Has anyone heard from aluisi? It's been 4 months since I've sent him money.


Geese's Thug
Apr 3, 2002
Hey dude, sorry. I did not know. Last time I spoke to you was almost 2 years ago and you said you were going through some things but that you would send me some things to make up for it and then I never heard from you again. Get better man.

Ya that was my bad I should have called you and let you know what was going on and the shit that happen. I am very private person and I didnt want to burden any one but the truth has to be told and I dont want any one feeling sorry for me. Life sucks but I am sure I will get back in the stride of things and get back on my feet. I will still be 50k+ in debt but thems the brakes. Fucking losing my job and medical insurance at the wrong time when i needed it the most is what fucked me.


Geese's Thug
Apr 3, 2002
ohh and that picture of me right after my operation my dad took it. He thought it was funny how miserable I was and he showed up at the hospital with fireball whiskey and argyle socks. My dad has a twisted seance of humor.


Gandalf Of Gibberish,
10 Year Member
Mar 8, 2010

Damn dude you lost your legs! that must suck!


Geese's Thug
Apr 3, 2002
Haha it does kinda look like that doesn't it? I have my les crossed I was so sick right there. I was in pain and puking yay.


fresh out of fucks
10 Year Member
Dec 21, 2010
It's been almost two years now. Does anyone know what's going on? Have other members had their money stolen? Can he be contacted to send my cash back?



The Portuguese Chop
15 Year Member
Nov 20, 2007
So you're sick enough to go to Burning Man 2013 this past year when you've got financial obligations to both yourself, your family and others awaiting services yet to be rendered?

I understand that bartering is a way of life at Burning Man, but you took everyone here for a ride. You knew you couldn't fulfill your obligations due to your health, yet willingly offered services you knew you couldn't keep up with.

Ill health of not, you're still a scammer.


King's Dry Cleaner
May 25, 2013
So you're sick enough to go to Burning Man 2013 this past year when you've got financial obligations to both yourself, your family and others awaiting services yet to be rendered?

I understand that bartering is a way of life at Burning Man, but you took everyone here for a ride. You knew you couldn't fulfill your obligations due to your health, yet willingly offered services you knew you couldn't keep up with.

Ill health of not, you're still a scammer.

uh oh.


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
to be honest this is a really hilarious impasse.

is this man sick enough to atone to video game sales???? stay tuned!


Tung's Hair Stylist
Jan 31, 2011
Well it speaks for him that he couldn't log in or answer mails for over a year but responded quickly once his address was posted .

A miracle and praise the Lord !


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
Hmm. $80 is not a lot of money. But when you have hobbies like this - Neo Geo, arcade cabs and boards and video gaming in general, it's that $80 that you set aside for your hobby that makes a difference. I sent you $80 for something. We made a deal. You didn't make good on your end of the deal, and several months later, I asked for my money back. I was so polite and waited patiently because I knew about your medical problems. I did not, however, donate that money to you. You never asked me for a handout or a donation, you simply took it from me. You don't have the right to do that. What gives you the right, man?

Some of you could probably argue that $80 isn't a lot, and he is in need of money and his medical problems trump that so I should just take the loss, but here's the deal: You don't know about MY medical problems. Do you know why? Because it has nothing to do with our deals and trades in these forums.

You owe me. When it comes down to it, you took money from me without asking. Just give it back. My paypal is plasticnerves@gmail.com


20 Year Member
Mar 15, 2011
$80 could determine just as important shit anyway. That's not a huge sum of money but personally if I was out $80 right now I would -need- that money,

"my life is worth your $80, thanks 'n' sorry bro"

i'd be pissed
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Geese's Thug
Apr 3, 2002
First off I dont care that my address is posted here you guys want to come over come on over beat me threaten me or come play some games. Also as for burning man I didnt pay one cent to go. My brother paid for everything. My ticket my food EVERYTHING!!! And the whole time I was there I had a 30 day Heart rate monitor on me. All I did was relax and sit at camp and chill. It did me some good. No stress no bull shit no phone calls emails it was a great disconnect for me that cost me nothing. My brother even flew me out for it. I have my good days and bad days. Just like every one else who suffers from the same shit I have. There are months on end where I am just stuck on my couch in and out of ER and doc apts. There are other times where I feel like a champion and have no issues. As for the phone I have a iphone 4s witch is one of them super fast super fancy 4g phones from 2011 that my brother gave me when he got his 5 YAY ME. Before that I had a super fancy iphone 3g.

You guys can talk shit put me down whatever I dont care. The issue is between me Razo and NeoEsZ and I am trying to do whats right and get them both a full refund. Its so easy for you all to sit there make your comments when you dont know what I am going through and frankly i didnt want to say anything but I owed Razo and NeoEsZ the truth about whats going on with me.


Camel Slug,
20 Year Member
Jul 29, 2003
I'm giving you a couple weeks to refund me. After that, I'm going to start sending you VHS tapes of bad John Cusack movies (now that I have your home address). Don't force my hand. Because I'll do it. And we all know that will end up costing me more in shipping than the $80 you owe me.


Chang's Grocer
Jun 30, 2010
Imho, save your dough for now, re-read post #42, and let him talk to his bro.


King's Dry Cleaner
May 25, 2013
Yeah, save those movies for a hot date, the chick will be so bored, she wont have any other option than devouring you.


Geese's Thug
Apr 3, 2002
okay so with the threats i have gotten on here I wouldn't put it past one of you who live local to me to do what happened to me last night. My car back window was broken. Nothing was stolen out of my car but now I am more fucked then ever and I have been trying to save up money to get refunds to NeoEz and RAZO. It was my back window behind the driver thats tinted. I have been in direct contact with RAZO and NeoEz. Please take down my address.


Chang's Grocer
Jun 30, 2010

What time did this happen?

And were you home at the time?

okay so with the threats i have gotten on here I wouldn't put it past one of you who live local to me to do what happened to me last night. My car back window was broken. Nothing was stolen out of my car but now I am more fucked then ever and I have been trying to save up money to get refunds to NeoEz and RAZO. It was my back window behind the driver thats tinted. I have been in direct contact with RAZO and NeoEz. Please take down my address.

Call the cops, file a police report.

Then call your insurance company, see if they'll cover the repair.
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Geese's Thug
Apr 3, 2002

What time did this happen?

And were you home at the time?

Call the cops, file a police report.

Then call your insurance company, see if they'll cover the repair.

This happened some time last night. I was at home asleep. I woke up went out to my car and it was shattered. The only reason why I think this was malicious was because nothing was thrown throw the window. It was the back door window that was tinted so you cant even see in to the back of my car and nothing was stolen from my car. Some one just broke it. All i have is liability so I did call my insurance and they will not cover it. A police report wont do any good since nothing was stolen and there was nothing in my car like something was thrown just broken glass every where. This really fucks me over because now I have to come up some how with money to fix it and I was saving to refund NeoEz and RAZO. If it happens again then I know its malicious and the only people who have a issue with me is on this site.
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Kid Panda

The Chinese Kid
Jun 13, 2010
Why don't you ask your brother for money? If he can afford to fly you out and treat you like a king, he could certainly take care of this situation for you. Just sayin.