Short story - I'm a dumbass and Yodd is a saint as is Terraonion
Long story - So when I ordered mine, I hit the wrong auto fill and bought it on a different email. Receiving no notifications and hearing Terraonion had begun shipping, I contacted Yodd. He asked the email address I gave, my primary one was what I gave him. He to couldn't find it. I tried my other two emails, doing the forgot password deal and the site didn't recognize them (because my dumbass haven't created an account to download. Dumbass!) Yodd asked for the addresses to check them. Lo and behold, I clicked the wrong link and it gave a different email.
My dumbass assumed things and got worked up for no reason...cause I'm a dumbass.
Yodd is an example of a great employee doing his best (above & beyond) to have the company's back. He's also an awesome member of the forums, which you are missed, due to new duties, but will always be welcome to return to.