MVS running in AES mode


Trippin' Balls
Mar 1, 2009
I just got a Unibios 3.0 today and I have been messing around with a lot of the options and I was curious if there are some games that have some cool modes or features. Playing fighting games in practice and VS mode was a big selling point for me and I want to know if any other genres/titles have similarly different modes.

Or if there are features that are really useful, I'd like to hear about those too. For instance, I didn't know that the Unibios would allow me to use rapid fire in Aero Fighters.:hcb:


Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
The only diff. I have seen between mvs and aes settings on the games I have, are different musical tracks (kof 98 and 2002) and different stage arrangement.


Trippin' Balls
Mar 1, 2009
Yeah, I've been trying my various games and I've noticed that practice and VS are pretty much the only different modes that will become available; and even some fighting games don't have those modes like SamShoII which was a lil disappointing. Haven't seen a boss rush type mode or anything like that yet.

Although I tested Sengoku 3 cheats and I think it's fuckin' awesome that I don't have to wait til stage 4 to play as the unlockable characters.

Xian Xi

15 Year Member
Dec 1, 2005
I like AES mode for MOTW so we can play in VS mode.


Krauser's Henchman
Apr 8, 2009
If you put Magical Drop II on Japan region and mvs mode there is an extra mode, thats all I know.


Fake account, shill troll for Christophe Ratel. Us
Aug 26, 2006
The original Fatal Fury has a slightly different intro sequence on the MVS compared to the AES.

Soccer Brawl has its rounds played in 2 halfs on the AES, with a monochrome cartoon of a professor building and testing different robots during the half time break, the MVS just has the whole round played in one hit with no breaks.

Cant think of any others at this stage :)

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I just mentioned this in the high scores thread, but in sports games that have a play time limit, the limit is gone for the AES mode.

Play Samurai 5 in Japanese mode to get the story.

In some games you're stuck with 4 credits in AES mode and there's no cheat to change it. I still play with it often. The AES mode is the true home user's experience. It was back in the day, and I still love it.


Fake account, shill troll for Christophe Ratel. Us
Aug 26, 2006
Yep, i know you did indeed, however i didnt reply there cause you suggested i was flooding the thread and really i may have been with items such as that.

So anyway, i wouldnt bother with a UNIBIOS like you suggested i get, cause im just not that into it that it would matter enough to pull apart a perfectly working MVS board that is 19 years old, im probably just getting abit old for that sort of thing.

I dont still have an AES, but my mate has one, so nothing stopping me from using it if im that way inclined, but i just play the games, i dont bother too much with stories or other stuff.

But thanks for your suggestion Neo Alec :)


Crazed MVS Addict
10 Year Member
Jul 15, 2008
if you have an older board you just pop a chip out of a socket and replace it with the unibios, painless installation. I'd like to get one, but I have this silly mindset where if I get one and I play some overly difficult game that I'd just cheat my way through instead of learning it proper. dumb as hell but I always had a hard time turning away from cheat codes when games used to bug me:emb:


Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
I put in FF Special last night, on US mode...and all the flags in the game were US flags, even in 'Asian' stages

Gotta play tonight on JPN to see if thats a regional difference / home cart difference, or its that way the entire way through. I don't recall it being the same, but I don't remember


Fake account, shill troll for Christophe Ratel. Us
Aug 26, 2006
if you have an older board you just pop a chip out of a socket and replace it with the unibios, painless installation. I'd like to get one, but I have this silly mindset where if I get one and I play some overly difficult game that I'd just cheat my way through instead of learning it proper. dumb as hell but I always had a hard time turning away from cheat codes when games used to bug me:emb:

Nah it aint that simple, the boards have to be seperated to get to the BIOS chip on multi slot machines, so its not worth the hassle for something i wouldnt use.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Nah it aint that simple, the boards have to be seperated to get to the BIOS chip on multi slot machines, so its not worth the hassle for something i wouldnt use.
Oh come on, separating the boards? Easy. You're greatly underestimating the awesomeness of the Unibios. Having my AES mode back on all my MVS games was like having my Neo Geo reborn.


Avid Neo-Expert
Jan 22, 2009
Oh come on, separating the boards? Easy. You're greatly underestimating the awesomeness of the Unibios. Having my AES mode back on all my MVS games was like having my Neo Geo reborn.

Agreed. It takes all of about 2 minutes tops to put a unibios in a multislot (including getting out of the cab, taking apart the boards and putting in the bios, and reinstalling in cab.


Fake account, shill troll for Christophe Ratel. Us
Aug 26, 2006
Oh come on, separating the boards? Easy. You're greatly underestimating the awesomeness of the Unibios. Having my AES mode back on all my MVS games was like having my Neo Geo reborn.

Its 19 years old, and it aint worth disturbing it that much. If it wasnt in a frail old state, id do it for sure, but this board spent a fair bit of its early life near the beach, and has alot of track damage from salt air. Disturbing it wouldnt do it any favours.

I know what youre saying about it being so great, ive done a quick bit of reading about it since the other day when you told me about it, and its a great thing for sure, but i doubt im that much into it these days. :)
Agreed. It takes all of about 2 minutes tops to put a unibios in a multislot (including getting out of the cab, taking apart the boards and putting in the bios, and reinstalling in cab.
That is a very big exageration, unless you dont screw the board in the cab and dont put the screws back into the boards to hold them together. If youre doing it the way it wouldve left the factory, itll take you alot more like 5 minutes or more, depending on how much you rush it and how rough you are with it.

I take it you made the 2 minute comment to make a point, and if so, ignore the above, cause i understand your point clearly if it is pointing to the fact the job isnt hard. I know what is involved in the job, ive done it before when i swaped a BIOS from a 4 slot to a single slot.

Its very easy and i agree, but the point im making is i dont wish to disturb the board any more than is required.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I haven't seen the board, so you have to make this call, but I think the condition you described is all the more reason to carefully take the boards apart and gently clean them. In the long run, good maintenance does musty old equipment more good than simply letting it gradually rot.


Fake account, shill troll for Christophe Ratel. Us
Aug 26, 2006
Im an electrician by trade, so i have quite abit of first hand experience and i think ive made a very good call on it, its clean as it can be, its been maintained very well since ive owned it the past 11 years. Its certainly not rotting, and its not dirty either. I just dont wish to put it under any stresses not required to run it.


Geese's Thug
Dec 15, 2003
I'd like to get one. But, I have this silly mindset where, if I get one and I play some overly difficult game, I'd just cheat my way through it instead of learning it properly. :emb:

Don't let that silly excuse deprive you of the greatest thing since sliced bread. Razoola's UNIVERSE BIOS opened a whole new world for my SNK Neo•Geo experience. Forget the cheats for a moment -- awesome though they be -- and focus on the myriad of other things: arcade mode, home mode, English settings, Japanese settings, European settings, a soft reset, and that's just scratching the surface. Give it a shot; you'll wonder how you ever got along without it!

I'm an electrician by trade. So, I have quite a bit of first-hand experience and I think I've made a very good call on it. It's as clean as it can be and has been maintained very well since I've owned it these past eleven years. It's certainly not rotting and it's not dirty, either. I just don't wish to put it under any stress not required to run it.

At the end of the day, NEO-GEO man, it's your machine so it's your call. I can tell you take very good care of it and get a lot of enjoyment from it. Still, I have to reiterate just how amazing Razoola's UNIVERSE BIOS really is. It's definitely worth the time, effort, and consideration used to install it; I would say that it's even worth the small, yet certainly real, risk. It's just that good.

But, it's still your call.


Enemy Chaser
Dec 18, 2007
I've unibiosed some 6 motherboards now.

all three of my six slotters are uni'd, I did another six slot machine, and two four slots for a friend.

It takes just a minute or two and its pretty much just removing 8 screws then popping the rom out.

Having the AES options makes it so much better. VS modes for fighters, getting the fatalities in SSV Special.

Neo Alec

Warrior of the Innanet
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Worth it for the pause button you get in home mode alone.


Kyokughen Trainee
10 Year Member
Jan 28, 2009
Unibios is the only way I could learn to beat the KOF end bosses! Start invincible, learn patterns, then play for real


Fake account, shill troll for Christophe Ratel. Us
Aug 26, 2006
At the end of the day, NEO-GEO man, it's your machine so it's your call. I can tell you take very good care of it and get a lot of enjoyment from it. Still, I have to reiterate just how amazing Razoola's UNIVERSE BIOS really is. It's definitely worth the time, effort, and consideration used to install it; I would say that it's even worth the small, yet certainly real, risk. It's just that good.

But, it's still your call.
Mate, no question i can see it is, i agree with you, its sounds great!! Its such a great machine to play and we have so much fun playing it, and if i had to pull it apart to repair it, id certainly contemplate the UNIBIOS in that instance, provided i could find the fault and be sure i could rectify it ( which is usually quite easy to do on these boards. )

Cheers mate :)


Akari's Big Brother
Aug 16, 2005
Its 19 years old, and it aint worth disturbing it that much. If it wasnt in a frail old state, id do it for sure, but this board spent a fair bit of its early life near the beach, and has alot of track damage from salt air. Disturbing it wouldnt do it any favours.
Yeah, the job probably takes more like 15 minutes or so, between unloading the carts, pulling the board, out, separating it, etc., if you're being careful.

It sounds like you know your board well enough not to fool with a good thing. Maybe the best thing to do would just be to keep an eye out for a spare board and put the Unibios in that one. :)


Trippin' Balls
Mar 1, 2009
I'm enjoying the character unlock codes just as much as the additional modes. Sonic Wings 3 has 2 unlockable ships. I was expecting unlockable fighting characters but new ships to use in shooters is definitly cooler :glee: