I'd be interested to hear some feedback on the gaming side of things. I think it's fair to say that we all enjoy getting together and catching up, but are we playing stuff that people wanna play? What's working and what isn't? I like Jeffkun's tournaments, Indierock's streaming, and WC's abundance of Neo hardware, cabs, and CRTs. If you come to play stuff, what do you wanna play? Just trying to do my part to make the meetup more enjoyable for the crew from a gaming standpoint.
Somewhat related: I recently acquired some TTX3 multi hardware, partially inspired by VT's TTX2 setup this year. It plays all the TTX/2/3/Nesica/RE/ES3 shit really well. As a 15KHz stalwart, I have to say I'm slowly getting drawn into HD coin-op stuff. If it pleases the court, I'll try to make TTX3 happen for next year.