.

Out here in my area with American and German drivers I see my fair share. When i watch accidents happen its always shocking no matter how small.


Zero's Secretary
Jan 25, 2004
Walking home with the other half once ,kid on a bike looked one way and not the other and yes he went over one and under another he was only 10 , luckily the misses is a nurse so she looked after him until help arrived ( he survived).

Then staggering home after a night out - someone had nicked a bollard in the middle of the road and left a 6 inch metal spike poking out , pizza delivery car went straight over it upended and landed on it's side, he was okay and the pizza was nice while waiting for the police.

Junction - car turning right, another went through a red straight into the side of her car , I stopped with her until help arrived and the girly who was hit was supposed to be flying on her holiday the day after ! Opps !

Police came round mine couple of days later for a statement claiming that the guy that had hit her claimed he went through on amber ! amber my ass !
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Jan 20, 2002
I've been in a nasty one once... just a week after my new car rolled out of the dealership.


Honourary Irishman.,
20 Year Member
Oct 31, 2001
in highschool i worked at a local burger place, and it was right in the middle of a busy intersection. and one of the things that you saw, almost everyday was an accident. big ones, little ones, fiery ones. all sortsa shit ones really. but a couple of the best were the following.

i remember it was in like september or august. and on one side of the intersection is a right turn you often have to yeild to take. and this green van was taking isand of course didn't yeild to the dodge ram coming. the ram slammed on the brakes and honked, the van got plowed into and flipped right over onto it's side. the smoke cleared and everyone stopped suddenly like nine or ten people leave their cars and begin pushing the van back over. they open the door, get everyone out (no one seemed injured too bad) and push the van off to the side. the truck manages to amble over to the side and get out of the way. but man, seeing a van just fucking flip over... wow.

another time it was another minivan, but this time it was different. the van was coming down the road, right to the point where there's the turn where people are supposed to yeild. this land rover was there, not yeilding. they hit and bounce off each other. but the van doesn't flip this time, and the land rover survives as well. but the van ends up in the median. then like a minute later the van just busts into flames. like the whole thing got engulfed so fast it was rediculous. i'd never seen anything like it. i've never seen a van just flare up. just explode into flames and fury. i was scared shitless. like to the point of "my god, are those people okay" sure enough everyone in there had made it out. but man..... wow.

i've seen others, on ice, on slick wet roads, on grass, dirt roads (we have a ton round here) and lemme tell you, none of them are ever good. always wear a seatbelt man. always.

Hidden Character

Leader of The Hyperstone Heist,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2002
Once on my way to school getting off I-95 northbound to Griffin Rd back in '99. It was raining and one car lose control under the bridge slamming into another and then another time when my friend/neighbor across the street's aunt ran her car into a street light right in front of our house since we live on the corner of an intersection. Think she survived, but damn, did that car wrap around like Christmas foil.


flaming petrosexual,
15 Year Member
Nov 13, 2003
Seen a lot, while walking and many others while driving, even had people crash right next to me... at about 1~2 feet from my car.

And, I've been in about... 5 accidents myself.


Big Bang Pro Wrestler
Aug 9, 2001
thirdkind said:
Saw one about seven years ago:


It's a lot of fun when you're driving along minding your own business and a car lands in your fucking lap.

Always wear your seat belt :)


tell me about it :oh_no:

i live in a busy area so ive seen quite a few accidents. heh, just a few days ago when i was sitting in traffic i look over and see this girl checking herself out in the mirror. a few seconds later she flips up the mirror and just takes off into the van 3 feet in front of her. not the worst thing ive ever seen but it was damn funny.

Pink Spider

Beast Buster
Jul 2, 2003
Seen one about 4 years ago. If I didnt stop to take a piss before I left the house, I would have been the one hit.
Someone ran a stop sign and t-boned the car in front of me, maybe about 15 feet away.
What was kinda fucked up, a shit load of people were around, and I was the only one who actually got out of their car and checked on the woman who was hit and stayed with her till police arrived.