Movie opinions thread (what have you seen, what did you think?)


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
I much prefer the second one. The characters, the expansion of the lore, the set pieces, fight choreography. The first one is totally fine but the CG is even worse (that final fight scene with Deacon is embarrassing) and the direction/choreography is kind of bland and very much of its time. Wesley Snipes is weird and great in both though. Only things I don't like about the second one are Norman Reedus's try-hard character and the ending is a little too melodramatic for the subject material.
It's definitely a better made movie than the first one and there's a lot of cool stuff in it but I don't think it's as fun. Plus in a post Matrix world it was part of the ridiculous techno-goth trend cranked to 11, which feels more like a studio thing than a decision from Del Toro. Also they should have used Donnie Yen more, he's woefully underutilized.

Is that the one with the infamous Snipes open-eyes scene? I havent seen the Blade movies in an age.
That's Trinity, which is absolute trash but has provided some amusing stories about what an weird asshole Snipes is.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Is that the one with the infamous Snipes open-eyes scene? I havent seen the Blade movies in an age.
No, that was Blade Trinity with Ryan Reynolds and Jessica Biel. Much, much worse movie.

didn't see terry's reply on the next page when i typed this redundant response


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Die Hard 2: Die More Harderer- It's basically the first one but in an airport. You could have a million generic bad guys, snowmobile chases and shootouts and still not come close to a fraction of how awesome Alan Rickman was in the first. Also the weird maintenance man ain't no Carl Winslow. Still it's a perfectly fine action movie, just the weakest of the first 3.


King of Spammers
10 Year Member
May 22, 2013
Die Hard 2: Die More Harderer- It's basically the first one but in an airport. You could have a million generic bad guys, snowmobile chases and shootouts and still not come close to a fraction of how awesome Alan Rickman was in the first. Also the weird maintenance man ain't no Carl Winslow. Still it's a perfectly fine action movie, just the weakest of the first 3.
I like how John McClane blows up the terrorists and saves the day, cue the jokes and Christmas music. Meanwhile an entire plane of civilians dying is completely forgotten about and everyone presumably goes home for some happy holidays.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
The Last Days on Mars- Sci-fi horror from 2013 about a group of scientists on their last day at a research station on Mars. They discover some misoscopic bacteria that infects them one by one and turns them into rage zombies. Fairly decent production value and a mostly solid cast. Unoriginal, incredibly predictable and dumb to a point that was aggravating. Every single character does the exact opposite of what they should in every single situation. It's fucking ridiculous.


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
Die Hard 2: Die More Harderer- It's basically the first one but in an airport. You could have a million generic bad guys, snowmobile chases and shootouts and still not come close to a fraction of how awesome Alan Rickman was in the first. Also the weird maintenance man ain't no Carl Winslow. Still it's a perfectly fine action movie, just the weakest of the first 3.

First three? The only three :emb:


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Black Christmas (2019)- This is the second remake of BC and absolutely one of the worst horror remakes I've ever seen. There's no serial killer hiding in the attic or anything like that, instead an evil date raping fraternity is actually a cult using supernatural powers to keep women subjugated. Ultra woke nonsense to the nth degree and of course it's PG-13 so there's no nudity or gore. Trash.
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Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
I still have never watched any Die Hard after 2.
Die Hard With a Vengeance is legitimately good. Much better than Die Hard 2. Not as good as the original, but few action movies are. Die Hard 4 is skippable, Die Hard 5 is a must-skip.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Agreed. Even though I find the racism angle a bit tedious Sam Jackson and Willis have a pretty good chemistry and it essentially turns it into a buddy cop thing which works well.


margarine sandwich
15 Year Member
Oct 25, 2007
It's fucking awesome, you should just blind buy the blu-ray. Don't read any reviews or it'll spoil the movie.
I've seen half of the movie already. It's alright. Obviously not as good as the first, though.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Captain Ron- One of my favorite movies as a kid and it's still a lot of fun. Legitimately one of Kurt Russell's best roles. There's a surprising amount of adult stuff for a PG movie. None of that shit would fly today.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
Death on the Nile (1978)- Peter Usitonv as Poirot with a supporting cast that includes Mia Farrow, Olivia Hussey, Angela Lansbury, David Niven, Maggie Smith, George Kennedy, Jane Birkin and Bette Davis. A lavish production shot on location with some gorgeous sets and cinematography also a fantastic score by Nino Rota. Ustinov is a pretty good Poirot although he's not quite as anal as the character is written (or as Suchet's portrayal) the supporting cast is all fantastic, Angela Lansbury steals just about every scene she's in. It's a pretty grand throw back to older productions, perhaps a bit too long but it's still a lot of fun.


Jonah Hex- Not too sure what to make of this one. It's definitely not good and after watching it and checking some reviews a lot of people seemed to think it was one of the worst movies of that year. Honestly it's just a forgettable dumb action flick. I think the biggest problem is the director Jimmy Hayward whose other directing credits are Horton Hears a Who and Free Birds. Not exactly the guy you want helming a gritty hyper violent western. It certainly doesn't feel like a western, it's slick in a very generic and un-engaging way. There's a lot of action but it all feels meh or overly goofy. The mostly solid cast is pretty wasted between the bad script and direction. It isn't Wild Wild West bad but it is Lone Ranger bad. At least it's short.
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Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
John Carpenter Presents: Body Bags- Horror anthology by Carpenter and Tobe Hooper. I guess this was originally intended to be a series on Showtime to compete with Tales from the Crypt but it didn't get picked up and they turned the first 3 episodes into a movie. The production value isn't very high, I assume since it was intended to be a series. Carpenter's wrap around segments are a little too goofy and are an obvious ripoff of the Crypt Keeper.

The segments aren't the greatest but they're all still pretty entertaining. Like a lot of horror anthologies the cast is filled with all kinds of recognizable actors hamming it up and there are cameos by a bunch of the directors friends. It's always enjoyable to spot people in weird little roles. It's no Creepshow or Tales from the Darkside but it's a fun little movie in it's own right.
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There can be only one.
10 Year Member
Jan 21, 2009
Five Nights at Freddy's

The first thing you notice is the two ratings are very different, 30 & 88. It's not that bad and it's not that good it's like a 60. A troubled guy takes a night job as security in an abandoned restaurant and encounters ghosts. The ghosts are 5 children who disappeared before the restaurant closed. Their abductor was never found.


Black Tank Top Enthusiast
20 Year Member
May 4, 2004
The Lost World: Jurassic Park- Jeff Goldblum's black daughter kicks raptors in the face using gymnastics.

Jurassic Park 3- William H. Macy and Tea Leoni run around an island filled with dinosaurs yelling for their stupid kid.

Christ I forgot how bad these are. I can't believe that Lost World was actually directed by Spielberg. People that complain about the Jurassic World movies ruining the legacy of the series should seriously go back and re-watch these because the series has sucked since part 2.


Tak enabled this rank change
15 Year Member
Sep 18, 2007
Audience polling has The Marvels scoring on par with The Flash, Ant Man 3, and the theatrical cut of Batman vs Superman.

Marvel in freefall.


Gonna take a lot
20 Year Member
Oct 11, 2004
The Cleansing Hour - pretty good! My string of bad indie horror ends here. Love the main actress in particular, she sells that shit and then some. Ending kinda dumb but works I guess?

Mission Impossible Dead Recockoning Part I - the lesson is not to not spend 300 million dollars on your movie. It can be pretty damn good, as this was, and still lose you money when Barbie and Oppenheimer and #biblethumpersforkiddieporn are beating you at the box office and you don't make $600 million back. Good movie. Bad business. My title is better.

When Evil Lurks - FUCK ME yeah, the Spaniards are not fucking around on their horror movies. There's a big dog that bites a little girl's face off and that's the tip of the iceberg. I loved this (don't judge me). Amazing, not kidding.

The Devil's Candy - would get an award for most unsettling horror movie of the year if not for the prior entry. Nasty. Very good. Taut, short, punchy, excellent.

The Devil Comes at Night - pretty damn good as well! Small-scale indie horror told very well with a nice sense of dread throughout. Works like a home-invasion thriller where the victims have to invite the invaders in, it just works. Liked it a lot.

Hellhouse LLC Origins: The Carmichael Horror - meeeehhhh. The third one was okay, then they added a prequel, it's fine. Better than you'd expect, to be honest, but still not good. If you've watched the rest go ahead, but don't waste your time otherwise.