All KOF Infinites & Bugs Thread


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
List every single infinite from a KOF you know.

I'll start with a few. I've seen these from vids and read from many sources, so DO NOT credit me on these unless I say I found any of them.

KOF 97

Yamazaki Snake Tamer Cancel

This is easily one of my favorite inf's, because I love to build with Yamazaki, unfortunately my friend Robert has to deal with me when I constantly build with snake tamer cancels.

Hcb A/B/C hold, cancel with D. Gotta be quick.

This applies to 98 Yama to:
dp+D, hcb a/b/c (hold) D cancel, rush in and dp+D, and repeat.


NBM had a topic about 97 scores concerning Terry and his cA to hcf+b (might be different, havent tested) Basically, from what I read at Gamefaq's, you must go into the next move before the cA even shows the full frames, so basically you almost never see it come out. I havent tested this, so I cant confirm a perfect strat.

Under certain conditions you can constantly Crack shoot and corner opponent if they are cornered. Same goes for Joe's hcb+b.

KOF 98

A whole new world of cheese, say hello to extra mode.

Kyo's hammer stomp ff dwn+c, repeat over and over, you gotta be at a certain distance starting, and repeat over and over, I read up and this does indeed work. Extra mode only.
Mai has a variation of this also.

Extra mode Iori vs Brian. KOF China amazed me with this in one of there impressive vids. This only works on a cornered Brian Battler.

ff b+b, repeat. Looks beautiful flowed.

KOF 99

Kensou corner opp.

HCF+D one hit only juggle, repeat.

This game has many infinites.

KOF 2000

KOF 2000 Bug videos are here, you gotta have a account to download. All variations of these are fun as hell to try: I had the pleasure of being in two of these videos.

(I consider Remukhan a good friend and hes always helped me nail some of this stuff, I've improved because of this dude, so I'm giving him a shout out 'john n jeff' style.
Thanks Remu!)

Lin Infinite

ff (run) dwn+b, repeat. Easier in Armor mode, the most unskilled infinite ever, a true disgrace.

Kyo with Ryo as a striker

Corner opp:
jC sC hcf d,d, hcb+b, qcf a, call ryo, hcf d,d, hcb+b, qcf+a, call ryo, mix around. Juggle is provided endlessly (till striker bombs are gone), unescapable.

Vanessa with Joe as striker

jC sC, fwd+a hcf+c, call joe, jC sC fwd+a hcf+c, joe > repeat

There are endless juggle infs in 2000 because of active strikers, this is also true in 2001.

KOF 2001

Kyo vs Angel (Angel can be juggled infinitely under certain circumstances)
We all know this one.. Cheap as Lin's in 2000.

Daimon vs Angel
As bad as Kyo's, df+c in the corner, over and over.
If someone wants a show off BS toss in, df+c from outside of the corner, hcb+b, df+c repeat. Gotta cancel the df+c once it comes out to go forward in time to do another. Fun to test out.

Bao vs All df+D on a fallen opp, over and over. Thanks goes to my friend Eric who showed me this originally. Hes a good Angel user.

I also found one in practice only.
qcf+c, cancel to SDM hcf x 2 AC, repeat. Impossible outside of practice. Use in a corner.

Legends video infinites:

Robert vs All

This is a bitch to perform but its also fun.
Robert corner opp, sD *one hit* fwd+a, repeat.
This is mad hard to do consistently because of the "stringent" timing. I think the secret is in the slightest distance you are from the opp. While this may sound easy, I've never gotten more then 4 hits, any help would be appreciated.

Hinako vs All

cB sB, repeat and mix and match. (Read this in a faq originally.)
Not to difficult. Keep testing to improve your timing with it. You gotta move the opponent across the screen to get a good flow, I don't reccomend you corner for this.

Iori Infinite vs All

The MOFO of 2001, mr "I can finally link fwd+b's with Beni"

hcb+a, hcb+b, hcb+a repeat.
This can be done with dm canceling, look at for better info.
Basically as I have read, the hcb+b should not be seen and is canceled before coming out, so it flows with a sequence of constant canceling, and it appears as if he is doing hcb+a's over and over, when there is a cancel between each.
This is hard to do consistently.

There are many more for 2001.

I'll leave 2002 and 2003 to you guys.
Be sure to puke at this thread with any bug/inf you have seen or know personally for KOF.
I gotta say I want to keep this on topic so people can reference this easily, so please respect that, as much as it hurts for me to ask.


Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 12, 2002
KOF 2000

Takuma with Ryo striker
Very easy. After you connect the flying kick and f,b,f+p, right when he uppercuts, launch the striker. Start holding dwnback, then do fwd+d at the moment Ryo hits the enemy. The enemy should juggle up for you to f,b,f+p again. If you are at the corner, take the advantage and do dwn a, (insert jabs here), fwd+a, DM/SDM at the same moment Ryo hits the enemy.

KOF 2003

Supercancel Infinite
Alright, there are characters who are able to supercancel into DM after their DP move. Have a character tag attack, and have one of the following characters (there are more, I haven't tried them all): Iori, Joe, Yuri, do an DP, then supercancel. The DM should miss, and you are in a position where you aren't affected when you hit someone, meaning, you don't move back when you hit someone. Thats when you can mash down b.

Jhun Infinite
Similar to above, but the startup is different. Just jump and down+b, but right afterwards roll. He rolls, and becomes unaffected when he hits someone. Mash down b.

I won't list the Duolon thing because its not an infinite
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Zero's Tailor
May 28, 2002
The jhun bug also makes him float in the air. If you press df and b again he freezes.


today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000

chin has an infinite in 98 against chang i think...

chin in power mode,cross up,chang still facing the other direction

run C,run C,run C etc etc

there are other bugs / infinites like the ones in 2003 with jhun in 98

athena,shermie vs goro,choi...


jhun has a similar infinite to that lin armor mode / counter mode one

there are tons of infinites with strikers but i wouldnt exactly count em as,well, "infinites"

because,okay,strikers are meant to be cheap assholes

clark and ralf have an easy one with joe strikers

same goes for iori and i think many others


angel ( juggle fest )


may lee ( juggle fest )


i think duo lon has got an infinite - opponent facing the corner


terry - power charge


geese and benimaru

benimaru - crouch b kick > special throw

against clark

the geese one works with all the characters except maybe choi and the smaller ones

Neo Bomber Man

Miracle Seller, , ,
Aug 19, 2000
Fran said:
the geese one works with all the characters except maybe choi and the smaller ones

Which is to small jump up with C, over and over and over, and finish off with a Ja-ei-ken for style if you like.

Kim @ corner: jump up with C into a whatever the hell it's called since I can't remember at 5:00 a.m., his step on you kick, and repeat over & over.

Kyo has some kind of trap which I believe is an infinite though never tried it, with someone rolling into him while charging C for an Orochinagi SDM.

Yuri has some kind of infinite, I saw her with about a 76-hit combo.

Iori can infinite corner juggle with Deadly Flower x 2, over and over. He can even infinite with a C, Scumgale, C, Scumgale like Orochi Iori I am fairly certain.


Athena has some infinite that is impossible to do unless you are in vs. mode essentially, and I posted a lot of that game's infinite patterns in my departed high score thread.

Still not entirely sure if Kyo has an infinite Kai (though have been told he does) as I screw up empty-cancelling too much.

Speaking of which, '95 Kyo has an infinite Kai. Clark has an infinite Vulcan Punch juggle, Iori I think has an infinite Deadly Flower juggle, or at least an extremely mean one. Athena can sort of infinite, in that if you corner them you can keep doing Shining Crystal Bits over and over with no lag time and murder them with block damage.

Don't know what I might be forgetting. Back to work though.


flaming petrosexual,
15 Year Member
Nov 13, 2003
- 98

- (Only works against Daimon/Robert) Corner your opponent and perform Shermie's HCBx2+A/C DM, after this, Shermie will be "floating" a little higher than your enemy. You will only go back to the standard "plane" if you get hit, jump, or perform any special technique. While on this state, you can hit your opponent endelessly with the A button without "going back" because of the hits. I believe you can make up to 38hits just by pressing A rappidly.

- 2000

Lin - With no power stocks, perform his QCFx2+B/D DM. Lin will just graphically "kick", but from a technical standpoint what will happen is that your opponent's "block" status will be disabled. Your opponent will only be able to block again as soon as he/she hits you, other than that, they simply cannot block, anything.
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today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000
ah,forgot about the iori one in 96

hcf + A / C ( special throw ) > standing C + special throw > repeat

it dizzies your opponent after 4 or so times

K hunter

Kula's Candy
Aug 16, 2002
May Lee has some sort of Hero mode bug.dont know how it's done, but right after it's done, May Lee will start "flying" and will be stuck in it until she gets hit out


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
K hunter said:
May Lee has some sort of Hero mode bug.dont know how it's done, but right after it's done, May Lee will start "flying" and will be stuck in it until she gets hit out

Read about this at cyberfan, its a swap cancel to hero.
I'll try to explain it.
Make sure you connect the hcf b to hcb+D

So sD/cB cA hcf b hcb+D immediately do her hcf x 2 AC SDM (think of this as a SC to SDM) to cancel the switch, and she will have fused both versions.
Doing her j qcf x 2 a/c dm will result in freezing the opposite player, you can also freeze her. Use moves you would use in your regular mode. (DO NOT ABC cancel back)


Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 12, 2002
Fran, May lee doesn't have an infinite in 2002, but in 2001 she does. Duo lon doesn't have an infinite.
Jul 7, 2002
KOF '94, Team Brazil + Daimon:

Combo into special grab, dash if necessary to fallen opponent, repeat. It's easiest to try this one out in the corner using Heidern, since the storm bringer doesn't throw the opponent away from you. Just standing a->storm bringer, walk to fallen opponent, storm bringer again after they finish bouncing, storm bringer after bouncing....


Vanessa's Drinking Buddy,
Oct 12, 2000
KOF '96 - Andy Bodagd
Saw it on the Gamest video for KOF '96 a few years ago. Must be MAXed out:

Jumping D, Standing C, Geki-Heki Hai-Sui Sho (Dam Breaker Punch) - close, HCF + C, ChoReppadan (Super Sonic Swirl) - QCB, QCF + K

Actually, this is just a 100% combo. Hard to do for some reason in KOF '96, but if all hits land it will do a complete kill. I know other ones from this title with Geese, Iori, Choi, Kim and others. Will have to watch the video again so I can list more.

K hunter

Kula's Candy
Aug 16, 2002
Lord Wolfgang Krauser said:
Read about this at cyberfan, its a swap cancel to hero.
I'll try to explain it.
Make sure you connect the hcf b to hcb+D

So sD/cB cA hcf b hcb+D immediately do her hcf x 2 AC SDM (think of this as a SC to SDM) to cancel the switch, and she will have fused both versions.
Doing her j qcf x 2 a/c dm will result in freezing the opposite player, you can also freeze her. Use moves you would use in your regular mode. (DO NOT ABC cancel back)

ah, so that's how it's pulled off. freaky shit, those asian players around here pulled that bug off the second day we had 2k1 mvs here.


today forever
20 Year Member
Sep 27, 2000
valenti said:
Fran, May lee doesn't have an infinite in 2002, but in 2001 she does. Duo lon doesn't have an infinite.

when i wrote

2002 - maylee

i actually meant infinites ON maylee

the same thing that happens vs angel in 2001

you can juggle them forever = infinites

duolon does have an infinite

all you have to do is to tag at the right moment and if duolon starts that damn combo with opponent facing the opposite direction...




Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
K hunter said:
ah, so that's how it's pulled off. freaky shit, those asian players around here pulled that bug off the second day we had 2k1 mvs here.

The bug takes zero skill to do.
Very easy, since its just a cancel.
Duo's infinite is also a pain to avoid, since you need to tag to a cx, ( mentioned a corner, this does work btw)

So its cB qcfA f+B qcbA, cB repeat.

You can also do this facing the opp twice.

qcfA f+B qcbA cB qcfA f+B qcbA TAG
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Sep 2, 2004
kof 98 ryo's infinite

hello everybody!
In kof98 use Ryo, close to the opponent, perform hcf+a/c then down+c, before the opponent falls totally down, press immediately c comboed with a new hcf+a/c.
Amazing! :mr_t:

K hunter

Kula's Candy
Aug 16, 2002
Lord Wolfgang Krauser said:
The bug takes zero skill to do.
Very easy, since its just a cancel.
Duo's infinite is also a pain to avoid, since you need to tag to a cx, ( mentioned a corner, this does work btw)

So its cB qcfA f+B qcbA, cB repeat.

You can also do this facing the opp twice.

qcfA f+B qcbA cB qcfA f+B qcbA TAG

now that, is one annoying peice of shit. i really dont know much in the way of infinates, since i dispise(sp) them with a passion. total gameplay killers


Hardened Shock Trooper
Oct 2, 2003
Okay... I consider this to be a bug in KOF2003.

Its well known that... in order to fight Mukai you need to finish Kusanagui With a DM or a LDM...

Well these two annoying situations happened to me several times:

1.- I was kim, finished him with his QCF, QCF + B or D DM but he uppercutted me, both got hit... and both Died and then Clark simply appeared to do the Winpose... in the end I fought Adelheid (............)

2.- I was Ryo, finished him with his LDM, then he uppercutted me, both got hit and HE died... again... in the end i fought Adelheid... (................)

I don't know wether this is a Bug or its just part of the rule that you must beat him with a DM in which YOU do not get hit...

What do you guys think?


Earl of Sexyheim
20 Year Member
Jan 5, 2001
yashiroTCM said:
Okay... I consider this to be a bug in KOF2003.

Its well known that... in order to fight Mukai you need to finish Kusanagui With a DM or a LDM...

Well these two annoying situations happened to me several times:

1.- I was kim, finished him with his QCF, QCF + B or D DM but he uppercutted me, both got hit... and both Died and then Clark simply appeared to do the Winpose... in the end I fought Adelheid (............)

2.- I was Ryo, finished him with his LDM, then he uppercutted me, both got hit and HE died... again... in the end i fought Adelheid... (................)

I don't know wether this is a Bug or its just part of the rule that you must beat him with a DM in which YOU do not get hit...

What do you guys think?

I think its meant to be that way, so you gotta do it without a double hit interruption.

Eric Straven

Dec 18, 2004
The KOF98 infinite posted for Ryo also works in KOF97.
Here's a similar one for Robert in both KOF97 and KOF98:
[Optional - close C comboed into] hcf + B/D in corner, crouching C(time it right), [as opponent falls again] close C comboed into hcf + B/D, repeat from beginning.
For some reason, it seems to be harder in KOF 97 than in KOF98. The Kyokugenryu Ranbu Ken/Kyaku infinites are in my opinion the most unskilled and easy infinites in KOF history. Period. And that's some serious, serious credibility. They're fun to use though, but I never use them against human players.


Mr. Big's Thug
Dec 12, 2002
Fran said:
when i wrote

2002 - maylee

i actually meant infinites ON maylee

the same thing that happens vs angel in 2001

you can juggle them forever = infinites

duolon does have an infinite

all you have to do is to tag at the right moment and if duolon starts that damn combo with opponent facing the opposite direction...



Ok listen fran, its NOT an infinite, more like a semi-inf..cuz everytime you do it duolon moves back a little..

Eric Straven

Dec 18, 2004
Igniz has two infinites in KOF2001 that almost all of you know. It's not possible to play as him without enabling dip-switch 1-5.
QCF + C over and over.(It is the one that juggles, and you can juggle infinitely by performing the move over and over again.)
QCF, QCF + P super over and over.(Like the previous one, it juggles infinitely if it is repeatedly performed).
The second one only works in practice mode.
You can also end these infinite combos at any time by cancelling into one of Igniz' special moves or DMs/SDM.
For example, QCF, QCF + P -> QCF, QCF + P -> F, D, DF + K(his other super).
You can "mix-up" his infinites like this:
QCF + C -> QCF, QCF + P -> QCF, QCF + P -> QCF + C -> QCF + C -> QCF, QCF + P -> QCF + C
This one is pretty much useless for most of you guys since most of you guys don't have access to Igniz :(.

Knatty Dreadnok

Crossed Swords Squire
Apr 27, 2004
First Heavenly King

Here's my two cents: Goenitz KOF '96. You need dip switches 1-3 activated before you see the roster menu, switch them off after selection. -Enjoy

Jump (down then up) C, QCB, HCF A or C (MAXED)!
NOTE: Difficult to pull off initial strike misses sometime…
Requirements: Life meter must be flashing, power gauge must be MAXED!

(While Close) Press B, A, QCB, HCF A or C (MAXED)!
NOTE: This combo is HARD, you need to have PERFECT TIMING!
Requirements: Life meter must be flashing, power gauge must be MAXED!

Forward, Forward (RUSH) Crouching C, QCB, HCF A or C (MAXED)!
Note: Can be blocked, timing is CRUCIAL! Extremely HARD to pull off.
Requirements: Life meter must be flashing, power gauge must be MAXED!
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