The years haven't been good to You and Dion... At the beginning of the scene... there was a constant state of Flux...
Everyone was excited... almost childlike... Then you fucks started to degrade the scene with your ego and publicity stunts...
Along with your bootlegging/scamming/lying/wanking each other off.... YOU TWO fucks engineered a nice hobby.. into a War...
Over the years I've kept my mouth shut about certain going ons in the scene... but I can state that You and Dion truly fucked the scene over... Your rampant excess and quite frankly retardedly narrow view of the scene has made your names an anathema to everyone who cares about the Neo community...
Fuck you...
Remember folks my original post about the narrative? Here it is in full effect.
I am not sure if it is sad or ironic that after having no meaningful presence on this website for easily a decade, and really barely even participating in anything neo geo related, again for at least the last decade, somehow we are being blamed for the pathetic state of affairs of the neo geo AES universe?
To me that is a statement on just how feckless the very vocal minority of this website has been even after an extensive at least 15+ year crusade to blame everything on NGF. The campaign has ended in complete and utter failure.
Not for lack of outright "NGF shaming" anyone who dared to recount a positive meet and greet or transaction with either of us.
Not for feeding lies to playmore that had the original pack of haters, including shawn, foaming at the mouth that we were going to lose a lawsuit (to the tune of $2 million), which ended in utter humiliation and massive settlement including a public announcement on the playmore website that NGF did in fact have the rights to distribute and repackage the entire catalog of neo geo games.
This is the real deal folks, these losers wanted to punish Dion and I for bitter rage. About what? A video game system?! It's crazy. It is easy to be a bigshot agreeing with vocal minority, piling on to the comments and feeling like a real hero when you make a dumb comment in this thread so others can see how "cool" you are to be standing up for all those "victims".
In the end it is all a smokescreen, a classic example of how a tiny vocal minority with a platform like these forums use the masses for their own selfish agenda.
NGF is responsible for the disaster of an AES market?!
We MARKETED our games with not only corrected genre striping but our own brand right on the back! We did not produce unmarked reproductions - but somehow that is our fault?
We created an authentication system that is as good as it can get for US KoF 2000. It has helped prevent massive fraud after some euros faked everything about the release including the stamp. But somehow we are responsible for all of the offset printed games that are now more common than the originals?
After 27 years of neo geo activity, and the massive misinformation campaign run by people that need an enemy to define themselves, wouldn't you think it would be impossible to find someone for either of us to deal with?
No folks, you only have to follow Occam's razor to come to the conclusion that almost everything you see about NGF on these boards is embellished to the point that what ends up on the screen is a massive distortion of the truth.
The truth is I have sold almost nothing neo geo related for years. But if I did put whatever items I do have for sale, there would be buyers. Most of which I have dealt with in the past and know and trust that they will get what they paid for every single time. I even have a small bit of trader rating right here - 100% positive of course.
Always trust you own experiences - not what someone tells you to believe.