Nintendo Switch


War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
I'll put this much and you can mock it or take it serious. I have family who works for one of the publishers on that list for the NX. I knew how this would work prior other than the detached controllers with the spacer or held wii style on this. The guts on this are ARM and Tegra not shitty IBM PPC and ATI for a 4th time over.

This is NO Wii or Wii U, it was not born of the Gamecube. The imagery in the ad is false and not false in so much its thrown on there and really just to show off what the hardware concept is about for now. It is NOT weaker than the WiiU. What you have here is basically an nvidia shield tablet micro console but better, potentially to the level of the tegra2 chipset to arrive shortly. One should assume on its best or better days to do what the ps4 and one can do now, not what their moderate hardware upgrades are getting shortly so it will be weaker and non 4k on arrival, but it is no steaming pile either. Due to the ease of portability from android etc, cheaper format, cheaper and easy design efforts and porting costs, it will see much support from those who wouldnt touch the Wii and WiiU.

Notice no kids in the ad? Theyre finally being serious and targetting teens,20s and 30s aged people instead. This ad was about setting the tone, adults, mature design, utility for whateer your need being handheld or grounded.


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
15 Year Member
Jul 26, 2008
I'll put this much and you can mock it or take it serious. I have family who works for one of the publishers on that list for the NX. I knew how this would work prior other than the detached controllers with the spacer or held wii style on this. The guts on this are ARM and Tegra not shitty IBM PPC and ATI for a 4th time over.

This is NO Wii or Wii U, it was not born of the Gamecube. The imagery in the ad is false and not false in so much its thrown on there and really just to show off what the hardware concept is about for now. It is NOT weaker than the WiiU. What you have here is basically an nvidia shield tablet micro console but better, potentially to the level of the tegra2 chipset to arrive shortly. One should assume on its best or better days to do what the ps4 and one can do now, not what their moderate hardware upgrades are getting shortly so it will be weaker and non 4k on arrival, but it is no steaming pile either. Due to the ease of portability from android etc, cheaper format, cheaper and easy design efforts and porting costs, it will see much support from those who wouldnt touch the Wii and WiiU.

Notice no kids in the ad? Theyre finally being serious and targetting teens,20s and 30s aged people instead. This ad was about setting the tone, adults, mature design, utility for whateer your need being handheld or grounded.

Just look at the Doom 3 port for the Nvidia Shield. It doesn't even look as good as the original Xbox version. Yeah, it's in 1080p and runs at 60fps, but at the cost of shitty textures, lighting, etc. Devs have to use shortcuts to give the impression of good graphics when programming for this type of architecture.


Cham Cham's Banana
May 20, 2014
I'll put this much and you can mock it or take it serious. I have family who works for one of the publishers on that list for the NX. I knew how this would work prior other than the detached controllers with the spacer or held wii style on this. The guts on this are ARM and Tegra not shitty IBM PPC and ATI for a 4th time over.

This is NO Wii or Wii U, it was not born of the Gamecube. The imagery in the ad is false and not false in so much its thrown on there and really just to show off what the hardware concept is about for now. It is NOT weaker than the WiiU. What you have here is basically an nvidia shield tablet micro console but better, potentially to the level of the tegra2 chipset to arrive shortly. One should assume on its best or better days to do what the ps4 and one can do now, not what their moderate hardware upgrades are getting shortly so it will be weaker and non 4k on arrival, but it is no steaming pile either. Due to the ease of portability from android etc, cheaper format, cheaper and easy design efforts and porting costs, it will see much support from those who wouldnt touch the Wii and WiiU.

Notice no kids in the ad? Theyre finally being serious and targetting teens,20s and 30s aged people instead. This ad was about setting the tone, adults, mature design, utility for whateer your need being handheld or grounded.

I noticed that same older age demo representation immediately and was amused but the significance of this will be lost on some I feel. Its about time they buckle down on core consumers (the casuals will always come for mario and pokemon, hell even Zelda) but the future of games like Fire Emblem and Metroid (#notfederationforce) and the possiblity of Ninty (finally!?) getting decent third party support after two years of a platform's launch makes me more than ecstatic for the future of ninty. Next give me the games! 3d Mario as advertised is a nice start!

Also have to mention, while I think the color/plastic material needs some major tweaking on those pro controllers (looks like Steam controller plastic crap or worse than some third party products) happy the sticks are asymmetrical. Clickable analog please.

Green Beret

Fio's Quartermaster
Feb 27, 2013
I'll put this much and you can mock it or take it serious. I have family who works for one of the publishers on that list for the NX. I knew how this would work prior other than the detached controllers with the spacer or held wii style on this. The guts on this are ARM and Tegra not shitty IBM PPC and ATI for a 4th time over.

This is NO Wii or Wii U, it was not born of the Gamecube. The imagery in the ad is false and not false in so much its thrown on there and really just to show off what the hardware concept is about for now. It is NOT weaker than the WiiU. What you have here is basically an nvidia shield tablet micro console but better, potentially to the level of the tegra2 chipset to arrive shortly. One should assume on its best or better days to do what the ps4 and one can do now, not what their moderate hardware upgrades are getting shortly so it will be weaker and non 4k on arrival, but it is no steaming pile either. Due to the ease of portability from android etc, cheaper format, cheaper and easy design efforts and porting costs, it will see much support from those who wouldnt touch the Wii and WiiU.

Notice no kids in the ad? Theyre finally being serious and targetting teens,20s and 30s aged people instead. This ad was about setting the tone, adults, mature design, utility for whateer your need being handheld or grounded.
Graphics architecture will be pascal. On Nvidia they said: "The high-efficiency scalable processor includes an NVIDIA GPU based on the same architecture as the world痴 top-performing GeForce gaming graphics cards."
I agree it will be PS4 quality graphics but on handheld!
Last edited:


War Room Troll
May 24, 2016
Sure I can speculate on some stuff, but being candid for a moment since I am new here so I dont expect belief or credibility, if you saw my posts from digital press or racketboy youll know myself and my brother have been involved in the industry. I got out a decade ago working on the inside then in media for 4, but him no. He has been at it since working with EA in college, then Rockstar and others up until currently 505 Games which is a licensee on that sheet. When I get tidbits of stuff from calls or emails Im not specifically told is NDA based to shut up about it I will share if people are interested as I like to help out and loathe rumor mills so if I can put a factoid or two out there to verify or debunk I will.

He was saying on the level of the current ps4 and xbox one, but not their soon to arrive pro upgrade boxes ready for VR and 4K. In conjunction with him noting the comments from nvidia it appears it is the new tegra set meant for the upgraded nvidia shield. Remember months back they were talking about that, but ever since has gone quiet. I think he is assuming some deal with Nintendo and them to shelve the shield indefinitely or until a ways after Switch is out to basically tech demo their goods and make profit it on it selling nintendo boxes, then do their own after as their rebranded original shield without the stylus at $200 vs $300 is doing well for them as is their console. It seems to add up so it makes sense this wont be some shades of Wii shitbox.


Igniz's Servent
Apr 30, 2010
I'm assuming since Unity is listed on that partner sheet... this machine is going to be fully integrated. Which means ALL those popular mobile/handheld games, etc just got stupid easy to port this system.


Sakura's Bank Manager
10 Year Member
Dec 7, 2014
As I noted at Digital Press, I hope Nintendo has a sweetheart deal with Nvidia or it will come out expensive and never drop in price.

That fact that Nvidia pulled back its Tegra 2 Shield reveal suggests there may be such a deal in place.

Green Beret

Fio's Quartermaster
Feb 27, 2013
Sure I can speculate on some stuff, but being candid for a moment since I am new here so I dont expect belief or credibility, if you saw my posts from digital press or racketboy youll know myself and my brother have been involved in the industry. I got out a decade ago working on the inside then in media for 4, but him no. He has been at it since working with EA in college, then Rockstar and others up until currently 505 Games which is a licensee on that sheet. When I get tidbits of stuff from calls or emails Im not specifically told is NDA based to shut up about it I will share if people are interested as I like to help out and loathe rumor mills so if I can put a factoid or two out there to verify or debunk I will.

He was saying on the level of the current ps4 and xbox one, but not their soon to arrive pro upgrade boxes ready for VR and 4K. In conjunction with him noting the comments from nvidia it appears it is the new tegra set meant for the upgraded nvidia shield. Remember months back they were talking about that, but ever since has gone quiet. I think he is assuming some deal with Nintendo and them to shelve the shield indefinitely or until a ways after Switch is out to basically tech demo their goods and make profit it on it selling nintendo boxes, then do their own after as their rebranded original shield without the stylus at $200 vs $300 is doing well for them as is their console. It seems to add up so it makes sense this wont be some shades of Wii shitbox.
Great, thanks


went home to be a family man
10 Year Member
Dec 18, 2010
completely disappointed. I don't need to take my 5" screen to a basketball court...or anywhere else. Those tiny detachable controllers look completely unusable. No interest at all.


General Morden's Aide
Feb 3, 2013
completely disappointed. I don't need to take my 5" screen to a basketball court...or anywhere else.

It sounds, what disappointed you was rather the trailer. An absolutely idiotic piece of artificial fake... is that the target audience, really? What was Nintendo thinking? Some kind of in vitro hipsterism applied on a toy, is that where they see themselves? From Big N to i:N? Time to wake up and smell the java, you are nothing but a clown.

Found some info about that fat guy drawing "Splatoon tactics"...

After a while practicing drawing Splatoon tactics on a chalkboard, Nicky got bored and started drawing dicks. He says that "There might be a scene in the ad where there's dicks on the chalkboard and you can't see them."


20 Year Member
Mar 9, 2001
I don't think you can read target audience for the product into that teaser. Think about who the audience is for the teaser five months before launch. It's people who follow the industry closely that are probably 20-40ish and who primarily buy games for themselves. That's who is represented in the trailer. Nintendo wants to keep parents, grandparents, and others who buy primarily for kids in the dark, because they want to sell more 3DS and Wii U units this Christmas. That's why they're waiting to show more until January. They can do a full advertising campaign once they have the money from late adopters or less informed buyers from the holidays.


Windjammers Wonder
10 Year Member
Jun 1, 2009
completely disappointed. I don't need to take my 5" screen to a basketball court...or anywhere else. Those tiny detachable controllers look completely unusable. No interest at all.

I agree but overall I took that as a what's is possible. I don't need that feature but I'm sure there might be other less intensive games that could be used for such as game show styled games, wario ware, etc that would be neat for long road trip. Now while they showed the tiny controllers in traveling pieces more than I liked. They did show that you can sync up the pro controllers without the dock which to me is the biggest bit of news that I blew a sigh of relief on.

There's been mock ups of additional themed joy-cons but it does open the possibility of being able to create joy-cons that suit a particular game style better. It's all about flexibility and options. If used properly it could be a big perk of the system rather than a detriment.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
Nintendo should just stick to making handheld systems and games. They've been the best in the handheld market since the original game boy. That seems to be the only thing they are good at now in days. Just let SonY and Microsoft duke it out with the real consoles.


20 Year Member
Mar 9, 2001
Nintendo should just stick to making handheld systems and games. They've been the best in the handheld market since the original game boy. That seems to be the only thing they are good at now in days. Just let SonY and Microsoft duke it out with the real consoles.
They've been the highest seller in the handheld market. I'm not sure they've ever been the best, especially on the hardware side.


Mayor of Southtown
15 Year Member
Dec 2, 2006
They've been the highest seller in the handheld market. I'm not sure they've ever been the best, especially on the hardware side.

True, the hardware for the most part has always been inferior but the library of games is ridiculous and most of the games are quality. GB, GBC, GBA, NDS, 3DS all beasts and this is coming from a Sony guy.


20 Year Member
Mar 9, 2001
Yep. I'm excited about them finally having the best (dedicated) portable hardware as well as not having to split their resources across two major platforms.


Windjammers Wonder
10 Year Member
Jun 1, 2009
Not splitting up focus is the biggest factor for me. They could easily carry one system by themselves.


Galford's Poppy Trainer
Dec 13, 2010
Im really feeling the Switch. I was unimpressed by both the Wii and Wii U but this actually looks practical and interesting

i'm in