I have no idea who you are or what "guy" you are reffering to. Is this some kind of game of bullshit or trolling at its best?
Who are you and what is your issue?
Oh, you MUST be the cause of this whole fucking sadistic shit that took place on that other forum arent you!!
You are that guy who didnt give any shipping information nor update to ebay on the shipping status when they asked you for it you never responded to them, couldnt click an icon that had the box for "shipped" on it and gave no updates for a week or so right?
THEN during the whole process between getting the item returned to you and ebay involved, in a dispute that they took over, you decided to try to charge me back through paypal.
Ebay asked you for valid shipping information on the item and received no response. They escalated the case based on no response from you and in the end it was closed. Even after all the tricky moves you pulled I agreed to send the shit back and did just that.
Your "lets go around the ebay system and do shit myself" fiasco was bullshit and even after I gave up on waiting for the stuff to arrive, when it finally did arrive I took that shit right back down to the post office, told them to return it to sender and washed my hands of it. I wasnt going to pay for return shipping out of my pocket especially after you tried to go around the ebay system on your own.
EVEN after all the shit you pulled I sent the damn thing back. I didnt have to do a damn thing according to ebay but you know what, I gave it to the damn post office and SENT IT BACK!
On the other side what did I get from this? unbelievable backlash from you and your gang of fucking asshole buddies who decided to have a little bash session over at the neo geo website in a yank circle.
So here is the way I see it now. You get your item back, you get your "revenge" for who knows what reason but you continue to aks for a refund or the item that WAS FUCKING RETURNED TO YOU on top of that!?
Seriously, go fuck yourself and your fucking low life deranged group of fuck buddies who have nothing better to do on the internet.
The next time you want to tell a story and have some of your bitch low life fucking scum friends back you up, you sure as hell better have your facts 100% straight and tell the whole fucking story or at least know what is true and and what isnt instead of some mixed up horseshit.
Now Im fucking done.