Shall I buy SS3 if I already have SS4 ?


Over Top Auto Mechanic
Jul 5, 2002
I did, and I've noticed more differences than meet the eye. I've also noticed that I truly like 3 better. Anyway, it depends on what kind of a fan you are. I grew up with Samurai Showdown, and little things(like being able to power up your character) mean a lot to me. Maybe they don't to you.

I bought them both, and they're both worth the going price. That's my opinion.


Armored Scrum Object
May 11, 2002
I agree with you, I also like the little things. What do you mean with powering up my character ?
The only thing I don't like about SS3 is that there are only 12 characters.


Genjuro's Frog
20 Year Member
Mar 28, 2002
You not shall, you must!!. Seriously this game is great, is not like when you have played a sequel first and then you play its predecessor and you feel very disappointed because it is very old dated or something. With SS3 you will not have this feeling at all, the characters are great, the music is very good, and the final battle with Zankuro is anthological, of course graphically the game is awesome. So if you enjoyed SS4, you will have a very nice experience with SS3 for sure.

Every time I make the "mistake" to place this cart in my NGH I cannot resist stop playing it for a long time, and if I do not know what to play SS3 is allways a good election


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
Thr TRUE Samurai Shodown concept ended with III
Samurai IV is a different game with familiar characters IMO. I do a flip with my opinion of the character visuals and Samurai III just reigns supreme over the rest.. It has that serious DARKlook and feeling that the next SS should have!!
SSIII is a classic!! It is a model SS game.
SSIV is a good game but just not molded into thee SS game concept that put SNK on the map.


20 Year Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by BIG BEAR:
<strong>Thr TRUE Samurai Shodown concept ended with III
Samurai IV is a different game with familiar characters IMO. I do a flip with my opinion of the character visuals and Samurai III just reigns supreme over the rest.. It has that serious DARKlook and feeling that the next SS should have!!
SSIII is a classic!! It is a model SS game.
SSIV is a good game but just not molded into thee SS game concept that put SNK on the map.

...and BB sees the light ;)

seriously though, I couldn't have said it better.

[ November 01, 2002: Message edited by: Pro_Gear ]</p>


Azu Bla, ,
Aug 24, 2002
Well, IMO 3 isn't as good as 4, and I also believe the SS concept changed drastically after 2. SS3 and SS4 are a lot more akin than SS2 and SS3.

That being said, how can you not own them all?


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
It really is'nt fair to compare the two games.
SSIV should have never been given the title Samurai Shodown.
SSIV lacks the bonus rounds,the ref,the messenger,the early cinema,the free flowing feel..
SSIV is like a fighting game that tried too hard to make everyting a damn chain combo..and it lacks the STYLE of the previous three installments..
with SSIV I feel like I am being rushed to make the KILL as opposed to sit back,relax and enjoy what's going on around me(take in the scenery,etc)
The screen on SSIV does'nt zoom like the others as well..
Don't get me wrong,I like SS4 but not it's title name.


Feb 24, 2002
SS3 should have been like a street fighter 3
of SS series. SS4 sould have been kind of
like SS3 double impact or something. And
if they released(or release!) a SS5 it could be like a SS3 third strike.
Anyone agree?

By the way SS2 and 3 are the best true samurai games of the series. They have the best real samurai aggressive feel to them. SS4 is good though. It is king of like SS1 with more moves and better graphics.



Azu Bla, ,
Aug 24, 2002
Originally posted by kalninja:
<strong>SS3 should have been like a street fighter 3
of SS series. SS4 sould have been kind of
like SS3 double impact or something. And
if they released(or release!) a SS5 it could be like a SS3 third strike.
Anyone agree?


I can see where you're coming from. SS3 was a major departure because it lacks the 'humor' of the first two. It also lacks the ref and the messenger, and they moved to a three button weapon attack layout (as in you don't have to press buttons A and B to get the STRONG attack). In addition, they gave each character two 'style' options: SLASH and BUST. SS4 is like SS3 (I can see why you think it should have been called SS3 Double Imact), only with better backgounds (I found the backgrounds in SS3 to lack detail and color) and a 'fixed' life bar (people were upset when SS3 came out because matches were over too quickly).

IMO, you can view the series as two parts; SS1 and SS2, with the judge, messenger, and overall a more humorous feel. SS3 and SS4 have a darker, more serious feel; they have the SLASH/BUST options and they dropped the judge and messenger guy.

[ November 01, 2002: Message edited by: Bishamon ]</p>


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
SS3 is the choice of the older fans that have played from the start SS1 and SS2. 99% of the old timers agree that SS3 is better then SS4, but not all agree that SS3 is their favorite.

However, when someone touts SS4, I usually regard them as SHIT FOR BRAINS.

It's just not a good 2 player game.


Azu Bla, ,
Aug 24, 2002
Originally posted by EvilWasabi:
<strong>SS3 is the choice of the older fans that have played from the start SS1 and SS2. 99% of the old timers agree that SS3 is better then SS4, but not all agree that SS3 is their favorite.

However, when someone touts SS4, I usually regard them as SHIT FOR BRAINS.

It's just not a good 2 player game.</strong><hr></blockquote>

Well, I started with SS1 on a NGH system back when it was a new game, so I would consider myself an 'old timer'. SS3 is also my least favorite of the series. However, I also never got to play SS3 or SS4 in a two-player capacity, so that is probably clouding my judgement. ;)

[ November 01, 2002: Message edited by: Bishamon ]</p>


Death Before Dishonesty, Logic Above All,
Feb 13, 2002
Originally posted by Bishamon:
<strong>only with better backgounds (I found the backgrounds in SS3 to lack detail and color)</strong><hr></blockquote>

That's a bit ironic, considering that SS3's backgrounds have a ton of color, and SS4's BGs have dithered palettes.



Azu Bla, ,
Aug 24, 2002
Originally posted by Deuce:

That's a bit ironic, considering that SS3's backgrounds have a ton of color, and SS4's BGs have dithered palettes.


You must be playing a different SS3 than I am. The word that best describes most of SS3's backgrounds is 'monochromatic'.


Death Before Dishonesty, Logic Above All,
Feb 13, 2002
Nope. I did numerical comparisons by way of sprite rips and PSP's "Count Colors Used" command some years ago. The SS3 stages were, by and large, upwards of 1000 colors total. SS4's were usually under 500, sometimes down to 256 or less. What made the difference, I think, in your eyes was that the dithered palettes used in SS4 were higher-contrast, which made them appear more detailed than they were, whereas SS3 used more subtle gradations in hue, so it didn't stand out so much.

Personally, I found virtually every aesthetic aspect of SS4 to be ugly... especially the horrible palettes. Those sprites were not designed for low-contrast palettes like those used in SS4. Ugh.

But that aside, SS3 Vs. play kicks serious ass. You're missing out. I remember the battles I had with Mike Pureka... his Slash Nakoruru vs. my Bust Genjuro. They tended to be nothing short of epic. :)



Morden's Lack,
Nov 13, 2001
SSIII is a great game,but I don't see why everyone thinks its so great 2 player.
I mean,what fun is it to hit the C button and watch 70% health go off your opponents life bar?AND,AND you may even dizzy them!!!!! :eek:


20 Year Member
May 18, 2001
Originally posted by SamuraiShogun:
<strong>SSIII is a great game,but I don't see why everyone thinks its so great 2 player.
I mean,what fun is it to hit the C button and watch 70% health go off your opponents life bar?AND,AND you may even dizzy them!!!!! :eek: </strong><hr></blockquote>

SS3 has great tension...due to the damage possibilities. Remember brutality can go both ways. SS3 makes you learn to fear and respect a hard slash, and because of that you will start to play smarter. An accomplished player at SS3 will tell you that the real power in this game is in the other varied attacks. If you rely on getting in the big hits, a human player as well as the AI will punish you for it. Plus, there is nothing more rewarding than destroying your opponent after they've landed one of those hard slashes


SHOCKbox Developer,
20 Year Member
Dec 14, 2001
I've grown to love the high level of damgae that can be done to your opponent in SAM III because it makes fo a NO NONSENSE battle...
You can be a real pro @ this game and get caught by some rookie becaus eyou made a mistake..there is no roiom for mistakes and that is an example of seriousness that makes it cool..
SNK or Playmore if you ever want to bring back the SS series,PLEASE USE SSIII AS THE MODEL


Mature's Make-up Artist
Aug 27, 2002
I loved them both. SS3 was a bit strenuous on me, but when I look back on it, I have to admit, that is one badass game. The design and feel of it was very cool. It's pretty die-hard.

I really did like SS4. fuck you EvilWasabi.

I'm starting to agree with ya, BB, SS5+ should most likely be done in a SS3 fashion...

I mean my sole complaint was that Zankuro was too easy in SS4, but damn hard in SS3. And Kuroko's cameo was weird...

[ November 01, 2002: Message edited by: ShikiMikoto ]</p>


Azu Bla, ,
Aug 24, 2002
Well, SS3 isn't a bad game; it was just a disappointment after SS2. I mean, the sprites are beautifully rendered, but it looked (to me, at least) as if they neglected the backgrounds in favor of highly detailed sprites. SS4 made up for some of that, and in some ways it's my favorite of the series, but I recently took the time to go back and play all of them again, and I have to say that SS2 is definately my overall favorite. The backgrounds are absolutely beautiful, and the gameplay is perfect. My ideal Samurai game would be SS2 with the character animation of SS3, and all the characters from the series (well, they could leave out the blue and red guys from SS4 ;-)).

[ November 01, 2002: Message edited by: Bishamon ]</p>


Death Before Dishonesty, Logic Above All,
Feb 13, 2002
I couldn't complain about a return of SS2 gameplay. It was a great game, period. SS3 just holds a special place in my heart, though. It was the first NGH cart I ever bought (aside from the 15 that came with my first NGH system). I played it to death. KOF96 gets a similar place of honor. Sure, both games were broken, but not unlike Final Fantasy VIII, if you took the time to learn the ins and outs of the engine, there was incredible depth and a level of fun that very, very few games ever manage to achieve.

And SS3 still was the shiznit in vs. mode. At high levels of play, 2P matches were stunning.



Azu Bla, ,
Aug 24, 2002
Originally posted by Deuce:
<strong>And SS3 still was the shiznit in vs. mode. At high levels of play, 2P matches were stunning.


Boy, I wish I had at least one friend that doesn't think 2D games are crap. Unfortunately, none of my friends like 2D games, let alone 2D fighting games. *sigh*

Oh, well. It's amazing how much fun I can have beating up the CPU. ;)


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
Originally posted by Bishamon:

You must be playing a different SS3 than I am. The word that best describes most of SS3's backgrounds is 'monochromatic'.</strong><hr></blockquote>

You've just made a complete ass of yourself - talking about the color depth and detail of the levels is moving beyond opinion into fact - and no matter how many times you adjust your screen, SS4 loses to SS3 graphically.


So Many Posts
No Time
For Games.
Aug 18, 2001
Originally posted by ShikiMikoto:
<strong>I loved them both. SS3 was a bit strenuous on me, but when I look back on it, I have to admit, that is one badass game. The design and feel of it was very cool. It's pretty die-hard.

I really did like SS4. fuck you EvilWasabi.

Eh, it's okay. I was really into SSIV when it first came out too. But I played it for a very long time, almost as long as I've played SSIII. I found so many problems in fighting people that I never experienced against people. Deuce is right about the palettes too.

And complaining about the damage levels in SSIII vs. SSIV is futile. You can kill anyone within 6 seconds in SSIV.