I am getting to the point in the hobby where I need a good electronics Solder Iron. There is so much information that I can't even make a quality decision without the regret that I did the wrong thing. My current iron is much too large for my future plans (ronson butane turbo torch), but has helped for basic jobs. I know I want something small and precise, but after that I don't know how many watts of a unit, or a good solder composition...hell, I have been using plumbing flux up until now (I clean it all off afterward). I started large on things that are simple like putting 2 wires together or quick connects, and as the years go on, I am working smaller and smaller areas. I have plans to do a PSIO in the future, followed by a Neo Bios Masta should the Psio be successful. I don't doubt my skill, but I feel that my gigantic furnace iron is getting in the way of progress. I have sold off a few items on ebay recently, and am not working with much, but I think a decent iron would benefit me greatly. High quality & Low cost basic units preferred, but I don't mind spending a bit to get a tool that would most likely last the rest of my lifetime. I guess my long winded question is this: If you had $100 for a soldering iron which would you get?