King of the Monsters 2 MVS


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
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Dec 26, 2000
Hey all,

Looking for a KotM2 MVS cart after having sold mine yet again ;) It's Halloween and I need some monsters in my cabinet. If you've got one collecting dust, hook a brother up.

Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
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Apr 5, 2010
Sounds like my buy/sell habits with Windjammers. Finally got another for what I hope to be the last time. ;)

Good luck dude.


Genbu's Turtle Keeper
15 Year Member
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Dec 9, 2006
Sounds like my buy/sell habits with Windjammers. Finally got another for what I hope to be the last time. ;)

Good luck dude.

Yes. Is that a Windjammers cart in your pocket or are you happy to see me?


Mayor of Southtown, ,
20 Year Member
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Dec 26, 2000
Quan! I'm out of the lower-south, and closer to you again. We need to hang out sometime soon. Round1 time? We can go to Sassony too, as long as the sun's up? ;)

If you haven't been, here are three choice five-star review excerpts from Yelp:

Some of my early 90's favorites were here and it definitely sparked nostalgia. It's grimy as all hell but it's not overrun by kids. The place is kind of greasy too - kind of like if you were riding the Metro and they had video games onboard. That's how this place feels.

Remember the scene in Rocky III where Paulie staggers into an arcade and throws a bottle of Jagermeister at a pinball machine? That's Sassony!

Its like a perfect blend of old school arcade, dive bar, and prison all in one.

Ok, that last one is a three star review, but he does say it gets five stars for ambiance ;)
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Teddy KGB

Капитан Борода
10 Year Member
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Apr 5, 2010
Not quite. It's a strange story that ended with a dude stuffing an mvs cart into his cargo shorts.

Pls, my cargo short pockets had ample room. No "stuffing" was needed.

PS - smell my beer