DC: slug 5, SS0, KOF2003 in 2k4


, Troll Me, , Cuz I is 3lit3, ,
Aug 31, 2000
Dreamcast? What a waste of a great console. Even when i bought it in Jan 99 it only cost £60 ($100), all the capcom and sega games were great. I say this is great it should stay alive, but is there enough hardcore interest in japan to justify these releases??

David Fallows

Sieger's Squire
Apr 5, 2001
rugal2000 said:
Dreamcast? What a waste of a great console. Even when i bought it in Jan 99 it only cost £60 ($100)

Jesus! I bought mine at that time for around £350!!

I need your contacts! :eek_2:


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
Dec 26, 2000
IT's great to see the DC getting more games, and it is great that they are SNKP games, however, isn't this kind of dumb on SNKPs part? Are they really selling enough copies to cover the expense of development, marketing, production, etc for the DC? You know, seeing this though, and getting the MVS cart of KOF03... I have to say I may have been a little harsh to Playmore. Perhaps they are still in it for the fans.



Hardcore Neoholic
15 Year Member
Jul 22, 2003
Man, I really hope this is true.
Return of the MAS Sticks HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Dec 20, 2002
Verythrax... I see we have another Matsumoto / Harlock fan in here other than me, Slerch666, Mouse Master, Southtown Kid, Qube and Domino-Chan. ***Always a good thing.

----As for the ports to DC. I'll believe that when I see it. But it would be nice none the less. I can't take my MVS everywhere I go and it be cool to be able to play my "ports" of it on the D.C. as I don't much care for PS2, and I sold my XBOX to help pay for my MVS 2-Slot.... DOH!


corbo 2

Genjuro's Frog
Jan 5, 2003
WOW....if this news is true i'm buying them all.

But it isn't exactly a reliable source really...a small french site.Not saying it isn't true,it could be a load of BS.And SNKP doesn't seem too fond of the DC either imo.

But it would be fantastic if it is true.


Nov 25, 2003
MegaDrive20XX said:
Verythrax... I see we have another Matsumoto / Harlock fan in here other than me, Slerch666, Mouse Master, Southtown Kid, Qube and Domino-Chan. ***Always a good thing.

Hehehe, I was about to do the same comment about you sig ^^ Matsumoto rlz! :buttrock: :buttrock: :buttrock:
Jan 27, 2004
nruva said:
IT's great to see the DC getting more games, and it is great that they are SNKP games, however, isn't this kind of dumb on SNKPs part? Are they really selling enough copies to cover the expense of development, marketing, production, etc for the DC? You know, seeing this though, and getting the MVS cart of KOF03... I have to say I may have been a little harsh to Playmore. Perhaps they are still in it for the fans.


In Japan,where it seems it´s the only country when there´s MANY people who still have the illusion of getting a REAL game (not a cheap copy),practically all the consoles (except XBOX) have a very nice "life". It seems only there (although there are some jerks) it´s the only place where people discard disgusting emulators and can see the "magic" a game for a CONSOLE has.

That MIGHT be why they still release games for this kind of consoles.

(hope i´ve not been too "poetic")


Krauser's Shoe Shiner
20 Year Member
Nov 10, 2002
corbo 2 said:
WOW....if this news is true i'm buying them all.

if this is real, i'm also buying all three of them... :multi_co:

hope that's real , sounds too good :buttrock: :multi_co:


20 Year Member
Jan 30, 2002
Don't wanna sound pessimist but...

Why should they realese those new games when they skipped Metal Slug 3 and the poor MS4?

Sounds too good to be true for ( specially ports whores :tickled: ) DC fans.

Make no mistake I'm not a port whore, but I like to see people happy with their stuff and being very affordable on the DC, let it happen !

DC ports are worth their price.


Belnar Institute Student
Oct 13, 2002
nruva said:
IT's great to see the DC getting more games, and it is great that they are SNKP games, however, isn't this kind of dumb on SNKPs part? Are they really selling enough copies to cover the expense of development, marketing, production, etc for the DC? You know, seeing this though, and getting the MVS cart of KOF03... I have to say I may have been a little harsh to Playmore. Perhaps they are still in it for the fans.


King of Fighter 2002 sold 5000 copies its first month, theres a demand in jap, we americans sadly arnt part of that demand, because we dance to a game call dance dance revolution 42694th edition.

sad but true, sad but true


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Oct 30, 2003
Not as dumb as Xbox ports.

DC ports would (I doubt they will actualy release them), outsell Xbox ports in Japan and possibly worldwide.


Angel's Love Slave
Feb 1, 2004
Spike23 said:
why? because it might lower the value of the AES or PCB versions? who cares? IT'S A GAME, not gold.

Hell, releasing Metal Slug on the Saturn WITH a RAM cart sure as hell didn't slow down Metal Slug's prices. :eek:

At any rate, I hope this news is true. I've already got Psyvarier 2 pre-ordered for the end of Feb. and Shikigami no Shiro 2 pre-ordered for the end of March, if SNKP could give me 3 more things to pre-order for my DC I would be ever so greatful.

Although I really do need to get a Metal Slug game for my AES... :annoyed:


Ghost of Captain Kidd
Oct 28, 2003
hajime_robert said:
In Japan,where it seems it´s the only country when there´s MANY people who still have the illusion of getting a REAL game (not a cheap copy),practically all the consoles (except XBOX) have a very nice "life". It seems only there (although there are some jerks) it´s the only place where people discard disgusting emulators and can see the "magic" a game for a CONSOLE has.

That MIGHT be why they still release games for this kind of consoles.

(hope i´ve not been too "poetic")

Nah, it's cuz they're all rich. My aunt makes a shitload there as a programmer... more than both my parents do combined, at least (and we're upper middle class USA).

No need for boots if you can afford the real thing... and besides, they live in JAPAN. Where it's made :P
Jan 27, 2004
dragonwillow said:
Nah, it's cuz they're all rich. My aunt makes a shitload there as a programmer... more than both my parents do combined, at least (and we're upper middle class USA).

No need for boots if you can afford the real thing... and besides, they live in JAPAN. Where it's made :P

Maybe.But not all of them are rich,life´s not so easy,man.
And what do ya prefer to get? A REAL game made by SNK or a FUCKING copy made by a jerk??!!
Intelligente people know what to buy.What doesn´t have compatibility problems or some different things,like less speed,glitches...
And I ALWAYS by original things and I´m not rich at all.
It´s just honour,I guess. (talking about Japanese).


Ghost of Captain Kidd
Oct 28, 2003
hajime_robert said:
Maybe.But not all of them are rich,life´s not so easy,man.
And what do ya prefer to get? A REAL game made by SNK or a FUCKING copy made by a jerk??!!
Intelligente people know what to buy.What doesn´t have compatibility problems or some different things,like less speed,glitches...
And I ALWAYS by original things and I´m not rich at all.
It´s just honour,I guess. (talking about Japanese).

No, they all are rich, compared to the surrounding countries. Honor has nothing to do with it.

And it's not that they aren't really in the emu scene either. They just tend to stay away from foreigners on the web (think about how many Japanese you've met on the met compared to other Asians... not many, right?).

How many *real* Japanese on are these boards anyways?
Jan 27, 2004
dragonwillow said:
No, they all are rich, compared to the surrounding countries. Honor has nothing to do with it.

And it's not that they aren't really in the emu scene either. They just tend to stay away from foreigners on the web (think about how many Japanese you've met on the met compared to other Asians... not many, right?).

How many *real* Japanese on are these boards anyways?

To be honest,I think both of us have a part of reason,each one.
But let￾Ls better stop this discussion,coz if we were face to face,this￾Ld probably end in a fight...

Anyway,I have some Asian friends (real,not from a chat) and I asked them why they didn￾Lt tried emus,and they tell me it￾Ls coz most of them don￾Lt "trust" them,they prefer original things... I guess we￾Lll never know the reason of all of them.

Anyway,who THE FUCK cares about that?
The MAIN thing is that K.O.F 2003 is probably seeing DC and that in those countries,at least,a big number of people buy original things,which means that more games will be produced.

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Marked Wolf
Jul 26, 2003
Like others, I hope very much that this is true, but I'm going on the "believe it when I see it" attitude.


Lt. Laser,
Feb 27, 2002
Shenmue I and II are reasons enough to hold the Dreamcast as one of the greatest systems of all time. Too bad so many got turned off by the slow pace of Shenmue I and never gave Shenmue II a chance. I love Shenmue I but I remember when I first got it I sold it after a hour of play, then bought it when it was only 20$ new and forced myself to get into it. After a few hours it became one of my favorite games of all time. Shenmue II is leagues better though. The atmosphere makes both Shenmue games so wonderful, ahhh....

Sorry for my Shenmue rant, now I am back on track though. Your right the Dreamcast deserves alot more praise.


Feb 2, 2004
I have a few DC ports and plan to get just about all of them

I currently want the Japanese KOF Ports:drool: