BEWARE: NGF is selling on eBay again.

Neo Ash Audiophile, Club Member,
Feb 21, 2004
I ran across some auctions on eBay hosted by the crew at NGF. They should be avoided. Even if the games are not freaked, don't buy from them. I wanted to bring this to everyones attention, especially newer members.

FYI noobs, info on NGF can be found in the FAQ on this site.
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Formerly Punjab,
Aug 16, 2001
Again....legendary men....return.

(By legendary I mean completely untrustworthy, with a homoerotic tilt)


Former Moderator
Dec 4, 1977
Nothing official about that release.

That game is simply converted MVS roms.

Pay accordingly to an equivalent conversion.

NGF is known for lying and scamming. The statements in that eBay auction are not mere puffery, they're probably actionable. I would suggest contacting the eventual purchaser and tell them that they bought something that is not official, and that they should get PayPal to return their money (assuming they didn't know when they bought it, of course) :smirk:

Neo Ash Audiophile, Club Member,
Feb 21, 2004
Bobak, do you think a sticky for this thread would be a good idea?

NGF has screwed the Neo community and Shawn enough. Black Book said:
A total of $23,500 was sent to Chris Ray & Dion Dakis of on 2/09/00 for 84 home carts & 1349 new CD games. A full 6 weeks have passed, and the only option they have offered for correcting the situation is through my next purchase with them. Instead of buying from them again, I'm refusing to buy from them completely.


Known Scammer and One Deluded Individual, NeoGeoFr
20 Year Member
Nov 2, 2000
Please tell me some nobody with a join date in 2004 is worried about "new members"?!?!

Newsflash - the neo geo is dead. NGF kept the neo going for probably 3-4 years after it was to be killed in the US market. Shawn, the neostore, and most of the morons on this board are the reason the neo "scene" is such a disaster.

When this board finally folds, and all the moderators finally release themselves from the womb of academia, all the true neo geo fans can rejoice. We can get back to enjoying the neo. I have high hopes for the fan-scene when shawns parents run out of money and this board, and this incredibe money pit of a site cease to exist.

Always remember, to this day, NGF is the ONLY entity dealing in neo geo releases ever to actually turn a profit.

Since we have long since ceased as an "entity", this fact will forever be unique with SNK affiliated retailers. We have not received new stock, or distributed games since our great settlement with Playmore. We are now back to being regular fans, like the rest of the mortals (well, not quite that bad). And any games Dion or I sell are just our personal items. We retain te right to sell our personal items, the same as any other lucky fan out there that was bestowed the incredible gift that is owning an NGF US district court authenticated official game.



Neo Ash said:
I ran across some auctions on eBay hosted by the crew at NGF. They should be avoided. Even if the games are not freaked, don't buy from them. I wanted to bring this to everyones attention, especially newer members.

FYI noobs, info on NGF can be found in the FAQ on this site.

Neo Ash Audiophile, Club Member,
Feb 21, 2004
LOL @ ChrisR. The members here respect me 100X more than you, especially the ones I've done business with.

I'm not going to start a flame war. I only hope that a mod deletes your previous post.
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way more american than wyo, way more
15 Year Member
Oct 9, 2005
So apparently the US District Court, not SNK, decides whether or not a game is official? :smirk:


Mr. Big's Thug
Jul 18, 2006
chrisr said:
Please tell me some nobody with a join date in 2004 is worried about "new members"?!?!

Newsflash - the neo geo is dead. NGF kept the neo going for probably 3-4 years after it was to be killed in the US market. Shawn, the neostore, and most of the morons on this board are the reason the neo "scene" is such a disaster.



Please. Do you two fucktards still not realize that you are the worst thing to ever happen to the Neo "scene"? I mean for Christs sake, 95% if not more of the collectors don't even acknowledge your so called "official" releases. Hell, most people's greatest fear is buying a seemingly legitimate cart and then finding out it is a freaked piece of shit.

You two assholes were so eager to write yourselves into Neo history that it didn't bother you one bit to destroy legitimate SNK inserts and replace them with your NGF trash so you could then foist them off on unsuspecting buyers. That says more about your "love" of the Neo than I ever could. Some saviours.

And before you comment on me being a "nobody" with a join date of 2006 know this; I have been around long enough to witness your so called profitable "entity" from it's inception to it's demise.

And a bright day that was for the entire Neo community.


Hardcore Neoholic
15 Year Member
Jul 22, 2003
chrisr said:
Always remember, to this day, NGF is the ONLY entity dealing in neo geo releases ever to actually turn a profit.
and how is this??? Black Book said:
A total of $23,500 was sent to Chris Ray & Dion Dakis of on 2/09/00 for 84 home carts & 1349 new CD games. A full 6 weeks have passed, and the only option they have offered for correcting the situation is through my next purchase with them. Instead of buying from them again, I'm refusing to buy from them completely.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2005
Holy fuck, Shawn was ripped by Dion for $23,500!? I never knew it was this bad.

No wonder NGF was the only one making a profit. What a fucked up situation.
Oct 3, 2001
ki_atsushi said:
Holy fuck, Shawn was ripped by Dion for $23,500!? I never knew it was this bad.

No wonder NGF was the only one making a profit. What a fucked up situation.
Now you know why I complained about chrisr selling games in the forums here a few weeks back.
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Jedah Doma

Chroma Ma' Doma!,
Jun 5, 2004
Thanks for the warning. Man, NGF are the roaches of the NG scene. They just won't die.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2005
GunstarHero said:
Now you know why I complained about chrisr selling games in the forums here a few weeks back.

Damn, I understand now!

P.S. - I'd seriously kill a motherfucker who stole that kind of cash from me. Wow.


NEST Puppet
Dec 13, 2002
I remember these assholes being around from as far as I can remember (back in the days of the old mailing lists), and the story has ALWAYS been the same with them.

Somebody ban this self-agrandizing prick...


Known Scammer and One Deluded Individual, NeoGeoFr
20 Year Member
Nov 2, 2000
This is a PERFECT example of the typical imbecile that frequents this board. Telling half-truths and spreading the gospel of ignorance.

Additional info from the "black book"

I purchased 84 home carts, but only 81 were received. The three new Euro version Samurai Shodown 2 home carts were never sent by ngf. I purchased 1349 new neo CD games. Only 1342 were sent by ngf.

WOW addict claims he was shorted 3 carts and 7 CD's. So for 23k+ he was supposedly shorted about $50 in merchendise. When he whined up and down about it NGF actually blacklisted him from sales. Effectively, banning his ability to get any NOS carts. He ended up purchasing future carts second hand from other retailers that picked up some of the 6000+ NOS carts that were available. Of course this bogus claim of getting shorted was another song the pied piper played for the morons - and of course they follow like lemmings.


alec said:
and how is this???


Kula's Diamond
20 Year Member
Feb 19, 2002
chrisr said:
This is a PERFECT example of the typical imbecile that frequents this board. Telling half-truths and spreading the gospel of ignorance.

Additional info from the "black book"

I purchased 84 home carts, but only 81 were received. The three new Euro version Samurai Shodown 2 home carts were never sent by ngf. I purchased 1349 new neo CD games. Only 1342 were sent by ngf.

WOW addict claims he was shorted 3 carts and 7 CD's. So for 23k+ he was supposedly shorted about $50 in merchendise. When he whined up and down about it NGF actually blacklisted him from sales. Effectively, banning his ability to get any NOS carts. He ended up purchasing future carts second hand from other retailers that picked up some of the 6000+ NOS carts that were available. Of course this bogus claim of getting shorted was another song the pied piper played for the morons - and of course they follow like lemmings.


Shut the fuck up and get back to riding Dion's cock:chimp:


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
20 Year Member
Mar 27, 2005
chrisr said:
This is a PERFECT example of the typical imbecile that frequents this board. Telling half-truths and spreading the gospel of ignorance.

Additional info from the "black book"

I purchased 84 home carts, but only 81 were received. The three new Euro version Samurai Shodown 2 home carts were never sent by ngf. I purchased 1349 new neo CD games. Only 1342 were sent by ngf.

WOW addict claims he was shorted 3 carts and 7 CD's. So for 23k+ he was supposedly shorted about $50 in merchendise. When he whined up and down about it NGF actually blacklisted him from sales. Effectively, banning his ability to get any NOS carts. He ended up purchasing future carts second hand from other retailers that picked up some of the 6000+ NOS carts that were available. Of course this bogus claim of getting shorted was another song the pied piper played for the morons - and of course they follow like lemmings.


3 homecarts and 7 CD's are only worth $50 combined? I doubt that, even at a wholesale price. And this was at a time when a lot of the older carts and especially the CD's were worth more.

Even so, $50 is $50. I'd complain if I didn't get everything I paid for too. Plus Shawn said that you guys put NGF stickers all over the manuals and such, lowering the value.


Kula's Diamond
20 Year Member
Feb 19, 2002
Dion Dickhead said:
Includes the new NGF re-sealable "Protective Sleeve" for the manual.
This new and improved "protective manual sleeve" seals air-tight and can be opened and re-sealed over and over again. It is more durable and of better quality than the older NeoGeo manual bags. An NGF exclusive.


I may have to start selling games where I package the manual in a zip lock bag and maybe call it a SFF 'exclusive'!!!
