Do you talk to yourself in your head with an inner voice/inner monologue?


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
I saw like five policemen checking ID cards at my subway and said out loud to myself, “what the fuck is this shit”

Then I thought about this thread immediately. LoneSage losing it (LLI)


20 Year Member
Dec 25, 2002
I saw like five policemen checking ID cards at my subway and said out loud to myself, “what the fuck is this shit”

Then I thought about this thread immediately. LoneSage losing it (LLI)

What were they doing? Do you have a Chinese ID?


Look I'm gay, look at meeeee
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2005
I do and always have, at least I think I do. Even if I don't, how would I know that I don't? I'm absolutely always hearing my internal voice, like fucking always. Constant internal conversations. A few years back I read something about how most people are "thinking" without words, conceptualizing entire pillars of thought and resolving them wordlessly, I honestly don't know if I do that or not? I lie in bed when I can't sleep and I speak to myself internally in this voice that is definitely mine, there's no escape. I resolve everything with an internal voice beforehand I think, but it's almost something I can't say for certain I do or don't do, I can't grasp it. It feels like trying to think of a word I was just thinking about a few minutes ago but suddenly abandoned. It's utterly bizarre. What I do know is, when I hear myself on tape or back on recording, I think to myself "that sounds nothing like me" in terms of how my internal voice sounds. It doesn't, but I'm not sure I'd be able to really identify my actual internal voice as a recorded sound.. The voice I speak to people is the voice in my head that resolves issues, when I hear that voice played back as a recording it sounds strange to me. That's not what I hear in my head to resolve shit and that's not what I hear when I speak. I've also had much more than a few ssia.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
I do and always have, at least I think I do. Even if I don't, how would I know that I don't? I'm absolutely always hearing my internal voice, like fucking always. Constant internal conversations. A few years back I read something about how most people are "thinking" without words, conceptualizing entire pillars of thought and resolving them wordlessly, I honestly don't know if I do that or not? I lie in bed when I can't sleep and I speak to myself internally in this voice that is definitely mine, there's no escape. I resolve everything with an internal voice beforehand I think, but it's almost something I can't say for certain I do or don't do, I can't grasp it. It feels like trying to think of a word I was just thinking about a few minutes ago but suddenly abandoned. It's utterly bizarre. What I do know is, when I hear myself on tape or back on recording, I think to myself "that sounds nothing like me" in terms of how my internal voice sounds. It doesn't, but I'm not sure I'd be able to really identify my actual internal voice as a recorded sound.. The voice I speak to people is the voice in my head that resolves issues, when I hear that voice played back as a recording it sounds strange to me. That's not what I hear in my head to resolve shit and that's not what I hear when I speak. I've also had much more than a few ssia.
When you look in the mirror, you look like you because you're looking at yourself.

When you look at a picture of yourself, you don't look quite the same because that's how other people see you.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
The last time roker said that to me at summer camp things didn't get lighthearted, they got weird


Ned's Ninja Academy Dropout
20 Year Member
Oct 22, 2000
Alright I think I might be retarded.
I don’t have an inner monologue.
I don’t really have much stress or anxiety.
I can literally think about nothing, and emptiness.

My wife on the other hand, she says her inner monologue never stops.
She suffers from severe anxiety and sometimes will have a panic attack over the dumbest shit.

I’ve never met a depressed retard.

I can relate in that I can build up tremendous amount of anxiety over small stuff. It's almost entirely based on work.
The weird thing is it's getting worse the older I get.


Mr. Big's Thug
Nov 7, 2004
My inner voice is near constant. Surprised to have kept myself mentally stable all this time... I wake up and go through what I need to do in the day and then review what I have done in the day before I go to sleep.

The only time my inner voice switches off is when I am playing sports with my friends. Then I am just in the moment reacting to situations in a spontaneous & quick thinking manner. I feel relaxed even though the competition can become quite fierce...


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Can you sit in a quiet space or even a noisy one and just run silent? It's a beautiful thing and from this thread I don't think everyone can do it.


Belnar Institute Student
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
Can you sit in a quiet space or even a noisy one and just run silent? It's a beautiful thing and from this thread I don't think everyone can do it.
Probably not. Like if I'm out observing some nature, I'm appreciating it but my internal voice is doing stuff like describing to me why it's a great view, how it compares to some similar nature I've experienced, how the view might have been the same or different 100 years ago, etc

I have entered the flow state, where I'm not thinking in words, when playing instruments and sometimes when concentrating hard on something like a bullet hell shmup. It's not impossible to get into a state where the Internal voice isn't there, but it kinda happens by accident or after a prolonged time of doing the concentrated activity, kind of like deciding to meditate but not actually feeling like you're meditating until 20 minutes after you start. And then realizing you're in the flow state can quickly lead to your Internal voice remarking on it and doing it's narration again, messing up the flow state.

By the way, recently read a description by someone with advancing dementia about how they used to have a constant internal voice and it was gradually lessened/destroyed by the dementia as it advanced. Sounds awful.
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Street Hoop Star
10 Year Member
Dec 26, 2010

I do. Pretty sure everyone in my family does. I figured it was normal to have some kind of inner speech when thinking about things when I was younger but then read that a large percentage of people just don't have one, plenty of people just going around with abstract non verbal thoughts most of the time.

So how about you. Do you tend to have some kind of internal monologue going on or not at all?
I got internal conversations between me myself and I. I am multilingual so depending on the context I might think in a different language.

Makes me wonder if everyone else just thinks in one languages or not.


Look I'm gay, look at meeeee
15 Year Member
Apr 20, 2005
When you look in the mirror, you look like you because you're looking at yourself.

When you look at a picture of yourself, you don't look quite the same because that's how other people see you.


Belnar Institute Student
Fagit of the Year
Apr 10, 2019
I got internal conversations between me myself and I. I am multilingual so depending on the context I might think in a different language.

Makes me wonder if everyone else just thinks in one languages or not.
I am also multilingual. I will think in another language if I'm actively trying to speak and understand others in that other language. But just for everyday life in the US, I'm just thinking in English.


A Broken Man
20 Year Member
Dec 20, 2004
He will also post the same shit word for word on Reddit. It's bizarre.
Oh word, do you stalk my reddit account too?

Whoops nm I got suspended two years ago for 'inciting violence'

Fuck reddit but fuck powermods especially