Neo Geo Aes s-Video mod and RGB scart issues. Please help.


Sep 23, 2000
Hello all,

I am having some problems with the video from a Neo Geo Aes #027411. I have included some videos detailing the issue, and I hope that some one here can tell me how to solve the problems. I am using an English system with Debug Bios on a Sony PVM 1953. This is the only system giving me troubles.

via s-video, colors are out of whack.

via scart, picture is perfect but then this happens(see video below).

problem with scart output.

here is a pic of the actual mod. I think this was done by Neotropolis but I could be mistaken.

Thanks in advance

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King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Yeah, replace the caps and resistors if they are not to spec. However, some monitors are pickier than others. I gave up on using my 20L5 for Neo. Looks great on my 20M2U though.


Sep 23, 2000
Thanks for the help. I was able to replace the caps and the RGB is wonderful. I did not test the S-Video though. I have also been having problems with a System Board Y2 KOF2002 UM. I have it running off a supergun (a Revolver super gun made by Dean Dragoli). I am pulling the RGB off the Jamma harness and displaying it on the same Sony PVM 1953. Its the only motherboard I am having video issues with. It requires me to adjust the H Frequency and the Video Phase in order for the flickering to stop. Doing so throws the geometry off if I use other inputs and systems. I am thinking that I may need a new Scart To BNC cable, the one I have I built myself. I have posted a video pay close attention to the character select screen the back ground should be stable and not flickering. It also happens in game as well.