RetroTechRewind - deal gone bad.


Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 17, 2013
So I've been trying hard not to get to the point of posting this, but I think I've given every reasonable chance to work it out privately/semi-privately and then some.

After seeing him post in the PA meet-up thread about doing repairs/consolizations, I contacted him about maybe fixing a CPS2 A-board and consolizing it for me. This was late June/early July. Quotes me a (in my opinion, pretty reasonable) price, I send him the A-board and SFZ B-board for testing purposes - also send him a mini-din cord to turn into an SCART cord for my NES that has Tim's kit in it, but that's nothing important. As of July 4th, he has the board and I send him the money July 6th. Next hear from him July 19th saying it's been a hectic few weeks but he's working on it. That's cool, I'm in no rush, he's not charging a ton for the work.

Having not heard anything in a while, I send him a message August 13th asking what's up. No response. Try again August 22nd. No response. Have seen him log on in the interim. Third attempt, August 25th. On that day, I also tell mjmjr25 (because I know his name has way more weight than mine around here, and he knows everyone) that I'm starting to worry - he says he'll talk to some people. Lo and behold, August 29th I get a response with RetroTechRewind's cell phone number saying he's been having issues typing messages on the forums for whatever reason but that my board is done, he's just away from home for work for another week or so. Okay, cool, weird shit happens, no biggee. Text him a couple times, finally get a message on September 6th that it's done, he'll be home Friday (the 9th) and get it out either that afternoon or Saturday morning.

I ask on the 15th if he had a chance to ship it out (I'm now on vacation out of the country, but my roommate will get the box for me). No response. Ask on the 20th, he said he still hasn't sent it out, he forgot and he'll priority it to me and give me the tracking number ASAP. On the 29th, I ask if there's a tracking number, no answer. October 5th, I get home and there is no package. I text again, no answer. I PM on here, no answer (he's been online since then). Final message October 7th saying I'm really trying to hold off on doing a Paypal claim and a feedback thread, but it's hard keeping faith at this point.

Today I'm done. I contacted him through Paypal, will give a couple days there before escalating it, but I think I've been very reasonable and okay with waiting, but not okay with radio silence and waiting as well as only saying "Oops sorry man" after I text multiple times. I paid by Goods so in theory Paypal should absolutely get me refunded (my first time I've ever had to use Buyer Protection, but from what I've heard they're absolutely on the buyer's side), but I'm still out an A+B that way, would so much rather just have this get resolved nicely and taken care of.

TL;DR - Supposedly been done for a month and a half, but radio silence for the last 3 weeks. Would love the completed product, will be content just getting money back.


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
Can confirm Dave reached out multiple times and really wanted to avoid a public thread. We tried some backchannels first, but it just seems to be more runaround.

I let Dave know my one and only deal with Retrotechrewind went really well and to give him the benefit of the doubt, but that was 6 weeks ago and has been met with the "tomorrow" routine at each turn. Hopefully this thread gets a response from RTR.

FWIW - Dave is in that realm of "the nicest guy" category and I would stake any reputation I have that his account is on point-accurate, no embellishment, no drama.


"Hey, are we done here?..., Cause I'm losing my bu
15 Year Member
May 7, 2008
Hope all works out. If not, I've got an A board set aside for you on the house Dave. Our community takes care of one another brutha.

MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
Yeah Dave is such a great & nice guy I've dealt with him several times over the last few years always awesome to work with. This is b.s. bro I hope you can get this sorted out. Hopefully RTR will do the right thing here this kind of stuff is unacceptable.


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
I'll just come out and say my part.

Mr. JimJim, (no disrespect) contacted me regarding me not hearing from Retrotech. I happened to have his cell number and left a message on his voice mail. This was around the end of Aug. I saw he had logged in that day and thought all was well. No one told me he was giving you the runaround.

People that have known Lucas longer than I have told me he's very busy and is constantly travelling for his job. That's certainly no excuse but, I thought I'd interject a small amount of "benefit of the doubt."

If you are out your games, I may be as well. He has had my Moonwalker board for almost a year. (Tons of stuff wrong with it) So, I will try texting him later today, as well. He definitely needs to show up and explain what's going on.



Whip's Subordinate
May 15, 2014
I'm sorry, but there is no excuse for this level of "laziness". If your that "busy" dont take the job, and certainly not someones money.

Hope you get your boards back OP, even though it seems unlikely at this point.


20 Year Member
Nov 27, 2002
I'll just come out and say my part.

Mr. JimJim, (no disrespect) contacted me regarding me not hearing from Retrotech. I happened to have his cell number and left a message on his voice mail. This was around the end of Aug. I saw he had logged in that day and thought all was well. No one told me he was giving you the runaround.

People that have known Lucas longer than I have told me he's very busy and is constantly travelling for his job. That's certainly no excuse but, I thought I'd interject a small amount of "benefit of the doubt."

If you are out your games, I may be as well. He has had my Moonwalker board for almost a year. (Tons of stuff wrong with it) So, I will try texting him later today, as well. He definitely needs to show up and explain what's going on.


We should change your name to "white pages", you have everyone's number!

Dave, hope all goes well


Igniz's Servent
Apr 30, 2010
Sorry to hear about the issues with Retro. I sent him a 2F to repair for me earlier this year. It took multiple months before I got a working board back. I also sent him a Turbo Express for a recap while he had my MV2F. He ended giving me the recap "on the house" cus it took him so long to get back to me. Anyway, everything worked out in the end.

We traded games and services. No cash. I gave him several of my custom acrylic kits for the repairs. Plus got both an AES and MVS game in the trade.

Matter of fact. I probably owe him $100 in trade material that he never claimed (more acrylic kits).


Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 17, 2013
No good news. Put in the Paypal Dispute on the 10th, escalated it to a Claim the 16th after getting no response on any front.

I have patience and really had no problems waiting a couple months, this is all a hobby after all... but I have a problem with the "It's done! I'll get you a tracking in the next 2-3 days!" over and over. And the utterly ignoring me when I try to get an update.

Still crossing my fingers for this to be a big misunderstanding, but if he doesn't respond by the 26th Paypal auto-closes it for me and well... we're basically done. Still would just rather give him the money and get the product.


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
We should change your name to "white pages", you have everyone's number!

This is definitely not the first time I've been the guy that's been contacted to get a response to someone "off the forums."

I'm still hoping I see him at the annual White Castle Neo gathering next month. We'll see...he hasn't replied in that thread.


MCF 76

Metal Slug Mechanic
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2010
No good news. Put in the Paypal Dispute on the 10th, escalated it to a Claim the 16th after getting no response on any front.

I have patience and really had no problems waiting a couple months, this is all a hobby after all... but I have a problem with the "It's done! I'll get you a tracking in the next 2-3 days!" over and over. And the utterly ignoring me when I try to get an update.

Still crossing my fingers for this to be a big misunderstanding, but if he doesn't respond by the 26th Paypal auto-closes it for me and well... we're basically done. Still would just rather give him the money and get the product.

Damn Dave, I hate this crap is going on for you buddy. You never know stuff happens but communication is KEY in these matters which he clearly is not doing. Hopefully he will step up and do the right thing for you shit like this is unacceptable.
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went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
No good news. Put in the Paypal Dispute on the 10th, escalated it to a Claim the 16th after getting no response on any front.

I have patience and really had no problems waiting a couple months, this is all a hobby after all... but I have a problem with the "It's done! I'll get you a tracking in the next 2-3 days!" over and over. And the utterly ignoring me when I try to get an update.

Still crossing my fingers for this to be a big misunderstanding, but if he doesn't respond by the 26th Paypal auto-closes it for me and well... we're basically done. Still would just rather give him the money and get the product.

He was on the forum 2 days ago - may not have seen this thread, but certainly would've seen your pm's when he logged in and then been alerted. Getting very difficult to give any benefit of the doubt at this point.


Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 17, 2013
Well, got the refund from PayPal today. Thanks for all the support and kind words folks.

Retro, if you do read this... Still willing to buy the commission if you really did fix and consolize it. You know how to get in touch. Hope you're okay.


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
I just received a text from him. It was two pics of my Moonwalker board. Glad you were able to get your funds back.



Crazed MVS Addict
Jun 2, 2015
Hey everyone.

It's true, I do have Daves cps2 boards and have to return the, to him.

Also, I do have to travel quite a bit for work, and I'm constantly out of state etc. I know this is no excuses, but it's just hard to find the time, and since I'm at the beck and call of my employer, I have to fly out places at a moments notice. Either way, it's no excuse on my , and for that I apologize.

I didn't really want to go public beyond the small circle I know in person, but I was diagnosed with stage 3 thyroid cancer that has spread to other parts of my body. I've been off and on at work, and have been dealing with doctors, surgery, and treatment. It's been a lot to handle honestly. I'm not looking for sympathy or anything, it's just the truth. I don't want my reputation being ruined over my mistakes and not owning up to it.

I've not been through the forums for months. It's on my phone as the homepage when I open Chrome, so it logs me in from time to time. Hormone treatments are a bitch, and I've literally not wanted to do much of anything game related. I'm exhausted all the time, and having a hard time dealing with it all frankly.

Dave, you have my number. Send me a text or call, and we can work this out. It was never my intent to screw anyone, but life just kinda took over, but it's my responsibility to make it right. Sorry for the mess and headache.
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Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
All I can say is get better.

I am curious what the status is with Moonwalker. It's difficult to tell from the pics you sent me. I still owe you money for what you have done so far, too.



Crazed MVS Addict
Jun 2, 2015
Moonwalker is 100%. Works perfectly again. I let it run in my one cab overnight just to make sure nothing was gonna crap out on me.

Is crime fighters still working okay?


Mr. Tater
20 Year Member
May 11, 2001
Moonwalker is 100%. Works perfectly again. I let it run in my one cab overnight just to make sure nothing was gonna crap out on me.

Is crime fighters still working okay?

TBH, I haven't played Crime Fighters since I saw you last at TMG. I assume it's still OK, though.

Moonwalker being done is a huge relief and the end of a 2+ year nightmare. Obviously, we'll need to work something out, eventually. But, for now, focus on getting better.

I'm assuming the annual Neo Geo meetup at White Castle's is completely out of the question? (had to ask)



Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 17, 2013
Dave, you have my number. Send me a text or call, and we can work this out. It was never my intent to screw anyone, but life just kinda took over, but it's my responsibility to make it right. Sorry for the mess and headache.
Texted. I meant it when I said hope you're okay, sorry to hear about all of this. I'm sure we'll figure something out here.


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
Thanks for responding; RTR. Very sorry about the medical stuff and feel bad you had to post that here to get things straightened out. Of course no one here was in the know - so the issue had to be pressed. Best of luck.


Crazed MVS Addict
Jun 2, 2015
No offense taken from anyone. It's my fault for going off grid for awhile, but it will get taken care of.

And thank you for the kind words, it is very much appreciated. :)


Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 17, 2013
So I was going to write this off and let sleeping dogs lie, but I just found out that he's still around, taking repair orders and then not doing them, disappearing when you try to get your stuff back.

Apparently this needs more visibility, because that's not cool.


Whip's Subordinate
May 15, 2014
Lets see if we can get a mod to move this thread to the War Room. I've shared this link with one of his supporters on youtube but you have to be a member to view this Member Feedback sub forum.