Man that's a weird mix. Looked it up and it seems to be a very divisive movie. People either praising Altman and Gould for making bold choices or shitting all over it as a total misfire and an outright insult to Chandler's writing and the character of Marlow. Interesting.Elliott Gould, Philip Marlowe, Altman.
Never seen that, never seen Little Mermaid, never seen Lion King (got dragged to the stage play, though), never seen Pochohantas, Mulan, none of that shit. I did see 5 minutes of Tarzan but turned it off. I have a super low tolerance for musicals other than Blues Brothers. Perfectly happy to watch The Goofy Movie or the Duck Tales movie, but that singing teacup shit can fuck right off.
It’s a totally weird mix. And I almost didn’t watch it as a result. The Marlowe character seems tailor made for Gould (who I’m not necessarily a fan of to begin with) however.Man that's a weird mix. Looked it up and it seems to be a very decisive movie. People either praising Altman and Gould for making bold choices or shitting all over it as a total misfire and an outright insult to Chandler's writing and the character of Marlow. Interesting.
Never seen that, never seen Little Mermaid, never seen Lion King (got dragged to the stage play, though), never seen Pochohantas, Mulan, none of that shit. I did see 5 minutes of Tarzan but turned it off. I have a super low tolerance for musicals other than Blues Brothers. Perfectly happy to watch The Goofy Movie or the Duck Tales movie, but that singing teacup shit can fuck right off.
It's a solid movie as its own thing. I hated HATED it the first time I watched it, because the novel is my favorite book of one of my favorite authors -- easily in my top 5 novels -- and not only is the characterization of Marlowe completely different, but they changed the ending of the movie to the complete opposite of the book (which again, goes completely against the character). As a straight adaptation of the source material, it's one of the least respectful, shit on the author, shit on the work pieces of garbage ever. Big Lebowski is almost a more authentic attempt at a Philip Marlowe character and story than Altman's Long Goodbye is, and the Coen Bros. weren't even attempting that.Man that's a weird mix. Looked it up and it seems to be a very divisive movie. People either praising Altman and Gould for making bold choices or shitting all over it as a total misfire and an outright insult to Chandler's writing and the character of Marlow. Interesting.
Have you seen Murder, My Sweet?It's a solid movie as its own thing. I hated HATED it the first time I watched it, because the novel is my favorite book of one of my favorite authors -- easily in my top 5 novels -- and not only is the characterization of Marlowe completely different, but they changed the ending of the movie to the complete opposite of the book (which again, goes completely against the character). As a straight adaptation of the source material, it's one of the least respectful, shit on the author, shit on the work pieces of garbage ever. Big Lebowski is almost a more authentic attempt at a Philip Marlowe character and story than Altman's Long Goodbye is, and the Coen Bros. weren't even attempting that.
But over time, I've grown to really like the movie not only as it's own thing, but as kind of a "What If?" story. Like what if instead of growing up in the 1930s and operating in the '40s and '50s, Marlowe was a guy who grew up in the '60s through all the counter culture stuff and was then operating in the 1970s. How would the drastic shift in American culture have changed him on a fundamental level and what would he have looked/acted like? And then, him being a fundamentally 1970s guy helps excuse the changes to the story.
If you're not a huge fan of the book, the movie is an easy recommendation. And even if you are a fan of the book, I think it's worth watching if you can go into it with an open mind.
And honestly Philip Marlowe movies don't have a great track record for authenticity anyway. The most famous is The Big Sleep with Bogart, who is awesome as always, but I think a terrible fit for the character (Bacall was perfectly cast, though). Everything that made Bogart perfect for Sam Spade made him all wrong for Marlowe. Too small, and he doesn't come off as a Los Angeles native at all. His cadence, his accent, he's a fully New York guy. Plus, that movie changed the end of the novel as well. Made the ending happier, more Hollywood. Still a good movie, though. Just rewatched it a week or so ago.
The best choice Hollywood ever cast as Marlowe was probably Robert Mitchum, but they got him at least 20 years too late, which ruined it. If they'd had him in the mid-1950s instead of the mid-1970s, he could have been perfect. Then to top it off, in order to save money, they changed the setting of one of his movies from Los Angeles to England, with no explanation.
I haven't seen the James Garner Marlowe movie, but I've always wanted to, because Garner in Rockford Files is closer to the Marlowe character than almost all of the actual Marlowe movies have been, and his attitude is about as close as you're ever going to get. In fact, if I'm in a Chandler mood, I'd probably choose to watch some Rockford Files or Big Lebowski over any actual attempted Philip Marlowe movie. Or I'd just reread the novels again.
Yeah, but a long time ago. Powell was okay, I thought. I should watch it again. It's hard to get the wife to watch black & white movies too often, though. She'll go for that maybe once or twice in a year at most, and then not again right away. And like I said, we just watched Big Sleep maybe a week ago (after it being on the list for at least a year). I don't really have the free time to watch movies on my own during the day.Have you seen Murder, My Sweet?
i watched rudy again. one of the best, if not the best, sports movies ever.Creed III looks pretty good. Besides Rocky V this franchise has been super consistent over the years. Rocky III and IV are more cocaine fueled cheesy 80s movies that seem to fit less and less with Rocky, II, Balboa, and the Creed trilogy as time goes on but I still love them.
Notre Dame sucks and so do youi watched rudy again. one of the best, if not the best, sports movies ever.
Is that because it's not a team based in CO?Notre Dame sucks and so do you
Correct.Is that because it's not a team based in CO?
fami is a 200 IQ mental elite and was too good for college. he also says he is pound for pound one of the strongest people in colorado...but didn't wanna play college sports. therefore, all college sports are beneath him.Is that because it's not a team based in CO?
And also that college sports suck ass across the board.
nuh-uh!Fami, you suck, and all your teams suck a bag of dicks
second best sports movie ever, searching for bobby fisherGTFO of the movie thread with your sports faggotry.
sure. i'm down with a league of our own.Boxing and baseball have the best sports movies.