Does this version come with all the content or do you still have to DL it piecemeal like the XBLA version? I don't know if I'd buy all the individual components again, but I'd pay for it if they gave it all to us in one package.
I also wonder if they modified the drop rate for any of the rare items. I played this a ton with peeps for a while but got tired of farming Simon's Armor. I think that's what broke me on the game, to be honest. I thought that it was too hard to get a piece of armor that personifies one of the series' most iconic characters. I felt it should have been easier than that.
I really like the idea that items can be purchased in the shop (in game, using in game money, not DLC bought with real life dollars) if you've completed the stage after meeting a certain requirement. Like, say, not dying on Stage 6 allows you to buy Simon's Armor, but only if you spend a ridiculously high amount of gold to get it. That way, those of us that don't want to live on this game could still get some of those pimp items.
It's not like it's even a MMO where you can show off your pimp gearz to other players. It's just a six player co-op arcade platformer. I don't even think I had this hard of a time farming stuff in SotN or any of the GB or DS games. Seems like a lot of artificial replay to no end.
And screw the boss of stage seven. I hate that bitch.
Overall, I think this game is worth picking up, though. A great tribute to the older games in the series overall, and a lot of fun to play with others.