the first post could be "my car had a coolant leak, i called up my dad and he came with some water and we drove home."
one time i ran out of gas on my way to a gas station, as always, after work. called up my boss and he gave me a ride to my other boss's house to pick up a gas tank and then to fill it up.
I was out of my mind at the time (don't ask) - We'll say I got "chocolate wasted" and leave it at that.
Greg's justifying his existence by letting people know these things happened.
"The only place that's open is Walgreens. Let's stop there. So we go in there and stop. I've worked there, so I know the lay of the place. I take the empty jugs, and proceed straight to the sink at the photo center. The clerk (a black dude) up front is befuddled. "What are you doing? He asks. "My Anti-Free is leaking, and I need water to get home. He was visably taken aback at my brashness and street smarts. I look like some 9-5 middle mannered, stereotypical suburban office cubicle slave. I thank him and continue on my way.
The good news is, that car died (Head Gasket), I bought a newish car and won't have more car drama for a least 6 years.
Greg's new car is bulletproof. Except when he's sitting at a stop light and a black person pulls up alongside. As Greg glances over then eyes back center muttering "oh shit" under his breath, his car senses his elevated heart rate, and slight tremor of his hands on the wheel as his knuckles turn white gripping with all his might. The car shares this feeling, misfires then the engine shuts down.
Someone fucking needs to.
People like him need help.
How can you be so dependent on a gaming forum to sustain your life?
I deem this a great and worthy thread.