CPS2 - Important information to anyone using the hardware.


Known Scammer, NeoGeoFreak Co-Founder
Aug 24, 2000
Anyways, *IF* anyone does have any issues with their kit they just need to come over to our forums and get taken care of:


Check it out. All support is handled over there quite easily. We are more than capable of troubleshooting and fixing our own issues. And since no one is complaining about timing issues there is no need for us to fix anything.

Clearly Razoola is trying to incite something as he knows how picky collectors are and putting even a small seed of doubt into someones mind could cause extra unnecessary work for us. It has become par for the course for Razoola and it isn't helping his increasingly tarnished reputation. Do you expect anyone to believe you just randomly decided to check for a potential issue "out of the kindness of his heart"? Really? You might have to adjust your voltage? HOLY S*HIT!!! The sky is falling!!!!!

So sad...... Really....


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
Wow. You are really stretching with this one. Makes you look really bad actually. One test and its conclusive? Testing and adjusting voltage a bit is part of the hobby. If you think the multikit is drawing more power than a fully populated eprom daughterboard then you aren't as smart as you try to appear. This has been out for awhile and there are hundreds of these in the hands of gamers. Many of them "elite" fighting game players. NOT ONE PERSON has complained about any timing issues. So right now it just looks like another witch hunt by Razoola.

I have accurately written up the situation in a clear and unbiased way. I have provided the test programs for users to try, clearly pointed out it may not affect everyone (and may affect non multicart users too). Do you not agree its in the interest of the users of your device (and CPS2 users using EPROMs) to give them a way they can confirm the CPS2 'b' board is running at the correct speed?

Its not an attack on darksoft, you or your device, you need to get over that. This thread started out as a relook at the claim phoenix sets were not running at the correct speed.
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6400|!!|Kyo Clone
20 Year Member
Oct 23, 2001
Anyways, *IF* anyone does have any issues with their kit they just need to come over to our forums and get taken care of:


Check it out. All support is handled over there quite easily.

Do you have any units for sale that don't have this problem?


Known Scammer, NeoGeoFreak Co-Founder
Aug 24, 2000
Do you have any units for sale that don't have this problem?

There is no problem. It is a 'problem' manufactured by Razoola. Potentially needing to bump up the voltage a bit does not represent a problem in this hobby.

And Razoola, as you did not originally state your intent in the original post until after you saw some results you really wanted to see then that can only lead people to one conclusion. And I will let them draw it themselves. Bumping the voltage up a bit fixes the 'issue'. Too bad for you.

I will bet the voltage is bumped up much less than an all original pcb with an eprom daughterboard.

And yeah I don't want to start more shit here but someone needs to mind their own business and projects and stop with this unnecessary drama. You made it clear you wanted no part of this project. So stay out of it. Everyone with even half a brain is not fooled your true 'intent'.

If anyone needs help with their multikit then come over to our forums. We can fix any issues. We have analyzed Raz's files and may make a statement about that over there soon as well if the childishness persists here.
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Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
A voltage bump is no big issue for many I agree, it can however lead to issues with some games I believe which is why I placed the warning on doing that. Doing the test to check is no big issue in the grand scheme of things, especially easier to do for those with the multi kit than not. Having the games run as original is important for many as you say.

Have you tried the test yourself? I will be happy to update this thread with more information as I get it.

You can for example do the test yourself, see if you get the situation or not. If you do get it then you can do some tests yourself as in, not altering the psu voltage, putting eproms back on the 'b' board and doing the test with EPROM. Seeing if you get the same results...

If you don't get the issue on your cps2 with the multikit, lower the voltage until the issue shows and then report the findings.

I can use that info and update the thread and you can use the info to let your multikit users how to set their voltage to ensure their games play correctly. You can even include the test program (I have no problem with that) with any avalaunch ROM update you provide.

This is for CPS2 users, I hope you can see this.



Known Scammer, NeoGeoFreak Co-Founder
Aug 24, 2000
So just tell me this.

Why did you hide the reason for these tests? You got the results from one person that was basically duped into doing a blind test and then you revealed your intent for the testing after receiving one set of results.

Those are shady practices, Raz.


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
I don't quite see how I duped anyone, can you expand on that?

I did not hide the reason for the test. But honestly, how would it have looked if I would have said off the bat in my first post about it that I had discovered slowdown issues with the multicart? I did purposely make my first post in the forum in a way not to imply anything because it would not be fair, taint the test and because I did not have enough information to make any judgement. This test was originally about the phoenix sets and speed and not the multikits. And as discovered since it would have been wrong to instantly solely blame the multikit as it can affect EPROM based systems also.

The issue as its understood at the moment is voltage related, but as it stands now both multikits I have results for have shown the issue and no EPROM based systems at all (about 15 taking my test in years gone by). One multikit has been fixed with the voltage adjustment as reported in the thread and I have asked the other multikit user to see this thread to try the same thing. I will report on that once I have the result.

So if you can do the test as well it will help get to the bottom of this and the voltages required to ensure proper operation of CPS2 system, we both want the same thing there afterall.

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Known Scammer, NeoGeoFreak Co-Founder
Aug 24, 2000
No. You did hide the reason for your test. So they did the test not even knowing why.

An add-on like the multi would be expected to draw a bit more power and require a voltage check. No need to cause fear in people....

But since literally NO ONE has reported any timing or slowdown issues then it really is a moot point. No reason to bump up voltages if you don't need to.
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Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
No. You did hide the reason for your test. So they did the test not even knowing why.

An add-on like the multi would be expected to draw a bit more power and require a voltage check. No need to cause fear in people....

Who are you talking about, the first person I asked or the person who posted in the thread?


Known Scammer, NeoGeoFreak Co-Founder
Aug 24, 2000
Who are you talking about, the first person I asked or the person who posted in the thread?

Anyone who downloaded your test roms before you stated what the test was for.


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
But since literally NO ONE has reported any timing or slowdown issues then it really is a moot point. No reason to bump up voltages if you don't need to.

I got an email last month from I assume was someone in Spain ranting that their suicide free CPS2 games were not the correct speed and to fix it. An email I promptly deleted. I did however take the time to check again as I have free time to take a few minutes to burn a EPROM and ask a friend to test also. I did not expect to find anything but I did. I have no idea if the original email was from a multikit user or not or if it was even real at all.


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
Anyone who downloaded your test roms before you stated what the test was for.

The test was provided in 2 formats, one for eprom and one for multkitt. I'm sure the multikit user who did report is happy with the outcome that he is now sure his games are playing at the correct speed where they were not before.
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Known Scammer, NeoGeoFreak Co-Founder
Aug 24, 2000
But he didn't notice anything before the test so....


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
But he didn't notice anything before the test so....

I'll let kahel respond to that if he wants to.

Plenty of your users did not notice the audio popping/cracking issues with the multikit until it was pointed out to them (yourself included), the issue was present however. You have been handling that situation very well for your users btw.

On that point though, it's not beyond reason to speculate the audio problem your dealing with is actually related to the same thing I have found. I'm not saying it is but knowing what I have seen now with how the CPS2 system behaves when its underpowered, and what darksoft himself said about the cause of that issue... Its not a long jump to think they are related given both relate to a voltage situation is it? It is certainly worth the five minutes effort it would take to up the voltage slightly at the JAMMA edge to see if it solves it. I would try it at least if I were in your position, could be five minutes well spent if it works and cancels the need to offer the fix you are now.
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Known Scammer, NeoGeoFreak Co-Founder
Aug 24, 2000
Voltage was one of the things we tested pretty extensively when dealing with the sound issue including supplemental power to the multi pcb itself. The problem persisted. We came to the conclusion that the voltage was not the issue. As I said after good testing by multiple persons.


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
Voltage was one of the things we tested pretty extensively when dealing with the sound issue including supplemental power to the multi pcb itself. The problem persisted. We came to the conclusion that the voltage was not the issue. As I said after good testing by multiple persons.

That's good because it needed ruling out.


Armored Scrum Object
Apr 4, 2014
I'll let kahel respond to that if he wants to.

Honestly i haven't noticed any timing issues with my multi-kit. I am no hardcore fighting fan but i did compare a few games between the multi kit and a battery b-board of the same game . There was no difference beside the crackling audio wich was very minor . Controls and gameplay are the same in my opinion.

I just did the test to help out collect information.


Known Scammer, NeoGeoFreak Co-Founder
Aug 24, 2000
Honestly i haven't noticed any timing issues with my multi-kit. I am no hardcore fighting fan but i did compare a few games between the multi kit and a battery b-board of the same game . There was no difference beside the crackling audio wich was very minor . Controls and gameplay are the same in my opinion.

Thanks for the independent confirmation. If you want your crackle fixed we are doing those updates now for free. Just contact us on our site and we will hook you up.


Wave to the People!
15 Year Member
Feb 13, 2005
Wow. You are really stretching with this one. Makes you look really bad actually. One test and its conclusive? Testing and adjusting voltage a bit is part of the hobby. If you think the multikit is drawing more power than a fully populated eprom daughterboard then you aren't as smart as you try to appear. This has been out for awhile and there are hundreds of these in the hands of gamers. Many of them "elite" fighting game players. NOT ONE PERSON has complained about any timing issues. So right now it just looks like another witch hunt by Razoola.

Grow up.

I suppose because you haven't heard about it, it doesn't exist? Interesting approach.

Sounds more like a back end curiosity than a real world issue mind you.


Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
Honestly i haven't noticed any timing issues with my multi-kit. I am no hardcore fighting fan but i did compare a few games between the multi kit and a battery b-board of the same game . There was no difference beside the crackling audio wich was very minor . Controls and gameplay are the same in my opinion.

I just did the test to help out collect information.

Yes, this is what the community is all about, helping and sharing information that is helpful to all. Your results are different from the other test I had in that most of the time you were fine, but not always given you were experiencing the same inconsistent numbers. I mentioned this already so its unlikely you would notice anything. The slight voltage tweek you applied has fixed the situation totally though based on what you have said. As a matter of interest, has the audio situation changed or improved at all since you altered your PSU?

The information in this thread is for everyone who uses CPS2 hardware (not just multikit), its to aid them get correct gameplay as expected on their system. I will be updating it as needed to make sure the first post is as accurate as possible based on the information I have at hand.

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Sep 23, 2015
I don't think razoola is trying to cause fear, Even if upping the voltage is a non-issue that can be fixed by turning a knob. It is still something that is occuring that is unexpected / not intended. Someone having this issue may notice in the future, have it happen in a higher degree, or have this problem compounded with another.

They may not know it is a voltage issue. Going through this thread would identify/confirm that. And for someone like me, who's legitimate, original CPS2 boards don't even run unless the power supply is set to max voltage. Wouldn't consider buying a new power supply (because the one I have "works" fine) until reading this thread.

Regardless if it's a "problem" or not. Or if it's related to your multikit or not, it's just good documentation and it helps everyone troubleshoot in the future, and understand their hardware a lot better.

and that can't be a bad thing.
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Divine Hand of the UniBIOS,
Staff member
20 Year Member
Nov 12, 2002
Yes its important so I have also updated CPS2shock about this situation. I'm also going to be updating my suicide tester program so it checks for this issue to, this information is for all CPS2 users. Those playing original games, those using suicide free boards and those using multikits. It potentially effects everyone using CPS2 hardware.

I still need more information though so the more people that test using the current test programs the better.
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Armored Scrum Object
Apr 4, 2014
As a matter of interest, has the audio situation changed or improved at all since you altered your PSU?

Nope it had no effect on the crackle, higher or lower voltage.

Thanks for the independent confirmation. If you want your crackle fixed we are doing those updates now for free. Just contact us on our site and we will hook you up.

Aye i'll be sending you a PM on the AP forum this week for the fix. Thanks!


Cheng's Errand Boy
Jun 16, 2015
I am not a collecter, thats why I buy Multi-Board and Multi-Modules. I am an enthusiast, though. Thats why I want to play on original hardware to get the real experiance, real sound, real timing, ...

I really dont get it why people are called "anal" just because they dont like a crackled audio. (ok, it got fixed)

I do not have the option to check for correct timing, because I dont have the original games. I thought real hardware will have the correct timing. I am very glad that somebody points out the issue.

Instead of denying and blaming, we should be thankfull that somebody points it out. Now its time to fix it?