goddamn if I don't hope the chinese reverse engineer and mass produce this in the future. That' ll teach them some customer support .
I appreciate the fact that they receive many tweets about when this thing will be available and simply ignore everyone...nice. To think I'll give them money, makes me sick. I'm forced to, since no one else is selling a product like this but... goddamn if I don't hope the chinese reverse engineer and mass produce this in the future. That' ll teach them some customer support .
I think we gave a lot of information about when NEOSD PRO is going to be ready and its easy to get an idea about the status of the product. But i will try to explain it again :
We try to avoid presales as much as possible.
You came here pissed about us not opening sales and taking your money, now imagine we opened the sales back in june, took your money and you still don´t have your payed NEOSD PRO.
After Super SD System 3, we came to some conclusions :
- We can´t handle more than one product release at the same time.
- We can´t be answering people about when are we going to ship, just cause we don´t know, cause it depends on a huge list of providers. For neosd pro this is : pcb factory (to produce pcbs), smt factory (to solder chips on pcbs), 6 different chip providers and more than 30 different chips manufacturers, plus shells factory.
So when we anounced neosd pro we said : pcbs are ready, product (hardware side) is fnished and software is almost done. We will start working on production once we are up to date with super sd system 3 and so we did.
This is actually what happened, in May we started to source chips, and you know what ? We have everything in stock here except the SRAMS that will arrive next week. Why we dindn´t bought the srams before ? cause the delivery times for those chips was 18 weeks, so we placed an order and just wait. We got confirmation from the supplier that the packet was already shipped and will be here next week BTW.
So whats remaining as today ? Srams to arrive, shells to arrive. PCB factory to send pcbs to SMT factory and SMT factory to give us a soldering slot and solder the pcbs
When are we going to start selling ? We don´t know but everything is shorted and it should be be soon.
About your sugestion of the Chineses stealing/cloning our work : i could tell you some reasons why regular neosd hasn´t been cloned and why everdrives have been.
One is the investment required to do such thing, that could lead this conversation to the investment that was required to develop NEOSD PRO and if the risk/investment is worth, if this is a good business at all.
Somedays i came to the conclusion that we are the only fools that are not taking money from theyr customers with a 3d render and a pile of promises much before to have a working product to sell. Maybe we are wrong and we should change the way we finance our projects, just take money in advance, develop the product with calmn and zero risk about a competor releasing a product before yours and you lossing your time and money invested there. This would allow us for sure to show everyday what we are working at and work with less preasure
Anyways, glad to see that people are excited about NEOSD PRO. No one is going to be dissapointed with the final result, believe me.
Thanks for the reply, finally a detailed reply (with shipping dates, week estimates etc). Thank you very much, guys. Had to troll in order to get a reply but hey, that's the internet for you. I will gladly buy your product when it comes out.
As for the other guys, predictable !! (as Geese would say) I knew I only had to push a bit on the language and you pussies would make enough noise for Terraonion to notice me.
Good job guys, your work is, too, much appreciated
Au revoir!
Maybe you should go and bury your dick in a nice Japanese girl instead of acting like one.
As for the other guys, predictable !! (as Geese would say) I knew I only had to push a bit on the language and you pussies would make enough noise for Terraonion to notice me.
Good job guys, your work is, too, much appreciated
Au revoir!
Hey, i/we always answered everyone when we had the answers, no trolling is needed to get some answers from us.
This is how factoring works, there are always delays and even with extra money you can´t avoid most of those.
You could get the same picture of neosd pro status just reading my last posts.
Anyways, no bad feelings here![]()
My wife is Japanese, thank You very much!
You can jack off to pornhub, mate!
Anyways, no bad feelings here![]()
My wife is Japanese, thank You very much!
You can jack off to pornhub, mate!
So whats remaining as today ? Srams to arrive, shells to arrive. PCB factory to send pcbs to SMT factory and SMT factory to give us a soldering slot and solder the pcbs
When are we going to start selling ? We don´t know but everything is shorted and it should be be soon.
Stop Bumping this thread. Every time someone bumps this thread, people think its News on the NeoSd Pro but it's not, It's just some asshole seeking attention. Just make a War Room thread if you want to be a dick.
What's up guys? Did the srams arrive? I'm dying to buy your NeoSDPRO)!
by the way i have 3 colleagues who want to buy the regular NeoSD, is that going to be available soon or are you going to be selling NeoSDPRO only in the future?
I'm really scared now, I'll delete my post and won't post again (not).
Bye princess
NEXT time you post... something dumb...
I am going to lock you in the War Room... for the forseeable future...
NOT because you have done anything wrong... it's because it would irritate me...
PS. I don't give a fuck about your join date or who you "know" on these forums either...
WANNA test me?
Test? You're not pushing the red button to start a nuclear war..you're just locking up a gamer in a virtual place. Relax rot, really, I didn't do anything wrong as you stated.
So now that the pre-orders are up for the AES has anybody pulled the trigger? €549.00 (624 USD)
So now that the pre-orders are up for the AES has anybody pulled the trigger? €549.00 (624 USD)