Arcade 1cc thread


Buriki One Master
Feb 4, 2003
Just watched BBH’s video as I’m workin on a Sunset Riders clear and didn’t realize there are extends.

I’ve got an original board I bought with 4 player roms, just put in 2 player roms I got. Regardless either 2 or 4 player, there are no extends. In the test menu where the manual (looked at the one scanned on KLOV) shows the option to change the points at which you get extends on mine is just empty space as pictured.

Is this a region thing or something easy I’m missing?



Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Jan 22, 2013
Excellent Engrish! Go play anything else! lol

Ark Area (UPL 1987) PS4 Arcade Archives version. Weird arena-style shmup that probably nobody cares about. It poops out 1ups quite often, so not too hard to clear.


1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
Just watched BBH’s video as I’m workin on a Sunset Riders clear and didn’t realize there are extends.

I’ve got an original board I bought with 4 player roms, just put in 2 player roms I got. Regardless either 2 or 4 player, there are no extends. In the test menu where the manual (looked at the one scanned on KLOV) shows the option to change the points at which you get extends on mine is just empty space as pictured.

Is this a region thing or something easy I’m missing?

I talked about this before but it might've gotten cut from the successful run, lol. It's a regional thing. The "World" and Japanese versions have the two extends at 20k and 200k, plus a 1-up on the Chief Scalpem stage. These versions have two loops, and the rank automatically reaches max on 2nd loop and can't be lowered (Chief Scalpem throws 5 knives). On the US versions, there are no extends, but rank never gets as high as it does in successive loops (Chief Scalpem won't throw more than 4 knives)... and the US version actually has infinite loops, it doesn't end after 2 loops like the Japanese/World versions. If you buy the ACA version that came out recently on Switch/PS4/Xbone, it actually has both versions of the game and separate leaderboards.


Buriki One Master
Feb 4, 2003
I talked about this before but it might've gotten cut from the successful run, lol. It's a regional thing. The "World" and Japanese versions have the two extends at 20k and 200k, plus a 1-up on the Chief Scalpem stage. These versions have two loops, and the rank automatically reaches max on 2nd loop and can't be lowered (Chief Scalpem throws 5 knives). On the US versions, there are no extends, but rank never gets as high as it does in successive loops (Chief Scalpem won't throw more than 4 knives)... and the US version actually has infinite loops, it doesn't end after 2 loops like the Japanese/World versions. If you buy the ACA version that came out recently on Switch/PS4/Xbone, it actually has both versions of the game and separate leaderboards.

Thank you! And also thanks for the vids, just got the clear with Cormano $640,630 2nd Loop died on Smith Bros.


Buriki One Master
Feb 4, 2003

Not the most difficult by any means but one I enjoy and went through this afternoon! Happy Thanksgiving

Edit: Hyperdyne Sidearm
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Vanessa's Drinking Buddy
Jan 22, 2013
Hyperdyne gets crazy hectic if you let too many chaser enemies pile up, so you get a gratz for that game. Cool game despite the repetitive bosses.
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The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
This is a game I've always been looking for strats on for the purposes of 1-credit play but the only real thing I've seen is "use autofire to win all the grapples", which feels like cheating. If you didn't use autofire to 1CC the game, is there any chance you could share some information on this?

Hey whats up BBH. Hell yeah, I love 3 Count Bout. Back in the 90's as a kid I always thought this game was a sequel of some sort to Fatal Fury 1 and I was waiting for Raiden to appear as a hidden character or a secret fight :lolz:

I know that many have used autofire to break the game, but I unfortunately didn't have anything like that back in the day so I used the following strategy that helped me 1cc the game back then.

Naturally, as a big Terry Bogard fan, I went with Terry Rogers since I was hoping that there was some sort of relation/connection lol Either way, it turned out to be a great pick since his moveset ended up being really solid.

Up close, Terry Rogers' renzoku version of his "open hand punch" (forward+rapidly hitting A to trigger the move) is easy to abuse when just outside of auto-grapple range and above or below the opponent. However, the enemy can escape the multi-hits and avoid the knockdown property of the move so the majority of my damage was dealt using his "flying side kick" attack (C+B or A) and his "jumping shoulder tackle" (forward, forward A or B) followed by a downed attack on the opponent. Be careful, his flying side kick has a long recovery when missed so I tend to use it when the AI is trapped in a corner or I am just above or below them. To escape damage I relied heavliy on the following move:

Terry Rogers' slide: Forward or Back+AB

This move was key for staying mobile and escaping close damage. It causes Terry to perform a very quick slide that can also be canceled into from an active dash (forward, forward) if needed. This will allow Terry to run in (forward, forward) but then cancel and slide out of range if you need to escape or bait the opponent into making attack animations that have openings, which we can quickly punish with Terry's "jumping shoulder tackle" or the "flying side kick" depending on the situation.

Regarding grapple strategies, though far from a guarantee, as a kid, I was able to win grapples by rapidly hitting the button as fast as possible by trembling my hand while barely depressing the buttons. This lessened the distance that the button needed to travel in order to repeatedly depress the input/cherry-switch in the control panel. Damaging your opponent just before the grapple is initiated gives an advantage so land attacks first. Also, if Terry wins the grapple by a big advantage you can quickly press down A+B and he will perform his special "Fire Suplex" grapple (the name is cooler than the resulting animation) just be careful that you are not too close to a wall or the ropes which can break the animation otherwise going for the pile driver (down+B) does great damage too.

With that said, since winning the grapple was not always guaranteed I still tried to avoid grappling the AI when possible by sliding away when close to avoid the possible damage.

Don't hesitate to climb up on the turnbuckle, oil drums, or the crane hooks in the backstage environments and abuse the flying attack any time that the enemy is in position at mid-screen (except against Brab.Man/Blubber Man; you'll want to shoulder jump tackle him anytime his knife attack animation ends). You can also still climb up on the turnbuckle even in the ring with the electrified ropes. This can be a major way to do damage on the earlier enemies who tend to recover quickly to escape your down attacks. If your opponent attempts to climb up on the turnbuckle simply use Terry's sliding move to quickly slide away (usually makes you go off screen); this will cause the AI opponent to abort their move and climb down, once they get down hit them with a free "jumping shoulder tackle" (forward, forward A or B) and set them up for multiple flying side kicks (C+B or A) if you have them trapped/cornered.

Also, I constantly shifted up or down to stay just above or below the opponent so I could slide away and perform a dash attack if needed. The characters all primarily play the same and the game can be similar to Art of Fighting 2 in that some opponents can be baited into performing the same attacks over and over, which you can then repeatedly punish with any move that causes a knockdown (jumping shoulder tackle or flying side kick).

Lastly, Master Barnes can be trivialized by simply spamming Terry’s standing B kick and moving/alternating between the top-most and bottom-most part of the ring. Barbes will continuously attempt to perform his multiple kick attack but the longer range of Terry’s kick will interrupt the attack and keep Barnes just out of range. When Barnes has enough distance he’ll attempt to close the gap with a flying attack, simply move to the top or bottom of the ring to avoid it and go back to using Terry’s standing B kick. Rinse and repeat.
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1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
Hey whats up BBH. Hell yeah, I love 3 Count Bout. Back in the 90's as a kid I always thought this game was a sequel of some sort to Fatal Fury 1 and I was waiting for Raiden to appear as a hidden character or a secret fight :lolz:

Hey thanks a lot for the info! It's good to know there's some legit non-autofire tech for this game, this is very helpful. I'd tried to use the Red Dragon in the past but never really got anywhere, I'll give Terry Rogers a shot and try this stuff out.


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
Hey thanks a lot for the info! It's good to know there's some legit non-autofire tech for this game, this is very helpful. I'd tried to use the Red Dragon in the past but never really got anywhere, I'll give Terry Rogers a shot and try this stuff out.

Any time! :buttrock:

From a moveset perspective all the characters are pretty much identical (though they do have different stats). Leo has great reach and his regular standing A chain attack can be spammed when the opponent is against the ropes with most opponents unable to match his reach. If you favor using jumping attacks to stack on damage, there are other characters (such as Red Dragon and Leo) who do not suffer from the extended recovery time that Terry’s flying side kick suffers from. I favor Terry Rogers because I can hit confirm just outside of grappling range with standing A (neutral) and immediately cancel into his renzoku "open hand punch" (forward+A repeatedly) and follow up with a quick standing C down attack or a submission attack attempt to add additional damage. His standing B kick also has great range that can keep most characters out of grapple range while also doing decent poke damage (it it can also juggle off the ropes).

I went ahead and added a bit more to my previous post.
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Buriki One Master
Feb 4, 2003
Quite pleased I got the 1CC on Gigawing tonight. I’ve typically played Ruby and switched to Stuck for my most recent session and found him much easier to get the clear with.


1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
I went ahead and added a bit more to my previous post.

Thanks again for all the info. I did manage to get a 1CC of it last week! It was still pretty tricky, the worst feeling in that game is getting their health down all the way and then not being unable to score a hard knockdown away from the ropes to pin, that ended up killing a couple attempts. But I'm glad the game has actual tech to it, felt good to add that to the list.

In other news, I 1CC'ed Kaiser Knuckle on stream yesterday. The hardest fighting game boss of all time can of course be beaten through the Wulong loop, any other character is suicide


Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
Seeing BBH 1cc'ing 3 Count Bout while I've rarely got past The Red Dragon on 1 credit is really making me reevaluate my 1cc career. :lolz:


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
Thanks again for all the info. I did manage to get a 1CC of it last week! It was still pretty tricky, the worst feeling in that game is getting their health down all the way and then not being unable to score a hard knockdown away from the ropes to pin, that ended up killing a couple attempts. But I'm glad the game has actual tech to it, felt good to add that to the list.

Anytime, BBH :buttrock: Nicely done!!

And yes, baiting the AI away from the ropes to secure a needed knockdown can be nerve-wracking indeed if the match is too close for comfort lol


Buriki One Master
Feb 4, 2003

Got the clear on NBBM with Ryno, who’s Thunderkick is so overpowered it really reduces the difficulty of it. Going to practice Jose next
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6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
This is a game I've always been looking for strats on for the purposes of 1-credit play but the only real thing I've seen is "use autofire to win all the grapples", which feels like cheating. If you didn't use autofire to 1CC the game, is there any chance you could share some information on this?

For 3 Count Bout, is there a chart for the presses-per-second rate needed to win grapples?

In general, are people familiar with the rolling/flyheccing technique?

^The above technique was news to me. I learned of it in this video, which discusses how to do the technique when using an NES controller:



1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
For 3 Count Bout, is there a chart for the presses-per-second rate needed to win grapples?

In general, are people familiar with the rolling/flyheccing technique?

No, because the amount of tapping required is usually not consistent, unless it's the start of the match or you go a long time without either character hitting each other. The game has a tug-of-war style meter that goes in your favor when you land hits like punches/kicks and jump attacks, but slowly evens out over time if you don't capitalize on it. With the bar in your favor, that makes it easier to win a grapple. The challenge is that you can never see where the bar is until you initiate the grapple, so you have to kinda play it by ear and make an educated guess as to how full it'll be (and also whether your mashing is strong enough to get the desired grapple, because the more damage moves require the bar to be even further past the middle). Also you have to mash more on later stages of course...

I typically alternate index and middle finger when I'm mashing the A button. It's not really easy to do the Hector Rodriguez six-button mash in cases like this because you need your left hand to move the character and initiate the grapple in the first place. You have to be ready at a moment's notice to start mashing immediately, it's not something that gives you plenty of time to get into position and begin mashing, like say, Fatal Fury 1 or Art of Fighting's bonus stages. Grapples come up very quickly so you have to be ready to capitalize on it.

(I should also point out that you're quoting an old post, I've since 1CC'ed 3 Count Bout)


margarine sandwich
15 Year Member
Oct 25, 2007
Why DON'T they count? Are they not arcade games that have an ending?
Fighting games have regular opponents that are too easy to beat (with some exceptions being AOF2, for example). And, at least for SNK games, you can often beat the final boss quite easily, if you know the right technique to use. So, it's usually not going to be as challenging as beating or 1cc'ing a shooter.
I know that many have used autofire to break the game, but I unfortunately didn't have anything like that back in the day so I used the following strategy that helped me 1cc the game back then.
Isn't autofire considered by many people to be cheating? Even though it just performs the same function as pressing a button repeatedly, which is easy to do, but hard to keep doing for a long time.


The Fatal Fury Disciple
15 Year Member
Aug 30, 2016
Isn't autofire considered by many people to be cheating? Even though it just performs the same function as pressing a button repeatedly, which is easy to do, but hard to keep doing for a long time.
Hey whats up joe8. The shooter crowd usually doesn’t consider autofire cheating (especially since the pcengine tends to be their console of choice and it had that controller option as a default). I tend to agree with them that it doesn’t tend to break most shooters in any meaningful way. On the other hand, in games like Ninja Commando it gives the player continuous access to the maximum shot without any effort and though that is a huge help in that game, it likely wasn’t the dev’s intent for the player, but it’s a videogame, so people are free to play it however they wish imho.

When it comes to the use of autofire in 3 Count Bout, it undoubtedly trivializes all of the challenge of the game. So the tips that I posted were for those who wanted to do a clean playthrough of the game with default controls.


1cc my ASS!,
20 Year Member
Jun 12, 2001
Fighting games have regular opponents that are too easy to beat (with some exceptions being AOF2, for example). And, at least for SNK games, you can often beat the final boss quite easily, if you know the right technique to use. So, it's usually not going to be as challenging as beating or 1cc'ing a shooter.

Ahhh, in all these years, the quality of your posts hasn't changed one bit.

Again, this is a huge oversimplification of something that's absolutely not true for all fighting games. One thing I've learned and taken for granted from playing in some score-based competitions that involved a mixture of different arcade games is that... some people simply don't have fighting game fundamentals. What's easy for some people is not the case for people that avoided arcade games when fighting games were popular, or if they simply don't like the genre.

Saying regular opponents are "easy" in fighting games is general is something you just contradicted yourself with on AOF2. Hell, it goes deeper on the Neo-Geo even... how about Fatal Fury Special? Fatal Fury 3? Samurai Shodown 2? Galaxy Fight? Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer? Ragnagard? In all of these games, even the non-bosses will push your shit in if you don't know what you're doing.

"The final boss is easy if you know what technique to use".... I mean, doesn't that apply to a lot of games? The bosses in Metal Slug are easier when you know their patterns and what techniques to use. Yes some fighting game bosses have exploitable tricks, but part of the process of learning how to 1CC the game involves learning and executing these patterns. I think Metal Slug 1 is easy because I've played it a bunch and know the patterns, and you can even bomb-spam to kill bosses. Does a 1CC not count on this game now that I know the tricks?

If we're going to talk shooters, let's talk about Prehistoric Isle 2. My second ever play of it I got to the last boss on one credit, and that was without watching videos or other people play it. I didn't get the 1CC immediately after but I did get it within a few more attempts. It's incredibly easy for a shmup. But because it's a shmup and not a fighting game, is a 1CC of Prehistoric Isle 2 more impressive than a 1CC of Art of Fighting 2?

Sometimes difficulty is subjective and what's easy for one person is not easy for another. Even then, sometimes people can agree that certain games are easier to clear than others. Is Fatal Fury 1 easier than Fatal Fury Special? Absolutely. Is a 1CC on Fatal Fury 1 considered impressive when you can get through most of the game just mashing on the joystick + punch with Andy? Probably not. But the game still has a special ending for finishing it on 1 credit, with a further modifier if you finish it with no rounds lost. They put that extra bit in as a reward for a 1 credit clear, so why shouldn't it count?

I've come to appreciate seeing people break down strategies/patterns that are used to beat the single-player mode in fighting games, and I'm really tired of people gatekeeping them and saying they "don't count".

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
OK Magician Lord is making me legit insane, it becomes so fucking unfair once the cab detects you've been playing on a single credit for too long. the "Corridor leading to Hell" part always fuck me up and while I can get across the first part of the stage with the dogs and catladies, the boss area is crazy difficult because those flying eyeballs tend to spawn constantly and behind solid scenery even.

Seriously, look at the tail end of the video and tell me that isn't bullshit. I have the patterns for the stages and enemies pretty well but those things make the stages too damn unpredictable. Even on Level-1 (the default CD diff and the only difficulty if you don't have debug dipsw) those assholes are a big bother. Is there a way to make them go away that I'm missing here?

EDIT: Ok I did another much better run and I guess that the advice for those floating things is HAUL ASS. Seems like this is solved by executing the level precisely and quickly, as the part of the stage that gave me a headache was pretty easy once I started moving quick through it on this newer run. I actually could have cleared it but I did lose 2 lives in the dumbest ways after crossing the bridge (which also held up to the HAUL ASS approach -- don't stand around one platform for too long, keep jumping and firing to snipe an eyeball that floats dangerously close to you, jump off on the 5th platform).

Feels like I'm almost there with this 1cc, and I wish I had more time to dedicate to this game. Improvising into Elecman was also pretty fun for the third stage, I had no idea he had such a good range for his attack.
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Morden's Lackey
May 6, 2021
I haven't played too much arcade titles due to personal stuff in real life but here's some of the arcade games I've been able to 1CC so far (at the top of my head):

- Hyper Duel (with P. Smasher)
- DoDonPachi (the 1st loop in the international version)
- Repulse

I've been damn near close to a 1CC with In the Hunt but the fourth and fifth levels are a pain in the ass. Same with R-Type Leo but the fifth and sixth levels are really annoying with their level design. Another one I've been so close to perform a 1CC is Gaelco's World Rally but the curves in the last tracks can go fuck themselves! (P.S.: I've finished Metal Slug 1 using two credits so what's left for me in that game is the 1CC and then move on to the other Metal Slug titles.)
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Morden's Lackey
May 6, 2021
After so many tries, I finally pulled off the 1CC on Gaelco's World Rally this week. I plan to 1CC the Japanese version of Haunted Castle someday. I just finished the western version (the M PCB) today, after withstanding brutal memorization and luck. It was not a 1CC (and I don't plan to play that fucking western version ever again) but I'm happy with the overall result.