LoneSage said:Children of Men -- godDAMN.
that's all I have to say about that
really, really regret not seeing it in the theater
beatifik said:ok, so i'm going to see THERE WILL BE BLOOD for sure. but to balance it up i need to go to a more girly movie to please the lady.
would you go see
juno fo sho.beatifik said:ok, so i'm going to see THERE WILL BE BLOOD for sure. but to balance it up i need to go to a more girly movie to please the lady.
would you go see
beatifik said:ok, so i'm going to see THERE WILL BE BLOOD for sure. but to balance it up i need to go to a more girly movie to please the lady.
would you go see
Bobak said:Juno: One of the best movies of the year, surprisingly good.
The trailers for this movie looked like it might have something going for it (same director as "thank you for smoking"), but I got really interested once the first wave of (glowing) reviews came out several weeks ago. I arrived in Minneapolis last week, and I checked it out yesterday. I already went in with some hype, having read a half-dozen reviews. The movie still surprised. It's a comedy, but its characters are much deeper than you'd expect. The has a great opening moment, but then has a stretch that makes you nervous that its going to be too hip for its own good (it makes you think "I'll keep all of this material in a holding pen and see how this story turns out"). Then the script gets down to business, and by the time Juno confronts her parents, the movie changes into something very good. Characters defy expectations.
[highlight][START MINOR SPOILER] Jennifer Garner is probably the best example. I really didn't care about her character, it reminded me of a low-rent Charolette from Sex in the City, but there's a sequence where her performance will blow away your expectations. I now respect her as an actress (I had no opinion before) based on this performance. I was told the ending had a minor twist, and I thought I had it figured out only to be pleasantly surprised. [END MINOR SPOILER][/highlight]
The whole cast is exceptional: their performances bring out nuances in an already nuanced script. Ellen Page manages to bring herself over the rest by keeping the character believable (and the whole movie rests on her shoulders). The ending is particularly satisfying --and more affecting that you'd really expect. This movie is going to do well with nominations, it might not win --which is a damn shame-- but
I'd call this a "must see", this is possibly the best movie I've seen this (Oscar) year so far.
Magician said:There Will Be Blood - Drama staring Daniel Day-Lewis, plays the role of a Texas oil tycoon who loves nobody else but himself. The picture is more proof that, aside from my dislike of Day-Lewis's choice in roles, the man can flat out act. Unlike say...Will Smith in I Am Legend, Daniel Day-Lewis doesn't need the crutch of comedy or action scenes to help carry a picture from beginning to end. Day-Lewis knows how to delve (pun intended) into the heart and soul of a character on paper and bring that person to life on screen like few others can. Also, Paul Dano as Eli and Paul Sunday, provides a few energetic scenes and adds some levity to an otherwise slowly paced movie.
4/5 - As dramas go, I was not enthraled. But Daniel Day-Lewis and Paul Dano were superb enough to help curb There Will Be Blood's slow pacing.
I also like how it ended.
djdelly said:After being reminded....
The score was horrid... absolutely horrid. I know it can be hard to do period music with a period movie, but it was just a huge mess.... I'm sure it was done to represent Daniel Day-Lewis's character, but I didn't like it at all.
Segata_Sanshiro said:You're the first person I've talked to who did Abbie. I think I might if I watched it again and were concentrating on it and managed to understand what the hell he was talking about.
This movie was great though. Not a total classic like Lebowski but more than worth seeing. I especially liked the setting, some of the landscapes (is that the right word?) are amazing
GunstarHero said:I just watched Tremors in HD. First time I've seen the movie, fucking hilarious man. "God Damn underground monsters"...Michael Gross is superb.
melchia said:The Bucket List - It was funny but in a 'heart-warming' kind of way, reminding audiences that "it's never too late."
Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman did excellent jobs portraying the characters they were supposed to be, and the two primary supporting roles were excellent as well. My only problem with the film was its predictability - still a worthwhile movie, though.![]()