Consolized MV-1B hw test failed

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
Well I guess this was meant to happen at some point but it took me by surprise to see mine glitching out after being months unhooked from power.

I'm getting a hardware test failed for Backup RAM and the Z80 System... or at least that's what I think, because the screen reads more like


any hints of places to look into to fix this? I'm assuming cold solder joints.

EDIT: ok, it seems z80 errors are meant to be normal since the MV-1B doesn't have the SM1 ROM. With a cart inserted I can bypass the Backup RAM error with A, and the games work, but the graphics are still all scrambled.

The graphics are OK, no doubled pixels or vertical lines or any of the sort, just being fetched from the wrong addresses I think. This affects both the sprite and fix layers.
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My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
A bunch of different errors/problems all at once could happen from something simple like PCB flex damage. How was this CMVS stored? Was it upside down with stuff sitting on top of the bottom board?

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
A bunch of different errors/problems all at once could happen from something simple like PCB flex damage. How was this CMVS stored? Was it upside down with stuff sitting on top of the bottom board?
It’s the one from China that had the AES shell. It just sat on my shelf undisturbed.

I reseated the weird Jamma board and the bram error is now gone, but the graphic errors still persist with no change. And I’m probably going to give up very soon on it and just reuse the shell unless the fix is half obvious.

I never had to mess with a MVS board so stuff is still new to me. Stuck address lines on the LSPC is my best bet for now.


My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
Ah, well you didn't specify exactly what kind of CMVS this was before.

Are the MV-1B top and bottom boards soldered together? Check the soldering, if there's lots of flux (clear crusty goop), clean all that with rubbing alcohol, paper towel and a brush. Flux is somewhat conductive and can cause random problems.

Or still using the original connectors? Take the two boards apart and spray electrical contact cleaner in the connectors and reseat them. Put contact cleaner in the cart slot too.

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I feel for you because I kind of wanted to try one of these, and you took a gamble on it. I'm sure someone could repair the board.


My poontang misses Lenn Yang's wang
10 Year Member
Apr 3, 2011
Not that this would affect graphics but does the top board of ypur MV-1B have a replaced NEO-BUF? By replaced I mean wire jumpers or a little ribbon cable-type patch where the chip would be.


Quiz Detective
Jan 10, 2018
Not that this would affect graphics but does the top board of ypur MV-1B have a replaced NEO-BUF? By replaced I mean wire jumpers or a little ribbon cable-type patch where the chip would be.
THis is typical from boards from Aliexpress, and shouldnt affect if the NEO-BUF replaced are in these locations:


Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
I feel for you because I kind of wanted to try one of these, and you took a gamble on it. I'm sure someone could repair the board.
Nah, I had a good run with it for the price point.
Where's zeta to say "I told you"? :lolz:

Not that this would affect graphics but does the top board of ypur MV-1B have a replaced NEO-BUF? By replaced I mean wire jumpers or a little ribbon cable-type patch where the chip would be.
The slot board has that passive replacement littlecharlie linked to, the top board has a QSB PCB with two 74HC245As and some smd caps/resistors.

Haven't looked at it much because I was fixing my PS1, but I'm going to dive deeper into it tomorrow.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it connects both boards with ribbons. I resoldered the left one as it had the FIX rom lines going to it and that didn't seem to do a thing, despite the old opaque solder blobs it had.

For reference this is what the graphics output look like right now.


Again, since the graphics addressing looks like quite close to what its supposed to be I'm guessing lower addressing bits are getting stuck. But I have no idea where to look for it on the main board...

Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
Nah, I had a good run with it for the price point.
Where's zeta to say "I told you"? :lolz:

The slot board has that passive replacement littlecharlie linked to, the top board has a QSB PCB with two 74HC245As and some smd caps/resistors.

Haven't looked at it much because I was fixing my PS1, but I'm going to dive deeper into it tomorrow.
No, I think you have every right to expect many years of reliable gaming for what these cost.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
No, I think you have every right to expect many years of reliable gaming for what these cost.
The great news is that if I have to end up dumping this board, the cool shell and serviceable supergunish board is probably a good fit for a MV1C, with some adaptation. Or I could get another MV1B and recycle the ribbon cables that go under the connectors.


I've desoldered the BIOS eeprom in this (a 29f040 SOP44) but I don't have the right adapter on my programmer to burn smkdan's test bios. This will have to wait a bit.
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Neo Alec

Onigami Isle Castaway
20 Year Member
Dec 7, 2000
I wouldn't think a completely different board like the MV1C would fit correctly without a lot of work.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014
Alright, after much waiting for an adapter and new flash chips, and figuring out how to seat the chip in the dumbass socket this adapter has, I was able to burn the diag bios and this is what happens on boot:


I don't think this is as simple as swapping the lower 32K VRAM chip as the tile swapping happens consistently over all the text written on screen. But I think that bit 1 of the DATA bus that goes to the VRAM IC is screwed via a simple screen vs. SFIX tile id comparison:


What is a possible point of failure for this? This happens on sprite addressing too as my Magician Lord shots show.
Oh and for some reason controller input doesn't work for me.

Burning Fight!!

NIS America fan & Rent Free tenant
10 Year Member
Jan 12, 2014

- check continuity between NEO-GRC2 D0-D15 to the CPU (I dont know off the top of my head if its a direct connection, so their might be a buffer in between)
- check continuity between the NEO-GRC2 and the VRAM data pins (I think these must be V5Dx and V6Dx on the NEO-GRC2)
Just letting you know I haven't got the time to try it out yet but I will ASAP, thanks!