Alibaba Vewlix clones, anyone buy one?


formerly DZ
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
RSG: I didn't test King of Dragons before I shipped it but it worked the last time I played it, which was relatively recent (a month or 2 prior to selling). When I got it back from you, both the A and B boards were dead. A quick check revealed it had suicided. Not uncommon for a CPS1 game. If you have a fucking clue you could have easily desuicided it. As for the A board, who knows. CPS1 are fragile boards and shit happens. You got your money back and apparently someone told you some lies because I never said that in chat. I would never knowingly sell a defective game without disclosure. My record speaks for itself and so does yours. What cannot be disputed is you shipped a PCB loose in a big square box with a piece of bubble wrap in it and called it good. Somehow it survived but certainly no thanks to you. You've spewed the most lies in this thread, so congrats I guess. I don't have time to refute them all. Seriously though, go stick your dick in an anode cup.

DZ: Sad that it's come to this, man. We used to be cool but apparently the Massachusetts water contains excessive lead or something. Are you still pissed off about those Saturn games? I gave some of them away but still have most. If you want them back, let me know dude. If not, let it the fuck go, for Christ's sake. And stop hanging around with Filthy Rear. The boy ain't right in the head.

FR: Get off my nuts, you fucking stalker. You only resurface on here for middle school level drama. Or did the latest whale you harpooned escape from your rape dungeon of a basement? You're so obsessed with me I'm in your avatar. Keep hiding behind your computer like the gigantic pussy you are. When I saw a member died recently I was hoping it was you. Sadly not, it was a guy with a family. Now his kids are orphans and you're still alive. Proof if any was needed that karma isn't real.

RepX: I got no beef with you. Yeah, I honestly don't have much of a clue about these cabs and just decided to spout a bunch of nonsense. You VLX fanboys got riled up defending your superior Chinese products. The people who PM'd me with legit questions were referred to the Chewlix source. For the record, I saw the clone my buddy has and was impressed. Another group buy opened up and I put in an order. That's it. Ease up with the conspiracy theories, people!

It's more then that. I got clued in to the shit you were talking with your buddy mad man in other chat rooms. I did consider you a friend, but you should know that everything you say gets screen capped and posted elsewhere. So don't come in here acting like a fucking saint. I wish I still had them. I mean fuck, I even caught you and him one day in Neo Chat and you both clammed up.

I was also shown a group of PMs where you had a conversation with someone over an item. You used the same "script" where you said "xx.xx isn't worth this much", and how "as a favor I'll take the whole lot if you can do xx.xx". So your "I'm a friend, I'll help you and you help me" deal is nothing but a fake fucking blurb that I bet you have in a word pad on your desktop for copy/paste purposes.

If you want to talk about friends rubbing off on you, maybe you should spend less time with Captain post it note, cause he's turned you into a flipping asshole. You got a set of balls on you calling out that dude making the cables cheaper, as if you made some sort of proprietary design. LOL. I just spent $70 on a set from Retro Access so I didn't have to give you a dime.

The sad part is that I defended you to people for years. Eventually I just gave up. You "were cool with me"? You made bank off me and a bunch of other people. Go fuck yourself. Seriously.

Also, your Skullfang is a bootleg. It's a conversion of Stadium Hero, which is why it's missing the label and in an orange case. You know it too, but you keep bullshiting as usual.
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Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
Your first claim.

They are not on par after minor mods. They are not exact clones. As much as you think how Chinese manufacturers work. The ones with legitimate contracts are not going to breach that contract with a $1.26 Billion Dollar Company. Smaller companies make the clones.

These clone manufacturers, again are Companies with under 100 employees. They cannot even meet the needs of Taito's demand. Nevermind ppl like you.

With said contract, there are product specs and quality control. Taito will refuse any machine not to their standards. Taito, like every Amusement Company will also test their products for abuse and reliability before making it available to Distributors and Operators.

The Chew you ordered does not have the same monitor and please by all means specify which Vewlix Diamond as not all Diamond models have the same monitor. If this is true please show your front mounted monitor remote board, proper monitor casing /w shielding, Chewlix in TATE without the Home Depot style "sold separately" brackets. As it comes from the same ppl you claim make it for Taito, we are talking pennies of a difference to add those in.

Why do ppl buy Chewlix clones, vinyl them with official Vewlix art, toss FMs or OSSCs in them, buy Taito parts for them? Toss mid to high PCs in them? That statement is pretty weak applied to anything as its based on the individual.

Why did Taito make their monitors 4:3 compatible and sell official JAMMA kits?

To make money and the understanding JP OPs have limited floor space, thus removing older 15k machines, yet still have the option to plug in their well paid off 15k JAMMA pcbs that still turn positive on collections unlike the many of the titles made for a Vewlix that die out in a year after release.

Here is the funny part. You are the one making all these unbelievable claims with no factual evidence and are just backpedaling after being called out. So at this point, everything from you is purely opinion, so why even make claims that stretch beyond that?

I don't even own a VLX, I fix other ppls shit. Both private and on location. Which for private, includes Chewlix. So there is no fanboy from me, its a paycheck outside my real job and the fact I have been doing it for a long time and worked with manufacturers in my younger years, knowing their standards, and that Operators will not stand for inferior products. Unlike the hobbyists, operator's wallets do the most damage to distributors and manufacturers. Especially, when the Video Arcade Industry has shrink so much over the years.

I've held my tongue for years hearing your bullshit. You can own 200 cabs, yet its still the same with you.

When someone asks the opinion on the quality of a clone and not state what they want to use it for in the original post. It is followed by baseless non-factual claims that the product is made by the same ppl as the original and of comparable quality. That sir is misdirecting and poor advice.

For someone like you to throw the "Arcade Elitist" term out there. After all these years asking for advice, all the times your machines broke, and asking ppl for or where to source replacement parts. Those ppl took the time to help you, whether you took their advice or not.

In the end, it's the OP's decision to make. Not everyone can mass ppl together and organize a group buy to reduce costs. Especially now compared to 2010 - 2017, due to the availability of cheaper real Vewlix cabs in the US.

Having all the options on the table, to include actual real Vewlix cabs that have gotten into an affordable range is not being an arcade elitist. The Vewlix L AMI I did for a friend runs a PS3 and Brooks, that sound "Elitist"? The difference is I maintained all the original looms if he wants to use real hardware in the future, as he got a FastIO and JVS I/O included with the cab.

The folks in this thread that have posted real Vewlix options and comparisons have restored their own cabs and modified them to their liking. So knock off the stupid analogies of shit like cam locks.

What bullshit are you talking about? I dont think i ever had a disagreement in this side of the forum. Im not sure why my post warranted an elitist response...I appreciate the help & knowledge when i first started & until now from various forums. I also have helped people in this forum, other forums, & locals for years. As a community we should do this. So because i got helped, i cant have an opinion on cabs?

If you dont think there is elitist type group of arcade snobs you're kidding yourself. Im pretty sure you're part of the arcade-projects. Those fucks right there are the ones who talked about the cam locks.

They will look down upon you if you do, just like the chewlix cabs. People who spend 3 to 4 the amount for the original are usually the same people attacking/pointing out to people that they have inferior product. The same was said with my Kraylix cabs.

In the end, its just buttons, stick, & monitor. You can upgrade those.


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
What bullshit are you talking about? I dont think i ever had a disagreement in this side of the forum. Im not sure why my post warranted an elitist response...I appreciate the help & knowledge when i first started & until now from various forums. I also have helped people in this forum, other forums, & locals for years. As a community we should do this. So because i got helped, i cant have an opinion on cabs?

If you dont think there is elitist type group of arcade snobs you're kidding yourself. Im pretty sure you're part of the arcade-projects. Those fucks right there are the ones who talked about the cam locks.

They will look down upon you if you do, just like the chewlix cabs. People who spend 3 to 4 the amount for the original are usually the same people attacking/pointing out to people that they have inferior product. The same was said with my Kraylix cabs.

In the end, its just buttons, stick, & monitor. You can upgrade those.

Oh no my friend, there are elitists out there and newer ones injected into the hobby now by storm. Ppl that buy cabs and pinball machines as art or to make rooms all decorated up with RGB lighting and toys/plushes everywhere just to take little photoshoots of them powered off for social media feels and not play them. Then there are folks asking for 20yr old cabs that are beyond even the quality Matsu use to provide and for low balled prices. All this, and never play and enjoy them as they were made for. However, RSG, DZ, and myself aren't elitists. All of us have helped many and we don't ask for anything. My Q25 documentation, didn't ask for anything, and within the group of owners with that cab. I was the only one that stepped forward, documented, and shared everything with the communities on it. Having only one other owner verify a few things for me.

I don't consider a Chew or Kray an inferior product and in my previous post they really had a point to purchase when the real cabs were still a lot of money and when they are used for proper purpose in a home environment. My issue is, regardless what folks say, my experiences in the field differ and they do not hold up to a real Vewlix and they shouldn't for their price point and real use. Which is home use only, imo. They don't last on location, the CP brackets are one of the weakest points on those cabinets. The frame and the supports are not the same. Especially the monitor bracket and cross support.

That isn't knocking a cheaper cabinet. It's cheaper for a reason as its not the same. It may feel the same to you, which is your opinion. For me, its based not just on my opinion, but what I've dealt with in the field.

Wyo's claims simply don't add up factually. As he has provided no facts or evidence. Also even being contracted in China, every manufacturer has different standards in every Country. The difference is Taito has the cash and lawyers with a nice Contract stating their terms from their contracts for standards. Alibaba Companies with smaller workforces don't. If Wyo didn't make these claims to begin with, this thread would have been different entirely.


Creator of the Master List,
20 Year Member
Aug 20, 2000
glad to see the forum alive and well for the holidays.

also, wyo... GTFO fuckin flipper scum


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
It's more then that. I got clued in to the shit you were talking with your buddy mad man in other chat rooms. I did consider you a friend, but you should know that everything you say gets screen capped and posted elsewhere. So don't come in here acting like a fucking saint. I wish I still had them. I mean fuck, I even caught you and him one day in Neo Chat and you both clammed up.

I was also shown a group of PMs where you had a conversation with someone over an item. You used the same "script" where you said "xx.xx isn't worth this much", and how "as a favor I'll take the whole lot if you can do xx.xx". So your "I'm a friend, I'll help you and you help me" deal is nothing but a fake fucking blurb that I bet you have in a word pad on your desktop for copy/paste purposes.

If you want to talk about friends rubbing off on you, maybe you should spend less time with Captain post it note, cause he's turned you into a flipping asshole. You got a set of balls on you calling out that dude making the cables cheaper, as if you made some sort of proprietary design. LOL. I just spent $70 on a set from Retro Access so I didn't have to give you a dime.

The sad part is that I defended you to people for years. Eventually I just gave up. You "were cool with me"? You made bank off me and a bunch of other people. Go fuck yourself. Seriously.

Also, your Skullfang is a bootleg. It's a conversion of Stadium Hero, which is why it's missing the label and in an orange case. You know it too, but you keep bullshiting as usual.

Bob asked for pictures of Skull Fang and IIRC I sent him a picture of the case. The boards inside were legit - I checked. Maybe the original black case got damaged and swapped out by an operator. I neither know nor care. Anyway, I didn't hear back from Bob, so maybe he just assumed it was a boot. Evidently, he must have informed the top secret gossip circlejerk and another wyo legend was born. I subsequently sold the game without issue. Skull Fang is really a terrible game so good riddance.

The cable incident was pretty funny but I don't think you know the full story. Just another wannabe YouTube star in desperate search of relevance going after someone else in the community for clickbait purposes. Dude bought a cable from me, copied it (badly), then claimed he was exposing hidden secrets for the good of mankind. Our old pal Jibbajaba made a successful gaming channel and he gets shit on for the same reason. Petty minded jealous losers hate to see others succeed. It's much easier to sit around getting high and shitting on others like your pal FilthyRear. Probably makes his pathetic existence somewhat bearable.

If you're ever back in Tampa, maybe we can get together and squash this ridiculous beef. "You made bank off me and a bunch of other people" is simply not true. I haven't bought and sold significant quantities of games since I was collecting MVS and I've been done for 4 years. I stand by my dealings on this site and have always tried to act with integrity. But I'm not going to go around kissing everyone's ass like RSG and then pretend like "who me, bro?" when called out. That dumb fuck just implied I'm a racist then said "chinaman" in the next paragraph.

People screenshotting old chats to stir up drama is also weak as fuck. Besides popping in to say hi to rot and tak in NG chat I don't really engage any more, and believe me it's for the best. Maybe next time you read something out of context and get offended you should check with the source first instead of stewing about it for years.


They call him Mr. Windy
15 Year Member
Sep 29, 2007
Another lie. Keep 'em coming!

Misrepresenting what I actually said. So basically another lie. I know it's difficult to not get riled up but do try to learn to comprehend.

You can't prove they are not. Unsubstantiated claim!

So I have bobs screen shots of you trying to sell him a bootleg skullfang, one you probably weasled from sheep nova. Bob knew it was a conversion and was going to see if you were going to lie about it. Should I post those for you to draw more Ls or do you want to back out now.

I brought you this, you left it in the papa john thread.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
So I have bobs screen shots of you trying to sell him a bootleg skullfang, one you probably weasled from sheep nova. Bob knew it was a conversion and was going to see if you were going to lie about it. Should I post those for you to draw more Ls or do you want to back out now.

I brought you this, you left it in the papa john thread.

I'll save you the trouble, Columbo...


So yeah, totally trying to scam him with a fake game! Your evidence is as weak as Trump's impeachment.


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
Oh no my friend, there are elitists out there and newer ones injected into the hobby now by storm. Ppl that buy cabs and pinball machines as art or to make rooms all decorated up with RGB lighting and toys/plushes everywhere just to take little photoshoots of them powered off for social media feels and not play them. Then there are folks asking for 20yr old cabs that are beyond even the quality Matsu use to provide and for low balled prices. All this, and never play and enjoy them as they were made for. However, RSG, DZ, and myself aren't elitists. All of us have helped many and we don't ask for anything. My Q25 documentation, didn't ask for anything, and within the group of owners with that cab. I was the only one that stepped forward, documented, and shared everything with the communities on it. Having only one other owner verify a few things for me.

I don't consider a Chew or Kray an inferior product and in my previous post they really had a point to purchase when the real cabs were still a lot of money and when they are used for proper purpose in a home environment. My issue is, regardless what folks say, my experiences in the field differ and they do not hold up to a real Vewlix and they shouldn't for their price point and real use. Which is home use only, imo. They don't last on location, the CP brackets are one of the weakest points on those cabinets. The frame and the supports are not the same. Especially the monitor bracket and cross support.

That isn't knocking a cheaper cabinet. It's cheaper for a reason as its not the same. It may feel the same to you, which is your opinion. For me, its based not just on my opinion, but what I've dealt with in the field.

Wyo's claims simply don't add up factually. As he has provided no facts or evidence. Also even being contracted in China, every manufacturer has different standards in every Country. The difference is Taito has the cash and lawyers with a nice Contract stating their terms from their contracts for standards. Alibaba Companies with smaller workforces don't. If Wyo didn't make these claims to begin with, this thread would have been different entirely.

You didn't answer my question, what bullshit thing i've said that you had to hold your tongue for years?

Talking down to people is elitist...Saying you're true arcade purist because you dont have toys/RGB in your room. Way different tone say 10 years ago from this arcade forum. A lot of you guys are snobbish now, it almost feel like highschool.


formerly DZ
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
You didn't answer my question, what bullshit thing i've said that you had to hold your tongue for years?

Talking down to people is elitist...Saying you're true arcade purist because you dont have toys/RGB in your room. Way different tone say 10 years ago from this arcade forum. A lot of you guys are snobbish now, it almost feel like highschool.

I can't speak for everyone, but for sure I'm sick of seeing staged photos of people with shit all over their machines, and crazy lights, but the machines are always off. These people don't play shit and it's super annoying that they're driving up prices. IDGAF about people like yourself showing your game room because I know you use your stuff. You can get a bit retarded with 4 of the same statue, but that's your call.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
You didn't answer my question, what bullshit thing i've said that you had to hold your tongue for years?

Talking down to people is elitist...Saying you're true arcade purist because you dont have toys/RGB in your room. Way different tone say 10 years ago from this arcade forum. A lot of you guys are snobbish now, it almost feel like highschool.

These whiny little bitches hold grudges like old girlfriends, so it's not surprising. This forum is not exclusive enough so they form private cliques aka fagit safe spaces. Sometimes these echo chambers splinter further until the optimal circle jerk utopia is finally achieved. The impotent rage never subsides though, so every now and again they pop back in here for some OMG DRAMAAAA!!!


formerly DZ
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
These whiny little bitches hold grudges like old girlfriends, so it's not surprising. This forum is not exclusive enough so they form private cliques aka fagit safe spaces. Sometimes these echo chambers splinter further until the optimal circle jerk utopia is finally achieved. The impotent rage never subsides though, so every now and again they pop back in here for some OMG DRAMAAAA!!!

Yet you talk shit about everyone behind their back and have been doing it for years. When you get called out suddenly you're the victim? LOL. David Medina already uses that excuse, find something else.


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
You didn't answer my question, what bullshit thing i've said that you had to hold your tongue for years?

Talking down to people is elitist...Saying you're true arcade purist because you dont have toys/RGB in your room. Way different tone say 10 years ago from this arcade forum. A lot of you guys are snobbish now, it almost feel like highschool.

Well, first off you are the one that continues to bring up elitist and now arcade purist. Funny as I never mentioned anything purist at all in this thread or defined it. If I was such a purist, I wouldn't be setting ppl's shit up for consoles and MAME. The biggest thing I personally like to do is make wiring adapters to retain stock wiring if they decide down the road to revert back to original and not have to rewire a cabinet. Don't really see that as purist and I don't go after ppl about it.

What DZ stated is how I feel and that is not directed at you. I know you play your machines, which IMO should be the primary reason ppl buy them, to actually play them.

As far as answering your question. IDK if you have the worst luck in the World or are an electromagnet. Seems over the last few years you've had a bunch of your stuff unfortunately break and you jump on social media or the rare instance here with your issues. It literally seemed like if you moved or touched a cab it broke. With well experienced ppl helping you out. Perhaps instead of phrasing it as "reading your BS" I should have simply stated "WTF is going on"?

The only other problem again is. When someone makes bold claims and presents no facts (wyo), its hearsay. Calling him out on his Chewlix claims is not elitist all, provide legitimate claims. Otherwise, its an opinion.

He is legitimately claiming these are made by the same Company contracted to manufacture the real product for Taito. Of the same quality, his has the same monitor as one of the Diamond models, yet still hasn't produced a single fact or source.

Yet, in other forums, Reddit, social media. The clones are well documented from purchasers comparing the differences between similar clones and the real machines. A few even owning real and clone and comparing them side by side. But fuck it right? They are all wrong and we should listen to Wyo.

I'm not even touching the other conversation about Wyo.

So for you, yep, you called me out and now I answered the question. Call me what you will or explain the shit luck you've had that many perceive on social media. Cause for some time it seemed like half your cabs died on you.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Yet you talk shit about everyone behind their back and have been doing it for years. When you get called out suddenly you're the victim? LOL. David Medina already uses that excuse, find something else.

Are you so fragile you can't handle any ribbing or shit talking? You have talked plenty of shit in this thread without a shred of evidence other than "I heard you were mean, boohoo. You flipped mah games! Oh noes!" Again, zero fucking evidence to back up any of your assertions. But at least you finally grew the balls to come at me years after the events. Well done!


formerly DZ
15 Year Member
Mar 8, 2006
Are you so fragile you can't handle any ribbing or shit talking? You have talked plenty of shit in this thread without a shred of evidence other than "I heard you were mean, boohoo. You flipped mah games! Oh noes!" Again, zero fucking evidence to back up any of your assertions. But at least you finally grew the balls to come at me years after the events. Well done!

Haha, true fucking colors. That's all I needed to see here. Thanks!


Before you sell me something, ask how well my baby
10 Year Member
Mar 30, 2010
Well, first off you are the one that continues to bring up elitist and now arcade purist. Funny as I never mentioned anything purist at all in this thread or defined it. If I was such a purist, I wouldn't be setting ppl's shit up for consoles and MAME. The biggest thing I personally like to do is make wiring adapters to retain stock wiring if they decide down the road to revert back to original and not have to rewire a cabinet. Don't really see that as purist and I don't go after ppl about it.

What DZ stated is how I feel and that is not directed at you. I know you play your machines, which IMO should be the primary reason ppl buy them, to actually play them.

As far as answering your question. IDK if you have the worst luck in the World or are an electromagnet. Seems over the last few years you've had a bunch of your stuff unfortunately break and you jump on social media or the rare instance here with your issues. It literally seemed like if you moved or touched a cab it broke. With well experienced ppl helping you out. Perhaps instead of phrasing it as "reading your BS" I should have simply stated "WTF is going on"?

The only other problem again is. When someone makes bold claims and presents no facts (wyo), its hearsay. Calling him out on his Chewlix claims is not elitist all, provide legitimate claims. Otherwise, its an opinion.

He is legitimately claiming these are made by the same Company contracted to manufacture the real product for Taito. Of the same quality, his has the same monitor as one of the Diamond models, yet still hasn't produced a single fact or source.

Yet, in other forums, Reddit, social media. The clones are well documented from purchasers comparing the differences between similar clones and the real machines. A few even owning real and clone and comparing them side by side. But fuck it right? They are all wrong and we should listen to Wyo.

I'm not even touching the other conversation about Wyo.

So for you, yep, you called me out and now I answered the question. Call me what you will or explain the shit luck you've had that many perceive on social media. Cause for some time it seemed like half your cabs died on you.

Three cabs isn't half my cabs breaking down. I did get a string of bad luck and it just happen to be my arcade cabs that particular 2 year span. I asked for helped but no one was able to fix it. I even sent it for repair and they couldn't do anything. I bought replacement chassis & none of them work. I still dont see how that can be negative towards me. You can call me out being trollish in the Unrelated/War room but i have always been in my best behavior in this section of the forum

As for other people's opinion of clones, obviously some do like it. mega330faggit seem to like his & so does wyo & childmolester friend. Im sure majority of people will be fine with it. I mention $1200 shipped is hell of deal, if that is true. For a modern cab that is hard to beat, only elitist would think otherwise. Still puzzled why i got called out for bullshit in my post. Maybe wyo is right about the butthurt & clique mentality. I think i made comment about radiantsvgun Vewlix cab having ugly stickers on facebook and it got around to the circle jerk group...Now i get random attacks not warranted.


Unholy Custom Rank.,
15 Year Member
Aug 23, 2008
Three cabs isn't half my cabs breaking down. I did get a string of bad luck and it just happen to be my arcade cabs that particular 2 year span. I asked for helped but no one was able to fix it. I even sent it for repair and they couldn't do anything. I bought replacement chassis & none of them work. I still dont see how that can be negative towards me. You can call me out being trollish in the Unrelated/War room but i have always been in my best behavior in this section of the forum

No circle jerk from me. I likely took all your monitor issues as more than one cab then, which is my bad.

I'll again say it in every post though. Nothing wrong with ppl buying Chews if they are priced right and they know the expectations that come with them. (It's not plug n play out of the box unless you literally just want a Pandora or something) However, its still beyond opinion with Wyo's claims which he still refuses to provide any solid proof man.

You really think all the Companies that make Chews have contracts with Taito and breach said contracts? Do you think a Company with 50ish employees can manufacture enough cabs to meet Taito demand and QC? Do you believe all Chinese Companies are the same and provide the same quality of work? His shit doesn't add up and he hasn't proven anything he has claimed.


Stupid Bitch.,
15 Year Member
Jun 21, 2007
Tekken sucks...

But also,
for the cost of the chinaman cab it seems like it would be better to build something...
Especially if you just gonna chuck a PC in it.
Wouldn't have to spend 1700 on a monitor either.

not sonic

King of Typists,
15 Year Member
Dec 12, 2003
Tekken sucks...

But also,
for the cost of the chinaman cab it seems like it would be better to build something...
Especially if you just gonna chuck a PC in it.
Wouldn't have to spend 1700 on a monitor either.

No offense but wooden/mdf home made cabs are so ghetto. Even moreso with my woodworking skills.

A $600 box prepopulated with controls and a monitor (chewlix) was the impetus, but as the details (and shipping costs) get tacked on nothing is really cheap enough to be impulse buy worth it.

I wonder how tekken looks at 640x480, I'll just play on my blast.


They call him Mr. Windy
15 Year Member
Sep 29, 2007
I'll save you the trouble, Columbo...

View attachment 55410

So yeah, totally trying to scam him with a fake game! Your evidence is as weak as Trump's impeachment.

Lol bob is the expert on everything Data East, he knew that board was a conversion and was seeing if you’d try to pass it off as legit. Caught with your hands in the cookie jar. What’s next? Fake news?