

Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Fuckin hate wasps man, few years ago these european wasps starting building a nest in this cavity above an external door. Shit man I could hear the buzzing and the activity in there, it was terrifying. They were slowly eating the dry wall and towards the end I could see them in the crack between the drywall and the internal door frame :oops: I had to find a solution!

Wasp dust, bayer makes it, is the best fucking death dust you can get and it should be being German :keke:. I blew a ton of that shit in there and man you should of heard the sound! Then a day later they were all dead.


Horrible Goose
20 Year Member
Sep 28, 2001
I used to be afraid of heights, looking down from a high place got me dizzy and everything. After a while when I was in a tall building with a balcony or something I'd just look down for as long as I could until the dizziness went away, and eventually the overall fear left as well.

I have an irrational fear of wasps, especially hornets. Not really a fan of any flying insects tbh. Mosquitos love me. Fuck horseflies as well. Bees get a pass because they actually have a purpose in life.

I don't actually fear wasps, but I have this irrational hatred of the things. If I find any near my house I will actively hunt them down and kill them. Usually I just let bugs be as long as they are outside the house.


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
Fuckin hate wasps man, few years ago these european wasps starting building a nest in this cavity above an external door. Shit man I could hear the buzzing and the activity in there, it was terrifying. They were slowly eating the dry wall and towards the end I could see them in the crack between the drywall and the internal door frame :oops: I had to find a solution!

Wasp dust, bayer makes it, is the best fucking death dust you can get and it should be being German :keke:. I blew a ton of that shit in there and man you should have heard the sound! Then a day later they were all dead.
If it can kill Jews it sure as fuck can kill some wasps.


massive ding dong
20 Year Member
Mar 14, 2001
But if you kill one, their mates get angry.

I personally let them be. It’s alright if they eat a little of my steak. I’ll only kill it if the missus is actually spoiling the dinner with running around and acting all psychotic.
She makes me dispose of the bodies in the back of the garden out of fear that their mates will come along.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
Mainly gross insects and bugs like spiders, centipedes, roaches, etc.

Very large things really freak me out the fuck out. It started with an astronomy book I had as a kid and looking at the photos of Jupiter. I have a hard time watching those "scale of objects in the galaxy" videos.


Insert Something Clever Here
10 Year Member
Jan 16, 2014
Heights. Love rollercoasters but put me on a 7-foot ladder and I'll break out in a cold sweat.


back to basics
15 Year Member
Jun 2, 2006
I'd say flying insects don't bother me too much, but have you ever been on a cruise? A couple of weeks out at sea, zero wasps, mosquitoes, flies, gnats, any air-shit, you quickly notice something is just better.
you might have to deal with different kinds of wasps on a cruise.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Heights. Love rollercoasters but put me on a 7-foot ladder and I'll break out in a cold sweat.
Same. (not the rollercoaster part)

Which is ironic because my Dad owned a cell tower company and I worked there for 15 years. I never went above 50 or so feet, mainly did ground crew work. It's not the actual being high up part as I have no problem in tall buildings and things like that. It's the fact that one wrong step can cost you your life. Same thing on regular ladders, if I have a solid footing and something to steady myself I'm perfectly fine but I can't stand on one hands free past a certain point.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
I used to climb extension ladders while carrying a tool bag, cable reels etc. I'm only now kinda waking up to how fucking dangerous that was. Never again man I hate ladders over 8ft.


Look I'm gay, look at meeeee
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2005
I used to be really scared of dogs growing up. Used to dream they would attack me, would even feel actual pain from the bite.
But that was around 30 years ago. Last dream I had where a dog was about to attack me, I hugged it and it licked my face and that was it. Pretty crazy
Jesus fucking Christ same here, literally the exact same thing even down to the dreams. Except for me it was black people not dogs.